Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I only have $19,500 left on my mortgage, and I’m only 30-years old!!!! Super pumped!!!
I hate how everyone thinks being an artist is such a fucking great thing. The truth is, you’re only as good as your last work, so you constantly are trying to beat yourself. You only want to paint for yourself, but somehow you have to try to market that shit to make a living. You paint as a form of communication, for yourself, and no one wants it. But paint some generic shit, and suddenly everyone’s on board to buy it. You can’t “sell out” and make money, because it’s a tiny little death every
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Why do doctors agree to accept either Medicare or Medicaid and then complain about it to the patient? You’re not forced to accept it so if you don’t like how little they pay, don’t accept it.
I once went to a chiropractor for bad neck pains from a whiplash. This is someone a relative knew and the doctor said she accepted Medicare. I get to the appointment and she then says to me “I don’t know why I even bother to accept it because they don’t pay me enough”. I never went back to the
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Why in the fucking endless chasm of the universe is it that during the busiest time of year for universities is NO ONE IN THEIR FUCKING OFFICE!!?!?!? I don’t mean ‘out to lunch,’ but ‘Out of Office for x fucking days/weeks PS I will not be back the day I say I will kthanksbye.’ It is right before the goddamn semester starts!!! Where the fuck is everybody going, and WHY are they deciding to take dream vacations right now exactly??
I got ONE woman at the new school who’s supposed to be helping
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I feel like my family hates me and the source of that is my own mouth I tend to make jokes that go too far and piss everyone off or I start arguing with someone [which I guiltily enjoy] which causes tension my voice does nothing but condemn me to the outside circle with everyone glaring at me I want to see if there’s any way to make me mute without damaging my neck, is…is it wrong that I don’t want my voice to come out anymore?
would I b missed if I just disappeared? I’m to b strong and sometimes I wanna b weak…sometimes I wonder where did I go wrong…and nothing I can say or do make anything right…I don’t seem to matter….
It’s the little things that matter. All the little things that people don’t do add up quickly and becomes a big, breaking, negative on your heart.
Examples of little things:
Cleaning ANYTHING once in a while like the dishes, the bathroom, vacuuming, putting the recyclables in the right can! etc. Things you should be doing anyway since I pay for half the rent.utilities! I quit cleaning, I got tired of doing it all by myself.
Maybe surprise me with little gifts/flowers/outings for no reason other
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You are a pathetic liar. I hope you are miserable forever
in your fakeass life. There’s a reason why nobody cares about you. You are a selfish, pathetic, miserable bastard. I cared for you and you pushed… Too hard this time.
You lose.
I have to play a sport. That’s all my school really offers that involves team work. I want to be a teacher. And I need a scholarship to get into the school I want. And I need more than just good grades. And I already quit basketball for the sake of my grades. But volleyball is beginning to become hell. I used to love the sport. But it’s so different now being a highschooler. These girls aren’t my teammates. When I played 7/8 volleyball those girls became my team. And now I’m the lonely freshman
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Of all the people to start laying down advice like she was so well rounded and worldly. She works a fucking minimum wage job, lives with her rich aunt, and has no real endeavors other than fucking, drinking, and chatting her ass off on facebook. brings to mind why the fuck i’m friends with these people in the first place.
Oh my fucking god, how gross!! Fat nasty roommates making out!!! Sick!!!! Yeah I am a scumbag, what else is new?
i’m so fucking sick and tired of you and your bullshit. i cannot wait for the day when i finally get to get out of this stupid house and go to college. i hope you enjoy your hypocrisy and stupid daughter. how do you think i feel when you criticize me and threaten me when this little bitch gets off scot-free with all the shit she does? i’m done with this double standard. i don’t want to be somewhere where i’m emotionally abused and unappreciated.
I FUCKING HATE FEELING LIKE I HAVE TO MAKE THINGS HAPPEN OR WORK OVERTIME!!! I do not have to make up for who I am!!! I am worthwhile!!! I have done enough!!! I am good enough!!! I am good enough to get what I want!!!! FUCK!!!
You just don’t get it, you don’t understand it, you don’t relate to it, but you don’t know any better. You come from parents who are together, and teach you right. I come from a divorced, dysfunctional family. It seems like nothing ever went wrong in your life, and every thing went wrong in mine. What happens if i tell you all the things that i’ve done, that my mom has done, what i’ve been through, what my siblings have been through? You will think it’s crazy….will you run off? Why are some
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Who are you to tell me that it’s ok to get married but please don’t have any kids…. Why are you getting married? really WTF!! What the hell does that have to do with you? Stay in your damn lane. People always have some dumb shit to say. My FH and I are very independent and very capable of making decisions and taking care of ourselves. What the fuck have we asked you for????? What the hell do you have???? NOTHING!!!!! Don’t even have a pot to piss in and making stupid comments. Get an education,
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