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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Most Condemned Posts

Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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lazy pig parents 89

I’m a medical professional in a horrible position. I work in a private home taking care of a child who’s parents are the scum of the earth. I cannot and will not give any more details than that, but they are sorry pieces of shit. my husband left me and took my car, and if I didn’t have a car payment because of that I’d do everything I could to get these people in trouble for every illegal, neglectful, immature action they’ve taken since I’v worked here. I’m fucking furious. I am well beyond …view more

You’re tearing me apart 99

A month ago I posted about a “best” friend who I am deeply in live with. Over this month I tried so hard to tell myself that I don’t like him. Right now I don’t even know if I really like him. Is it because he’s always with me and I feel like I don’t have any other guy friends that can replace him? Well…. A few weeks ago I planned on to give up and accept the fact that I like him. I tried to play hard to get… Which was a fail. Tonight is prom but we planned to attend next years prom. I asked …view more

you ARE a whore. 39

i am SOOO effin sick of logging on to facebook every morning and see you post something about how you’re a friggin alcoholic loser. and it’s funny how you say everyone else in this town is trashy cuz of this and that, uhm okay you sleep with a new guy every friggin week. so before you go and call someone else a whore, take a look in the mirror hun, or better yet your fukin STD test results :D
Have fun destroying your liver ;)

lazy 109

why is everyone around me so fucking lazy

no 99


Wait Listed 129

I’m not afraid to say that I am a hard working student. I have had straight “A’s” for three years, been involved in tons on school activities and done loads of community service. I got a notification from the University of Connecticut that I’m not accepted, but if I email them they will be willing to put me on a wait list and I wont get their wait list decision until the end of May, but almost every athlete with mediocre grades and SAT scores got instantly accepted into UConn. Way to piss on …view more

Do your own damn work 89

Are you guys stupid or just incompetent? Because I really want to know why you can’t do your own work. You are hired to put certain paperwork on the patients’ charts and when you print off part of that paperwork to my desk and expect me to interrupt my work (when you guys are busy we are too) just to do that portion of your job. I do it occasionally when I know that you are exceptionally busy and I’m slow, but when it’s insanely busy and 400 pieces of your paperwork print off, it pisses me off …view more

again 69

Ah, screw you. Again. Pretty soon I’l move on, but I guess I’ll wait another couple of days and see if you make an effort.

I want you to e-mail me 59

You should really e-mail me or g-chat me. It’s your turn. I hope you want to be with me.

jealousy 49

i don’t want to be jealous of you, but i am. i know it’s not your fault and that you aren’t trying to make me feel bad about myself but you do. it’s not fair… everyone loves you. you’re so cool and unaffraid. i just want someone to notice me.

Fickle Fickle. 59

Girl. I cant think of anywhere else I can vent about you and how much of a ridiculous human being you are. You are so fickle, so inconsiderate of other peoples feelings. Floating around looking for someone to love you, someone to pay attention to you, but only so much that allows you to bow out and run away with ample time to save yourself while leaving others cut, bruised and weeping. I have done everything I can to make you understand that I care about you. As soon as I put my feelings to …view more

My life is awesome. 59

It’s so great. I love my life. I love my body. If there were two of me, I’d marry myself and we’d have clones instead of children. Sometimes I stare in the mirror, totally transfixed with my awesomeness. My sweat cures cancer and I shit gold nuggets which smell of rose petals. I am God’s gift to God.

“Creative” Differences… 49

Why oh why does my boyfriend insist that Linkin Park is a better band than Nine Inch Nails? That is like saying Kidz Bop is a better band than Metallica: It makes NO SENSE!
I know that everyone has their opinion but come on!

Fuck this shit 69

Shit. I am so pissed off and I don’t know why. Everything just drives me nuts. Part of this is my own inability to concentrate on shit and get it done. Part of it is aimlessness and too much time to think. The infinite options that I have with the crapload of money that I saved up does nothing to actually make me happy. It just makes my options so infinite that it is so hard to pick one.

And still I prefer this to actually going to work every day. Work is just an excuse for lacking an …view more

Where the fuck is my Money????? 49

It has been 2 1/2 weeks since you said you would refund the money you owe me. That is 350 pound I no longer have. I have about 20 pound to my name and that has to last me through till the 21st of Jan… through New Years even. I need to get an immunisation so I can work here, and it costs 65 pound. Without it I can’t work, if I can’t work I can’t get paid, and if I can’t get paid, I can’t pay rent, can’t buy food. I’ve already had a loan from my parents, I already own my best friend here a couple …view more

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