Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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This guy and I have liked eachother since the 3rd grade. Let’s call him L. A little over a year ago I got into a different relationship with my first real boyfriend, but eventually he dumped me and I liked L again and he liked me. But now I don’t think he likes me anymore and he’s the only guy I’ve ever really liked. I don’t know what to do because it’s always been “Me and him.” He means the world to me.
oh wait i scream allll the time. i think tomorrow will bee the best day of my life but today feels like christmas eve. giggle.
and seriously aint no point in pitchin at moi. i dont get it. and really reality and my future is all my little brain can think of.
blah rather bee else where dancin and sing my song. rok on.
To the idiot at the accident scene:
I was injured in a bad car accident, and it was clearly the other driver’s fault and it was NONE of your business. I don’t know who the hell you are, or who the hell you think you are. You were just driving by, yet you rolled down your window and started screaming at me about how I’m causing “traffic problems”? What the fuck is your issue? I hope someday you get fucked up in a car accident and someone comes along and curses you out. KARMA!
Oh by the way, you
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I’m stuck here for about a month now. I am extremely fucking bored and I hate it here. But I can’t tell them what I truly feel that’s why I’m still stuck here. Holyshit.
holding others resonsible vs blame. there is a difference. and really i look about and science guys u just give me a roaring headache. i suspect in english i would find it fasinating. ummmm counciling and faith based observations is helpful but living it pulls it all together.
it’s huge as a subject and it’s about how peeps think and most of them…dont. i think the intent to find the loser who did that and have the fix it is the intent but in extreme it’s another thing. blame. i think
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For the man who walked out on your child’s life, congratulations to you. It only gave someone else the opportunity to be a better father than you ever would have been. Do you feel like a big bad man now for being absent from our lives? It must take a lot of effort to forget 2 beautiful daughters every day of your life huh?? Glad I am not in your shoes. It must hurt to know you have grandchildren you will never lay eyes upon because you don’t deserve to. Anyone who is a “decent” parent would
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I hate dumb Koreans. I hate how racist they are towards me. Like today, I went to buy a stuffed animal and the lady said I was Chinese because I bought a panda when I’m not. Also, 80 percent of them have plastic surgery, so they’re fake. And the make up and over done hair dye? Fuck. I hate Korean food. I had a Korean roommate and had to deal with her eating Kimchi, which smells like shit. I mean even Durian smells cleaner, fresher, and tastes better. Koreans are like the scum of the Asian
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I didn’t make it in the bar exams last year. And my friends who did keep posting both intentionally, unintentionally, consciously and unconsciously, photos of their oathtaking and roll signing. Sucks that I didn’t make it. BUT I think I moved on. I mean, I have to move on quite fast BECAUSE I hate the feeling of having failed myself. I hope to make it this year if I will have the time and finances to do so. Feeling hopeful and positive except for the tinge bit of jealousy that creeps in when I
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ummm let me guess. torch bearing vamp slieghers for 100k alex. ummm seriously if thats it. ummm u r hot enough without the smoke. not often i pay attention. lmao. ummmm this world has friendly drug dealers and SERIOUSLY ive been there done that. MTH NOT EVEN ONCE! ummm mr. clean is a sponge. < to bee avoided at all possible costs.
feeling good with gusts of anger and fed up at the real games people play. easy trip to crazy land. andddd meh going to relax. got some yard work done and tired of
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I feel like I’m going to spend the rest of my life slaughtering my dreams just to get through the day. Whoever said to hold out for your dreams was an idiot
i got all kinds of time andddddd seriously i could use a break. i will wait for facts. then i am going to completely anilate somebody.
seriously blown the fuck away. it’s never bother me to umm how close i come to death. it is of no interest to me. just my time. it is that others live for it. the angst and misery. hard not to bee bitter and twisted. hope they eat it and their eyes bleed and their ears ring so loud it makes them vomit.
ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh my mom won’t let me see a psychiatrist or a counselor or psychologist and won’t give me any medication for a lot a mental things I have going on. 3 years ago i wanted to kill myself, and my school psychologist got me to say it and he had to call my parents and insisted that them knowing would help me because they would be more supportive and understanding of what was going on. so he told them, and he said that they were the only parents of any child that had not shed a tear,
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yup still stunned disbelief.
crazy fucking life…..yup.
freaky really andddd as always….all my fault. FUCK. seriously i am going to spend my day SHOWING them it’s alll a crock o shit…..documented anddd seriously i am considering running away from home. tired of being the target for everything that goes wrong in everybody elses life. crazy fucking shit. really i disappear from the scene and it realllly goes crazy. seens like peeps just make it up as they go. weirdness. tired of that shit……yup.
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i aint interested in a real one i can not imagine why anybody would think i need a dream. i am going with sick joke. really i do not want to know what is going on in both my ears and roof of mouth. there was a shove it up your ass crack but i dont recall what it was. i laughed if it counts.
is it bodily fluids week. really i passed pissing my self and about to shit bricks if that makes anybody happy. i love to make everybody happy.
i do not believe i am in a good place. running away has no
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only works it u dont shoot them first. for sure it’s enjoable watching her fight for life. dont know that i am doing her any favors but she feels better with me there. that’s enough for me. :).
ummm personally i drink pepsi buttt i am pretty sure the legals choice is coke. answers some questions that were obvious at times.
i want to say chopping down trees has some merit buttt then we would have no woods left. really i dig and rake and really it’s something to do. i HATE the mess this place
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