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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Neighbors!!!! Ugh 49

I regret buying this house. Both neighbors on either side of me have barking dogs. The crapo neighbor directly across the street from me is a Mexican family that has to party every fucking weekend. From their garage. Their cheapo Wal-Mart speakers blast mariachi music while their giant bbq smoker sits in their driveway belching out smoke. They line up chairs facing the street and sit there…..why???? It’s not a busy street at all, there’s nothing to look at but the darkened houses across the …view more

Um… 09

Yeah. So some of this shit is really fucked up.

I Have No Idea What To Do 29

So I recently got into this big argument with a girl. And now she’s getting the boy I like to call her princess. Like, it’s frustrating as hell because she just says Aussie. But that’s my nickname for him! I haven’t talked to him in a couple of days and I don’t know if I should bring it up. I don’t want to seem too clingy if we aren’t even dating.

Dumbass friend 39

Just pick up the phone you fucking bitch. All you have to say is you’re busy or some shit like that, just answer me already. Like damn, I know you don’t like me as much as the others, but you don’t have to make it so fucking obvious that you don’t give a damn ’bout me and don’t want to see me before I leave. I mean you’re starting to act like M, ya cold-shouldered bitch. How ’bout you get over yourself and your dumbass boyfriend and make some effort in this friendship? You’re the person I call …view more

What is this? 49

What is this site? Shit, that’s what. Go die, site. Fuck you.

i’m a total orphan 29

i am a total orphan in this world and idk what to do about that at this point bc i barely trust people so it’s hard to find new relationships to build.

and it doesn’t help with you find urself on the weird side of utube watching vids about cannables. honestly, i think that i cant date anymore bc i think that those peoople are really out there.

and how would u know if someone were a cannible?

on the other hand, i totally need someone. i am unfit to be alone. i suck at it. it’s so hard. i am …view more

don’t assume i’m a prostitute just because i have a driver, you jerk 39

this stupid idiot today assumed i was a prostitiute just bc i wouldnt give him money for his crappy CD. i said, “i need it to tip my driver” which is true! And i didnt even need to tell him that.

i’m a flight attendant, not a whore and screw people who assume things about me that dont even know me.

I flippin cant stand aholes >:i

I think you are the cause of my unhappiness 29

Why are you so horrible :(

Controlling Spouse 59

My husband tried to control everything about my life! He’s very critical of me and has been trying to fix me since we got married a year and a half ago. He manipulates and shames to get his way, I’ve told him how he’s hurting me. I’ve become angry and bitter he thinks the problem is me and past family issues because he’s secretly read all my journals from 2005 until now! He thinks he’s saving me! He’s insane! I’ve responded very angrily to his criticism and verbal attacks and I’ve been horrible …view more

It Runs In The Family 09

Loves to sleep and laze around till late morning, throw away usable items such as ironing board just because he couldn’t iron his pants well, instead of blaming his lousy ironing skills and his unreasonable expectations, throw away usable door stopper just because it got into his way during the routine house cleaning, has the habit of delaying things till the very last minute for an instance not buying items that we need to use regularly like when we need to iron his shirt only to realise that …view more

My prayers and pledge to those in suffering 09

Am I the only one thinking people are thinking… “Woah… large scale mass murders! What a perfect time to get on my soapbox and push my individual political agenda!”

I get so fucking sick of horrific tragedy being used by people to say… “SEE??? If only you subscribed to MY way of thinking, this wouldn’t happen???”

People shot other people? If we had gun control this wouldn’t happen!
People shot other people? If we armed good people, they’d shoot bad people and this wouldn’t happen!

FUCK BOTH …view more

Know it all co-worker 29

This is to the co-worker who acts like she does so much more than me and her job is so much harder than mine (even though we do the…same…job!). I guess doing your taxes and playing on Facebook is tough when you’re supposed to be working. Also to her that tells me I ‘I wouldn’t do that even if it is my job’ and who tells our supervisor that she’s not going to get her new company credit card and fucking got away with it. Who tells me that I complain too much if I’m having a conversation with …view more

Fucked up life 09

It’s hard because the food is just there. Your mind glorifies it when in reality it is just a fucking clump of calories. You lay in bed and stare across the room at the cookies your grandma sent you. And your heart beats fast because you want to eat it so bad. And your fingers and toes clench because no, you can’t do this again. It needs to stop. It won’t leave your head. And before you know what’s happening you’re in front of the food hands shaking because your demons are fighting with your …view more

Tired 49

I’m tired of being the bad guy and being made to feel guilty all the time. I’m tired of you bad mouthing me to people, telling them lies that I have to prove are wrong or they will take my kids. I’m tired of being the sensible one that puts bills before pleasure, for giving up my birthday money or Christmas money to you and your money grabbing. I’m tired of having to go without because our kids need things and you won’t get a job! I’m tired of being told that I’m a horrible person because you …view more

Micro-managing Cunt Waffle 29

You hate me because I intimidate you even though you hold the power. Or is it that you recognize something in me that reminds you of something you hate about yourself? I know your goal is to surround yourself only with those that bow to you. Be careful, there is a new sheriff in town and you may just bully yourself right out the door. Your management style screams “personal issues” and everyone talks about it. I hope you get a grip on it someday before you destroy anyone else.

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