Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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My sister has cancer
My niece has cancer
My mother died of cancer 3 years ago this month
I got accused of being a prostitute and was placed on leave at work. Since being reinstated I hate my job and everything about it
I finally broke up with my cheating boyfriend of nine years. He told me he didnt love me. Now he wants me back and guilts me for dating
I am currently sleeping with 5 different men.
I think about suicide constantly
Buying a house was the biggest mistake I have ever made
I waited for you for two years. You told me you were interested, you asked my friends about asking me out, where you should take me. I waited, and I waited because I knew that you had never asked a girl out before. Senior Prom came around, and you told your parents and my cousins that you were going to ask me, that you wanted to ask me, and I went dateless. You danced with three other girls there in front of me. At the end of the night, you finally came up to me and started asking me if I had
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I kinda like this guy but i havent talked to him yet and im trying to figure out if hes a douche. I actually have somewhat of a shot with him. Whats my move here
So I’m completely in love with my boyfriend and I don’t wanna be with anyone else but I have a tiny crush on one of his friends. I can’t believe I’m even saying this but I find his smile incredibly contagious and sometimes I feel like he either knows I like him or hes a little flirty with me too. I’ve never done anything with him and I don’t plan to, I just feel so guilty thinking he’s attractive
I hate house guests that won’t go away!
I dated this guy then we broke up and now I think I’m in love with him but he is talking to my best friend and omg I’ve been crying for days I wish he would forgive me
Halloween is my favorite holiday. Always has been. And this year I don’t get to do anything. I’m literally sitting at home wanting to cry because it’s my favorite holiday and I didn’t get to do anything for it. It’s upsetting
OMG my friends take sooooo long to get out of the house. 4 of us live together and 2 of us had cars until mine died forever so now i have to get a ride with the only other person with a car and it takes foreverrrr. If we have some where to be for 10 they wont be ready until 11 and it takes us 15 more minutes to leave the driveway like how does it take you so long to get ready when you don’t even put on make up 95% of the time
I keep seeing girls post about not wanting short guys on facebook, but all their other posts are like Y DOES SOCIETY WANT US 2 B BEAUTIFUL WE CANT HELP R LOOKS LUV US 4 PERSONALITY. Guys can’t help their height either darling, so why not take a look at a short guys personality for a change?
I ran into my “best friend” from high school whom I haven’t really spoken to since I got married 5 years ago. Shes your typical I’m hot, most popular type of girl. I like to refer to her as the ‘Kim Kardashian wanna be’ since that is exactly who she is trying to be like.
I ran into her the other day in a restaurant, well she sat down at the table behind us. I just tried to hide from her and pretend like I didn’t notice. I’m not the skinny mini I was in high school, I’ve been married, had a kid
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Sometimes, I really feel like I have nobody to rely on.
I partially grew up without a mom. My father didn’t care about the family until we all started to hate him. My friends, they can never understand my feelings because they never been through the same thing. My best friend… I don’t even want to talk about her anymore. I really don’t want my guy friends to be annoyed of me. My siblings don’t like dealing with emotional shits.
Ughh, I wish I can just grow up and live in peace happily.
My 23 year old daughter isn’t launching and I’m worried that she’s going to get stuck at home taking care of her mother.
She’s very bright. She wants to work in Hotel management and she is a natural. She intrinsically understands the issues and how to address them. She understands how to deal with and how to manage people. The problem is that the kid gets lazy. She dropped out of college with a little less than 18 months to go. She got into a funk - maybe it was guy problems, there were
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There was a day and age when around every corner, something new and amazing was there to find. These days, who you are, what you are, where you are, what you’re doing, who your doing, and where your going is important as long as you have a smile on your face and look spectacular doing it. What ever happened to the real thing?
I work in a high traffic service department where I schedule service calls for technicians to perform various services at our clients’ homes.
We get extremely busy and are often understaffed at our busiest times of the year.
Since my workplace is in an office, and the main medium of communication with customer is via telephone, the customers don’t realize how busy it gets.
In a regular retail environment, the majority of people can see that there are massive line-ups of other customers,
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Can’t one simply be done with the world without having to explain why they are. I don’t want to explain why I’m done with everyone and everything. If I say I’m done then I’m done. How hard is that to except. So when I say I don’t want to talk because I’m not in the mood please just listen and quit blowing up my fucking phone!
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Be it a confession, a rant about how your customers suck or just tell us why you hate your life. Feel free to vent your rage on here!