Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Plus I don’t want to get a disease like before. u can’t keep it in your pants u losing your eyesight from all that texting an stalking to other bitches and you want me to be faithful and I have to take your shit like its some kind of privilege. Why am I so dumb to put up with this. Before i was with a dumb excuse of a human being who was a leach and now i am with a walking aidsbomb who is mean most of the time and doesn’t want me to keep my dogs. Well fuck you i am keeping my dogs and my condo
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Unlike most, I didn’t think my first love would one day just be my first love of many to come. I thought he was my first love and would forever be mine. I knew of him and his family nearly my whole life and our relationship was completely unplanned and out no where. He is 2 years older than me and we ended up going to the same concert, we hung out there and after that he pursued me. I fell in love with him so quick and he did too. I was completely shocked I knew he had a past of being a real
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I have tried so many datign sites looking for nerdy hunks who want kids and yet i keep bumping into a few men who hate or don’t want kids! I pray all the time and it is not working! I am about to start treatment for PCOS and i have not had sex for over ayear, because i have not found the right guy yet or the right guy has a bimbo slut in his bed! I wish the right man for me dumps his stupid skanky girlfriend and dates me and gives me a baby and wedding ring!
Someone please just help me. I’m sinking slowly into hell. I need one person to actually care. I’m sad all day everyday. And I’m scared to go to school. I’m tired of faking happy.
There’s a guy I really like, but he’s gay. It makes me sad hearing him talk about his affection for all these other guys, but I’m happy for him. It just makes me really sad knowing I’ll never be able to be with him. He always says to me he wish there was someone to love him, just anyone. Here I am thinking, ME! I just cry every night. Why can’t I be a guy…
I wish you would just tell me whats on your mind. Im tired of not knowing what the hell is happening. Im tired of putting so much effort forth but not getting anything back. What happened to us? Things use to be so great. What changed? Why do I feel like you ignore me? Why do I feel like you don’t care about me? You make me angry by the way you don’t seem to care. Honestly, I would love to put my hands up too and say “Fuck it, I’m done.” But I can’t, and I won’t. Why? Because I love you. And I
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I see the same four walls every goddamned day. Being stuck in this cracker box all the goddamned time is enough to make a person mad. I feel crazy on top of my several body image issues. I’m doomed to be that broke fat lard that never leaves the house.
..and I really don’t want to be just like my father.
The reason I didn’t jump at the 1st hint of you liking me & trying to ask me out is because I’m not quick to trust people, & I’ve been raised strictly, it took me a while to like you, & liking someone that much was still too new for me. I hope you are happy to know that when you’ve gone missing I squeezed every brain cell to remember your full name as I had overheard it and was so relieved to come across your video. I wasn’t playing games. I wasn’t playing hard to get. I wasn’t being an
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I’m giving you feedback from the field. Maybe you should listen and act on it rather than spending fifteen minutes telling everyone how I and the people giving the feedback are wrong.
2 In particular- one has ZERO vocabulary skills, literally he can NOT say big words you have to use small words with this guy or else he will not understand you, the other just wont shut up about himself and whats going on in his life right then and there, WHEN CLASS IS IN SESSION, he will raise his hand and start telling us about why he has a limp- THAT NO ONE NOTICES OR CARES ABOUT, it’s on all of our faces, he also treats everyone as if there was no conceivable way for anyone to find him
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u coudlnt spot talent if your lfie depended on it. pricks
I am a fan of a group of really talented guys. I like the music and when people say good things about them and i like being updated on what they are doing. but lately, things have not been so nice. everything has been shit. There is always some sort of drama that goes on, every single day, for no reason. I try to enjoy something, and that gets shit all over. i am now blocking and ignoring people because i don’t want to see their shit all over my dashboard. it sucks and i’m not sure if it’s
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I’m the only freshman who has never been asked out ever.
I’m an artist myself, it’s true. But–especially around Tumblr–it gets fucking annoying when some people can’t fucking accept the fact that some people like their art. And then they constantly fucking cry about how their art sucks and how they hate drawing. Fucking Christ, people. If someone says your art is good, it’s good. ESPECIALLY if they argue for your art on more than one occasion.
Honestly, quit being a whiny bitch.
God look at you. Thinking u know everything when u r probably wrong. Your very voice is annoying as is your own self indulgence.prick
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