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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Why I should literally kill myself 78

well i just got the second set on midterms back and honestly, i have no fuckin idea what i am gonna do with my life. its a complete fuckin mess. I am working 24 7 on pretty much everything . show up to all my class and barely even have time for my self.

recently i was super depressed and was on a couple of meds. while I was on it, my life was shit. to help me i used to smoke pot. now i do it alot (everyday) i try to stop but i get super anxious and feel like shit and i dont know what to do. I …view more

The robots we are expected to be in todays society 48

I’m really sick and tired of life right now. I don’t see any point in living in this damned society where expectations on a child is as heavy as it is now. I wish I could’ve been born in the 1950s, where the american dream was to have the wife stay at home and the husband out working. I know, as a girl, it’s selfish of me because I would be sheltered away from the harshness derived from society, but that was what the tradition was right? Now, because I was born in a relatively affluent family, …view more

I don’t know what to do 48

Okay, so, growing up I never had many friends, and now, I am in high school, and I wanted to go to a boarding school where I didn’t know anyone so I could do a fresh start, but here I don’t have any friends and I am so insecure, I have low self-esteem, and I don’t have any close friends, and I never have, and I am not close with anyone, but that is making me more worried, because I want to get close with someone, but I don’t know how since I have never done it before, and people have tried to …view more

My life means nothing 78

I’m not a nobody but I’m not somebody, I’m that person in the shadows. The person who never try’s to be the centre of attention, the main attraction, the spotlights favourite. I feel useless to the world, yet I feel like I could be something in it. I look around myself at school and see everyone has someone they could fall back to and hang out with, I have nobody there, I trust nobody there, and I don’t talk to nobody there. And when I do hang out with people I feel as if there thinking in …view more

Fucking bitch x wife 28

I bend over backwards for my fucking x cause we share 3 kids that I love to death. I am also disabled with a mental disorder so I say live for today. Instead of bringing my kids over tonight like we agreed to she decided to keep my oldest son there cause she was upset with him. He is a year away from being an adult and she treats him like he is worthless. So I thru a fit on the phone and told her to keep them all until they can all come. Long story short she kept them and now I am home alone …view more

Screwed at work 38

I called out twice in 2 years and am doing the workload of 3 people, and am still getting shit on. WTF?! And here’s a shout out to K and J: you are absolutely the most vile gutter trash sluts in the known universe.

so annoyed with everything but work 38

i am so annoyed. the guy i love doesn’t love me back. i dont really have my own place so i dont have a home. all my stuff is in my car and my car isn’t even parked somewhere safe. i work all over the country and my car is parked on the other side of the country from where i work and the other day some jerk stole my bike rack from the back of it so now my bike is INSIDE my car under a tarp. i need a place to live where i can put all my things and park outside and go into and drink wine, lsiten …view more

I hate my sister-in-law’s husband 28

I fucking hate that son of a bitch! Want him to go back to fucking New Zeland. Hope his cancer comes back and kills the fucker!

I need this off my chest 08

So I try and help to keep the house as clean as possible because my mom works pretty late. But sometimes the house ends up messy again since other people do live here and it’s really frustrating to have her say I don’t do anything in the house. She’s told me many times before that if she had a week off then the whole house would be shining like a castle. The thing is, she’s had an entire week off before, quite a few times actually. The real kicker is that she’d go out every day during that week …view more

Friends ? Hah! 08

It’s funny how people claim to be my friends . But the moment I needed help , they just disappeared . As if they never existed in my life . Maybe that’s how it is . From the start , I don’t even have a fucking friend . Not a single one . None . Nada . Zilch . Fuck.

unfair 38

how can someone sympathise with someone who is sick but doesn’t show symptoms? I have irritable bowel syndrome and it has terrible bloating that makes me breathless and constipated and hurts my back all the time. No one knows or understands how much it affects me. I cry sometimes and i don’t know how to explain why. i just feel like it affects me everyday. I’m so stressed.


My sister has cancer
My niece has cancer
My mother died of cancer 3 years ago this month
I got accused of being a prostitute and was placed on leave at work. Since being reinstated I hate my job and everything about it
I finally broke up with my cheating boyfriend of nine years. He told me he didnt love me. Now he wants me back and guilts me for dating
I am currently sleeping with 5 different men.
I think about suicide constantly
Buying a house was the biggest mistake I have ever made

What did I do wrong? 28

I waited for you for two years. You told me you were interested, you asked my friends about asking me out, where you should take me. I waited, and I waited because I knew that you had never asked a girl out before. Senior Prom came around, and you told your parents and my cousins that you were going to ask me, that you wanted to ask me, and I went dateless. You danced with three other girls there in front of me. At the end of the night, you finally came up to me and started asking me if I had …view more

Boys 28

I kinda like this guy but i havent talked to him yet and im trying to figure out if hes a douche. I actually have somewhat of a shot with him. Whats my move here

It’s OK to look… but just don’t touch? 38

So I’m completely in love with my boyfriend and I don’t wanna be with anyone else but I have a tiny crush on one of his friends. I can’t believe I’m even saying this but I find his smile incredibly contagious and sometimes I feel like he either knows I like him or hes a little flirty with me too. I’ve never done anything with him and I don’t plan to, I just feel so guilty thinking he’s attractive

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