Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I hate people who are users, self absorbed, passive aggressive and all around losers. They deserve to rot in hell with all their loser cronies. Kiss my ass former friend! Stay out of my life!
I am starting to really hate guys and feeling really ignored by the guys that I thought cared about me. Especially this one guy who I had feelings for and I confessed to. we literally talked everyday for about five or six months, and even after i confessed, he talked to me and we were friends, not awkward, just good friends. But after a week or two of talking normally, he just completely shut me out and stopped taking to and completely just ignores my snapchats, messages, everything. So at this
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I faced one year of severe sexual harassment while working at a bank. When I moved to a new department, the director was such a creep. I am just an honest hardworking victim of abuse. The director used to malign me to managers. He wants women to keep shut if they are harassed or raped. His excuse: the women looked at the guy (in his terms she invited him). **Director you are a fucking asshole.
Besides, why do 1/5 of the men in my bank prey on women. Fucking trashy rapist men everywhere.
I am tired of internet forum comments just calling women SLUTS and WHORES every single time they do something perceived as negative. I understand what people mean when they say “She’s acting like a real bitch” and that makes sense. But slut and whore never make sense to me. What is wrong with having a lot of sex? Even if you don’t emotionally care about the person? Why is it the woman’s job to care about everyone’s feelings, and then get called “just a woman” and belittled for being too
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You don’t have to call me atleast once every 30 minutes… just to show some cute thing our son does. Definitely not when I need to work.
If I post a status or a photo before you in facebook, learn to appreciate it and enjoy it together. Just because we have many friends and relatives in common doesn’t make me a hero for posting it and you a stupid for not. Stop making it the no.1 issue in the world and above all stop harassing me for it.
If anything. stop your stupid phone chats and make lunch
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I posted a rant on here on Sunday, and I was totally crazy. I don’t know what was up with me that day. I apologize to all for it, especially who it was about. I truly do love him. Although that didn’t sound like it at all. I do. We talked through it, and went out that evening and had a great time.
So you are the Taylor Swift of book writing now? Except you will never be famous & your shit debuts in the $1 bin. Go ahead & rake in some sympathy with your bullshit sob story. How about you fucking talk to him instead of writing some passive aggressive story? Glorified blog. Whatever the fuck you wanna call it. Everyone will be happy when you embrace your cat-lady future & quit bitching. Except for that one bitch with no life who is just waiting on you to turn her loose on your drama because
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If you call tech./customer support, and they say:
“Good <time of day>. This is <so and so>, from <some department/company>. How may I help you?”
Don’t respond with:
“Yeah. I blah, blah, blah… ”
It’s rude.
found my ring. tytytytytytytyty. it’s been a crushing fear since i misplaced it. and really it was about opening my eyes and looking. gezzzzzz and really it aint much but it’s special to me. :D.
and seriously early take off anouncement loud and ohmy. definately time to get outta dodge. crazy fucking world yup.
things to dew—-
cut nails, cant put up a building with claws, they break and i cry.
heat is going to bee the number one issue. we r all cowards when it comes to cold sighhhh
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My husband is a fat ass. Flat out. Not only that but he has health issues because of it, and eating is an addiction for him. Well, misery loves company so now I weigh more than I have in my entire LIFE! Including when I was full term pregnant with either of the three babies I carried. Though I’m still not a fat ass, I don’t appreciate him cooking like he’s trying to win on Hell’s Kitchen, tempting me all hours of the night with all this lovely food because it won’t belong before neither one of
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SS I wish nothing but the worse for you. I will wish the worse for you till the day I die. You brought nothing buy misery in my life. And I dont care if karma gets me. But just as long it happens to you first.
college makes me want to put a bullet in my skull. paying thousands of dollars for a cheap ass education that i’ll forget anyway. useless knowledge that has no real life application. no wonder the world sucks. universities are farms for barely literate monkeys. monkeys that will one day run businesses, schools, and governments because they drank their way to a useless piece of paper. is it worth it? no. does society demand it? yes. will i make it? time will tell.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I cannot wait to get out of this hell hole of a house! Yeah yeah I live in America, I get fed more than enough, I have all the luxuries money can buy… You know what I don’t have? ANY FUCKING FREEDOM. I am 18 years old and my parents READ MY GODDAMN TEXTS. I’m not allowed to have a boyfriend or even friends who are male. I have to give those assholes my phone every night at 9:30 so they can read all of my messages like the creepy fucked up shits that they are. Why don’t I just
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I make 14k more annually. I will buy the expensive science diet cat food, you fuck! It’s pretty well a total extra expense of $30 per year. Pretty sure I can manage, ass.
I’m sick of you. You bitch and moan constantly. You include me at your convenience and if I say shit, I’m the bad guy i hate all of your petty obsessions. I’m sick of this being normal to be so mindless. Just because you can’t even talk to any one of the weekly crushes you have, doesn’t mean that my conversation with the opposite sex means I want to hook up with them. The rest of you do deserve this as much as her. Your weak and gullible. I don’t know how I can even stand you. You let her gain
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