Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Honestly any guy that I let into my life the passed 6 months have hurt me. I am a very attractive woman and that’s all guys think about is sex. How about helping me through hardships and being there as a best friend. UGH!
All the signs were there that they wanted to date but no turned out they wanted friends with benefits and decided they would rather ruin our friendship to get sum. Do guys even know how mind draining that is to us?!?! When we are really into you and all you want is sex. WTF.
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so maybe i sound like a spoilt selfish bitch here, but i got a smaller part than most of my friends in the drama production, and i know i deserve at least equal parts with them. nd i am 99% sure that the teacher just gave me a shitty part because i handed in a parent’s consent form in late.
so maybe i sound like a self-centered bitch, but i know i am a better actor these people. i hate how boastful this sounds, but it’s true. i consistently got better grades than them when we did drama
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i hate that you know so much about me, and yet don’t care.
i hate that i fell so hard for you and picked her over me.
i hate that you are the one guy i can’t say no too.
i hate that i can’t help having feelings for you after all this time.
i hate that you think its okay to play me, and i let you.
i hate that i hate you.
i hate that i don’t hate you, not even a little bit.
i hate that i don’t feel good enough.
i hate that my friends don’t pay
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I just paid for a beautiful striking teal homecoming dress that I helped pick out and paid for, along with another dress I am not crazy about for a homecoming dance. Paid for matching high heel shoes, and rhinestone necklace and earrings. I paid out quite a bit of money this weekend, and what do learn, my daughters not wearing this beautiful outfit and look gorgeous her friend is, seems its her boyfriends homecoming dance and she really wants to look good for him. My daughter is going to wear
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Bummer. So pretty and charming, but behind the facade, you’re really weak. I understand why you are single now.
O really? You want to now do the same creative things that I’m doing, using the same people that I use, the same venues, the SAME TECHNIQUES? I can really see you are grasping at straws just to keep yourself afloat, but really, its sad. You think you can run on my coat tails? Just because you buy yourself the equipment doesn’t mean you’ve got the imagination…I’m sorry I met you.
People who are single who just want to travel vast amounts of distance to come to your house for you to pamper them are running away from something and are spoiled brats living off someone else’s dime in their off time. Grow up!
I’m ugly. I’m happy.
And I don’t understand why you think that those two are an impossible combination.
Which is absurd, considering your (apparently hypocritical?) speeches about beauty not being important. I just hope for your own sake that you’ll learn to see that ugliness is not a flaw, and that awesome people are awesome people regardless of whether they’re ugly or beautiful.
I just don’t know how exactly I could help you to understand that.
I stupidly agree to write a paper for someone (I know I know… lame.) The paper ends up being way more complicated than I anticipated and now I’m stuck writing it in a hurry with an upset stomach. I’m pissed off at my boyfriend for getting pissed off at me over this stupid paper and I’m pissed off at my roomate for wanting to bring his on again off again girlfriend over to the house tonight…
I have the clap and I’m thinking of raping someone with it.
Although in all honesty I’ll probably just have a wank in my work colleagues mug.
I took advantage of someone in the worst possible way when I was 10 years old. I don’t remember how old the person was…it happened nearly 20 years ago. I feel like crap, extreme depression and anxiety due to what I did. I’ll never do it again, and I am in therapy for my issues.
My ex is still a goddam lying piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it just seems as though you don’t make any effort with us anymore, and it upsets me, it really does. i arrange things time and time again, and you are still the only one that doesn’t turn up for like, the tenth time in a row. i know you like hanging out with your family .. don’t you think we do too? yeah, of course we do. but we can make an equal balance of family time and friend time. i ALWAYS make fucking sure i have time for my friends. if someone needed to call me or text me at 4 in the
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yeah, i know you have depression, yeah, i know you think your life is shit, but sometimes..i think you put it on just a little bit! you love the attention. and no offence, but i don’t even like you. why do you think we’re best of friends now? i talk to you because i feel sorry for you, everyone else is scared of you because you put such a tough front on. no wonder nobody wants to talk to you. thing is, whenever we do talk, it’s always about you. i’m not your fucking confidence booster, alright?
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I feel so suffocated right now and he has no idea. Every day he tells me how much he loves me and how he has never been more happy or at ease with anyone else.
He wants to spend every single day with me and as much as i love spending time with him i’m starting to feel like i’m drowning in his love, gasping for air and no way of catching my breath!
It makes me feel so guilty because he is everything i’ve ever wanted and although i don’t want to break up with him, i need some space, time to see
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