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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Fucking Lottery 29

I’m so sick of these old ass people winning the lottery and winning all these sweepstakes when most of them haven’t done anything important with their lives. I’m 25 and have done more good and anything than these people and when I ask for just this one thing, I get a big fuck you from karma and god.

I even raise kids that are not even mine with nothing but good intent, I never asked for anything. But some assholes and old people get the prize? What the fuck ever happened to the good getting …view more

bitch 29

Beauty of being a 20 yeat old is not caeing about proving yourself. Pretty sad to those that do. Anyway hows the bed that u so despreatly went bak to. Now cook bitch

People can blow me! 39

I recently quit my job to start my own business. It’s going very well, but my family thinks I’m just an “unemployed loser” now. Admittedly, money’s a bit tight until things get rolling. My parents told me to go apply at frickin’ Shopko today. Seriously? Blow me! I’m not working some crappy retail job for minimum wage when I’ve got 25 years of work experience and three college degrees. I had a frickin’ retail job when I was 16 years old and it sucked a$$ back then. Why would I ever want to do it …view more

FML, Kids Can Suck! 49

I love my kid, I love my wife. But every now and then I just want to have sex with my wife! The last 2 months our kid will wake up in the middle of the night and cry so that my wife has to go lay down with him. This would be fine except he only fucking does it LITERALLY right at the start of sex each fucking time. The last time I was able to make my wife cum and 20 seconds after I started fucking her he starts whining in the other room. WTF are the odds that in all of the minutes on the god …view more

I 29

I just want someone to sympathize with me, you know.

bitch…. 69

i still cant believe you did that to me… you were my friend. really? thats so low.

No reason to live anymore 09

I’ve been given up on

waiting for the pain meds to kick in blues….crap 09

grrrr . cnn smiles and happy helped get through the am.

lookin forward to sanity check tomorrow, hard to say if i will pass. andd health issues and pain r going to have to bee addressed. sighhh this gettin old shit for the birds.

certainly was the weekend from hell but then it’s over anddd i can hope for improvement. shrug.

it was of some interest the issue of would i require ummm my purceptions of aspects of bio got all fucked up ummm would i require counciling etc. definately yes. but …view more

complancy 49

certainly i believe the anti’s helped ME. i have NO answers for others and believe tht this crap is effected differently by different input and peeps. shrug. in years of abuse and isolation it was my only comfort. i dont know if my answers r right or wrong , just the only available. my answers r less of an issue for me than a world of isolation and abuse.

dont know that a world of volitle peeps ready to explode is and better than a world of cold dead peeps trying to remember what humanity …view more

bbbbaaaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaa 49

pretty bad when random wedding dance video’s make me sick. funny in odd ways. lmaolmaolmao.we build walls to keep ourselves safe.

word o the day is anticipation. really one of my favorite 10 emotions orrr the equivilent therefore. really early on the pation turned to dread in such extremes that meh i have to work with that. and a conundrum for moi. in reality that isnt and my journey a templte for confused and frightened peeps ummm less u got a cuz childhood friend with a story that blows …view more

A Massage Therapist’s Rant 59

A little massage savior faire.

First of all, let me make it perfectly clear that I bend towards Libertarianism & don’t have a personal problem with a rub & tug. Just don’t expect one from me. If that’s what you want, there are plenty of ads on craigslist who make it pretty clear that they will accommodate you. On the other hand, I am a grey-haired old lady & I am so not interested. I mean it. Don’t call.

I realize that a massage can create an uninvited natural reaction sometimes. If you are …view more

why? it’s so meaningless and unfair 49

I didn’t notice her at first. We worked together. I was being nice, friendly was all. Somehow, she got under my skin without my noticing. POW! I was and am taken, so I pushed her away. She allured, flirted, POW! POW! I was spinning. WTF???? How did this happen? I’m not some adolescent. Far from it. Completely infatuated. Obsessed. In love, I must admit. I ignored it, thinking it would pass. Kept it on a cool and friendly level. Had to deal with her at work and did my best to keep it normal. I …view more

Huh? 49

What the f@&$ is wrong with my family? I do whatever my mother tells me to do and she yells at me for DOING EXACTLY WHAT SHE TOLD ME TO DO! All day long have to go out and slave and work and she treats the money I earn as her own. Every time I want to say something even if it’s something like, “What’s the weather?” she tells me to shut up. Her insane excuse is that the neighbors can hear us talking. Well you know what? F:&& them. I guess this is what it’s like being a child that both my parents …view more

Can a straight guy and straight girl be just friends without feelings? 39

this is so freaking cliche but, my best friend is a guy, and i’m a girl. anyways as it always goes, everyone thinks we are secretly in love with each other. everyone is apparently saying i always flirt with him?? I don’t even know. Anyways its gotten really fucking annoying because his friends, who I don’t know that well, will call me and tell me to come hang out with them since my best friend is there. And my friends always laugh or get weird when I bring him up and start making fun of me for …view more

you don’t have to read this 49

This is an extremely petty reason to be sad: I had been avoiding this update forever. The last big Instagram update I remember trying to stay away from is the one where you could add people to photos. One day, my friend was playing on my iPod and when I got it back I went to instagram where she had uploaded a picture and I saw that it had been updated. I was so upset. I didn’t talk to anyone for the rest of the day. Because I unsuccessfully tried to get the old version back by downloading all …view more

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