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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Most Condemned Posts

Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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who what when where and how did this happen?! 610

I’m 24. Female. And have no idea where my life stands. I met someone, same sex and age as I, at my job a couple of years ago and from the first night we hung out we’ve been bffs ever since. We were two peas inna pot and literally finished each others thoughts. We hung out with each other every single day, even if it meant just chillin and talkin after work over a blunt. We went out to clubs with friends and always had strong chemistry on the dance floor. Now, we both are stright, hookin up with …view more

Stop Complaining. 1810

At least you’re alive, you little bitch. And why the fuck are you laughing about pain? Are you a masochist?

my fucked up family 1510

congratulations. you do drugs and you have custody, because your ex is a fucking felon disabled violent alcoholic.

you lost your job because you tried to steal stuff. of course, everyone else is stupid, you complain about how dumb people are, etc. if anyone ever tries to give you advice you ignore it. except for total fucking shitbags who tell you to steal stuff, take drugs, and get into idiotic get rich quick schemes. you fucking ass.

yes. your ex was a dick. not my fault you hooked up with …view more

One sided love 1010

I’m in love with my best friend. It has been almost 1 year that I liked him and like usual, I can’t confess to him because that’ll ruin our friendship. We do everything together. He is a bit attractive and cute. Sometimes the stuff he does is so funny and it’s great to be with him…sometimes. Often, I can’t control my feelings and “jokingly” flirt with him. I said I love you to him and try to link arms with him, but he always let go. I tried to flirt with him but he always rejects me. He said …view more


ou know what? I’d love to just tell you what you want to hear. I’d love to say that you’re doing the right thing and a relationship with her is fantastic for you and everyone around you. But I can’t. You know why? BECAUSE YOU’RE DOING THE WRONG THING. And just because I’ve told you I’ll always be here for you no matter what she does to you (and I will, of course. That’s what I do), doesnt mean I can be Little-Miss-Encourage-R___-In-Everything-He-Does. BECAUSE I CANT. I’ve told you that she’s …view more

AGH 1210

what the fuck. your my fucking dad. SHE IS NOT YOUR ONLY DAUGHTER. I FUCKING EXCIST TOO. IM SMARTER THAN HER MORE OUTGOING THAN HER AND DO BETTER IN LIFE THAN HER! ISNT THAT WHAT YOU WANT? I TRY SO HARD JUST TO GET YOU TO LOVE ME AS MUCH AS YOU LOVE HER BUT I FAIL EVERYTIME! IM SORRY IM NOT GOOD ENOUGH! EVERYTIME i tell myself just forget they may be parents but fuck it stop trying, i just cant. its kililng me the fact that all the POSITIVE things i do wont even make them the slightest bit …view more

Oh boy 1210

I’m in love with my husbands best friend. He’s funny, good looking, sweet while my husband is nasty, lies and cheats.

Part that pisses me off? I’ll never be able to let him know, because he has a wonderful girlfriend and I can’t get a divorce.

Brother 1110

Fine, we both ruined our chances of being good brothers to each other. You know what? I wish i had a younger brother…. Sometimes i wish i had a younger brother instead of you.

screw this 310

What the fuck. Why haven’t you at least e-mailed me? I guess you don’t want to see me. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

did he use me? 210

so i met a guy on the internet the other week. went to the cinema with him last week, went to his house yesterday and had sex (heat of the moment, wasn’t planned)
now he’s hardly talking to me. we agreed to meet up again soon cos we ‘really like each other’
did he use me? does he think i’m easy? am i just being paranoid? lol help!

i want someone to understand me… 1410

i want someone who truly cares about me, no matter what i do wrong…

Prison 410

We are all trapped in a prison of our own making and sometimes we are not even aware of this fact.

I hate myself. 710

When I say that, I really mean it. Not in the way of “oh I’m so sad and depressed, I suck at everything, I’m ugly and I want to die” kind of way, no.

I hate myself. The way you’d hate someone you really want to hurt. I abuse myself verbally daily, record it and listen to it. If I could, I would skin myself alive or beat myself to death. If I could, I would shoot myself and gut myself and fucking burn myself to death. I could strangle myself, break my bones and just hurt, hurt, hurt myself.

I …view more

Puny Models 610

Why is it the “traditional” model type is so flimsy and fragile and can’t show any emotion and the big juicy joyful ones have a whole range, can model all day long, and are as strong as beautiful horses? The ones who are supposed to be pretty but can’t show any more emotion other than “I’m bored” or “I’m confused”. “It” girls just don’t do it for me anymore…bring on the healthy girls….

Travel on a weekend three hours with my family (six hours round trip) 410

If you don’t want to see me, then don’t fucking invite me. Certainly don’t inconvenience my children and husband. I know what the modus is now. Jerks. But on the good side, I won’t be doing you any more favors, so, thank you for freeing up my time!

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