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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Most Condemned Posts

Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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hate 310

i hate you. I hate that you keep on lying and cheating on me. I did everything for you. I did everything to make you happy. I hate that you keep cheating on me with the same guy. We have a daughter. When you didnt know who was the father I stepped up and told you I;ll be there no matter who the father is. After she was born you left me cause you wanted to be friends with him. And still you dont know if you want to be with me. I did so much in this relationship and you still dont want to be with …view more

small dick 710

i have a small dick and it takes away my confidence. I hate it and I hate my life.

i hate my life. 410

i hate my life. i have my love life. If it wasnt for my daughter I would love to take my own life. but I love my daughter and I wont want to put her through that. I wish I could go back in time and change a few things. But I do wake up everyday disappointed because I didnt stay asleep but woke up.

Lost my best friend 410

I had a best friend that I have known since I was in the first grade. He is a few years older than me but when I started college he was a big rock and someone I really relied on. We were so close that I considered him my older brother. Then he started dating this girl and she is super overbearing and jealous and would give me death glares when I would even talk to him. Soon he began to listen to her and stopped hanging with not only me but every other female friend and he even stopped talking …view more

I’m getting sick of my husband 510

I used to be in love with my husband but I’m not so sure any more. He never asks me for my opinion on anything and then when he does something stupid, it’s up to me to clean up whatever mess he made. I feel so unappreciated by him sometimes. He always wants something like food, sex, or for me to walk upstairs to our bedroom to grab something because he’s too lazy to do it himself. If I ask him for something he “forgets” or complains about having to do it.

I know he’s a man but he drives me …view more

Just want to confess this and get it off my chest… 310

In life, choices have to be made sometimes. You very rarely get to have your cake and eat it too, right?
Consider this:

Having cake = getting married to someone who respects you, is lifelong-companion material and (icing on the cake) is attracted and attractive to you

Eating cake too = being a mother

With each passing day, considering the situations of my highly-educated, ambitious, career-oriented former classmates of a prestigious all-girls school, I become more and more convinced that …view more

fighter jets 0-0 310

i didnt dew nothing. it was those guys sheesh.

really people who have the need to fight non stop have no place in my life. i fight with evidence and with words. and really peeps have to pick it cause really i am the title of what if they threw a war and nobody showed up. shrug. purpose i suppose i need a purpose. legal gives me one and if crazy wasnt dancing like freaks all around me i would bee on it.

free groceries naaaa cash…in advance. lmaolmaolmaol. and i am really really tired of this …view more

Confusion over…. everything… 310

Okay.. First of all.. Before you read on I would like to admit some things.
Yes, I am lazy.
Yes, I am ungrateful.
Yes, I live better than some and I know this because I was in a worse place before.
Yes, I love attention but I hate it at the same time.
Okay… So I was living with my dad and his girlfriend (fiance?) and my two little brothers and her son in the middle of nowhere. His house is nothing but two trailers stuck together with some plywood. LITERALLY.
Now, I don’t make perfect grades …view more

i should understand the circumstance 410

ya no i try. on some level i have to cut some people a break because i know what crazy can dew to people. exhibit eh. ;). and really a big fucking issue for me as i had no bounderies before. sighhhhhhhh.

ummmm really i believe that the target must have some belief somewhere of what is being shoved up his or her ass. SIGHHHHHHH. the demented stuff coming at me long standing issues and i hold the senders responsible for their actions and words and the hurt they have caused me. just the way it …view more

Fuck School. 310

I’m just in the middle of a number of high school assignments. I don’t know what teacher thought it would be a good idea to give us 3 long term projects to go along with the standardized testing.

And of course, they had to be the most boring, tedious, shit sucking types of work I could imagine: Poetry and a Book Review.

I HATE being forced to pick up a piece of literature and write about it as if there is any depth or enjoyability to be had.

wtf 210

any reason why a right eye socket might blow out your nose. just asking gezzzzzzzzzz wierdest thing. it what i imagine an extreme migrain would feel like to those who suffer :(.

other than that i had a wonderful day. dont usually dew repeats but really tomorrow’s lookin good :D.


fuck! life sucks so badly. why i just can’t get you out of my mind. 3 more days and everything would end. EVERYTHING!! IF I REALLY MEAN NOTHING TO YOU THEN YOU TO YOU EVEN DO THOSE LITTLE ACT IN FRONT OF ME!! WHAT FOR GIVE ME HOPE WHEN THERE ISN’T ANY HOPE AT ALL. you made me fell and you left straight away!!! scumbag! yes, when see me in school you just walk away coolly and don’t give a fuck! worst still, tell everything to your friends N when i see your friends i have to quickly avoid them …view more

Evil 210

I need to escape this evil. I see it in her words, her lies and her actions. Please help me escape.

tired of the stunned amazment but really just doesnt end 310

i think ive seen 10 episodes of dr. phil and not in years. but today just happened to bee on when i passed by. ummmm really the subject matter an old story but what grace and dignity and truely somebody DOING something to enlighten others with her journey. i do not know if she had info before hand but i have no doubt she saw that train coming. it’s hard to face your mistakes and on national tv oh my. astounding. and ummmm her attitude was something i can connect with. we ALL do stupid stuff. …view more

never to bee seen again 510

that’s what we have memories for. i have a bucket load i would like to get too someday. my home a soventeer of journey i have traveled often only in my head. from my purspective unless i am not here atall ahhhh really my life goes on. i do what i do and seriously i got my hands full. ummm i will always get what i seek from this as my mission is learning and knowledge of the world and universe and just soooo much. really i like talking to myself.

i think of my direction of the moment as …view more

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