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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Lonely Bitch 49

Sooo right.
There’s this girl… in our class… shes realllyyy lonely and she tries to find a friend in me and my group of friends. We tried being nice but this girl is a psychotic lunatic freak!!! She stalks us and tries to get in on random private jokes and she’s really loud and obnoxious. She’s so fucking ratchet and stupid like ugh!

She’s FAT as hell, smells bad, her lip all tun up, also wearing clothes 10 sizes to small and doesnt know when ta shut the FUCCKKKK up. She acts like she knows …view more


You have no right to hit on me, force yourself on me (while I’m still in a relationship, btw) then blame me for not wanting you!! You’re a fucking horny asshole who can’t control himself. You forced yourself on me then spread rumors that I didn’t like you and ruined your night? Wow, fuck you. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. Just weeks after that, you force yourself on my best friend and BASICALLY FACE RAPE HER WHEN SHE POLITELY GIVES YOU A RIDE HOME?!?! UGH! YOU PIG!!! You CANNOT force your lips and …view more


AAAAHHH! Of all the people I could have been placed with it had to be you - you stupid blond loud mouth bimbo bitch!! Why, why, why!! All you do is fucking moan about everything and feel the need to be so loud about everything! Learn to have a fucking conversation rather than shout out everything with emphasis like your on some shit reality tv show cause your not, bitch. And why must you sing all the time cause you cant, its cringy and horrible and oh my god just shut up you cannot hold a tune …view more

My brother is a dick. 59

Title says it all.

Social acceptance 09

I go to a school in which every living moment I spend inside my hatred grows stronger for the wretched hellhole and the pupils that I’m forced to interact with. it’s full of borderline literate cretins who’s main concern is being accepted socially. The new dress sense, taste in music and general way my generation conduct themselves is just horrific. To which those I’m reffering to at an Ayrshire school ‘FUCK YOU ALL!’

I miss him 59

god help me please im planning to not talk to my bf for a month to follow through with a no contact rule and its been only 4 daaays….i miss hiiiim…. i hate thisss…why cant things just be perfect why do we have to fight all the time…why??? we were so perfect 2yrs ago… hes the one i dont want anyone else why cant he just change some of his actions? why god why do i have to have heartache everyday?? why cant we be happy?? why is his brain so one sided?? why doesnt he see MY point of view any …view more

Same Shit, Different Day 69

My mom likes to delude herself that her boyfriend is SO much better than her ex-husband (my dad). When he acts EXACTLY the same, like making cutting, passive-aggressive remarks when he’s drunk, losing his cool at the drop of a hat, or coming home and complaining about the first thing he sees before he can even say hello… she tries to pretend like nothing’s wrong, even when her body language and facial expression betrays her and I can tell she’s disturbed. Her pride won’t let her admit it …view more

He never listens to me. 69

I think my husband thinks that I am a complete dumb ass! I am working on building a niche website. I have told him a gazillion times that I can do it myself. He tells me today that his brother can build it for me bc he took an HTML class. Well, I am pretty sure that I will need a little more than a title with a picture of a pretty bird on the page. That was what his HTML class taught him. On top of that I have told him a gazillion times that I know html. Goooooood grief. He NEVER listens to me, …view more

Im fed up and stuck. 49

I live with my “fiance” right now and I’m just tired of it. I havnt worn my engagement ring in a few weeks, he hasn’t noticed. I don’t even want to get married anymore. We just moved I have a crap job his mom is old (50s) and needy wants to move out here with us and I just don’t like her. She needs to hear from him everyday texts and calls him I feel like they talk about me cause there will be deleted texts in their convo. I’m just tired of it he doesn’t listen to me. This eats at me and I want …view more

I hate my fucking family 39

I FUCKING HATE MY FUCKING FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good for nothing piece of shits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They disrespect me, they don’t listen to me, they are useless, lazy, cunts!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For example today!
My mom is acting all stress out about her home business. I always help my mom with everything including her home business. I help her clean the house, do chores, run her stupid home business. I even sacrifice keeping a full time job because she needed help. For what? a …view more

My sweet hypocrisy. 49

Christians ranting about atheists, then tries to shoves Christianity down my throat, then me ranting about them. AAAhhhh sweet hypocrisy.

Frustration, anger and depression and no idea what to do 49

I think I had potential. I think I am a good person. I worked very hard and I lost everything, again. You see I had dreams and I this country they tell you that if you follow your dreams and work hard you can make them come true. I believed. I believed in God. I believed in country. I believed in friends. I believed in me. Now I don’t believe in anything. 2 failed businesses and three small children and a wife and nothing else. I wish I had my placebos back.




God damn every damn piece of shit!!! I hate every human being on earth and wish they would all exploed into nothing pieces of shit!!!! I hate this existence a perpetual race of rats and money. MONEY IS FUCKING USELESS!!! ALL WE CARE ABOUT IS MONEY!!!! I HATE OUR SOCIETY LET”S END THIS MOTHER FUCKER!!!!



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