Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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result of outside influences. ummm ya cant convience anybody anything unless they believe it to start with. and consquences of peeps actions are in reality. anddd not my problem except how it effects moi. that i can address and dew something about.
but mostly for another time. it’s vacation time me thinks yipppy kiyahhhhhhh
gezzzz what. porn. it is therefore. how the fuck would i know. i have zero idea why anybody would rather play footie with a computer when they kiss like angels. shrug. beats me.
really i got my hand full and shrug. in reality dik just have no great interest and seems like a waste of time to me. there is important stuff like news and kitty lpics. i did not make this world i just live in it.
lmao. ummm if u r drunk by noon i dont care if u hang with your mom, it dont impress me much. anddd reallly if u r going to annoy me while i am trying to forget my life….u should bee buyin the beers. i like clam in mine.
and some peeps got nothing to lose and want to bee famous for 2 seconds. shrug. it took alot of ballz will give ya that.
yard is moving along nicely anddd i am decompressing, yeah me. :D.
really they not get the sccript. stuck up bitch who doesnt say much out loud but SHUT
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how the hell do you not realize that there’s times where things are not appropriate! like what the hell. you have no idea that MAYBE you shouldn’t be fucking making out with your boyfriend while we’re JUST HANGING OUT. it makes it super fucking awkward and it’s annoying as hell. i figured she wouldn’t act like such a fucking needy whore. she keeps telling me she wants him to be less mushy and kissy-kissy clingy but then when he gets up to leave she’s like “noooooooo :(” and i’m like WHAT THE
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lmao. i have come to the conclusion it the problem.
epic day and i am going to go pass out. i am crazy…going with that. thx :D. sorta creepy when the whole world ozzes symapathy for ya. gezzzzzzz. i often wonder if my life is really as bad as it appears. my purception is most people have much worse lives. scarry to think maybee not. gezzzzzz
anddd really ummm was that 40going bye cause. lmaolmaolmao. probably cost an extra 100 bucks to ummmm admire the sceenrery. cough. lmao to cute andddd
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been quite an interesting week. learned lots. mosyly to duck and run. fuck people r crazy.
mostly in shock but i sorta live my life there i think. the obvious. shrug idk. i have issues and headaches and some people r real. mostly makes me smile. deversion from crazy. shrug.
i often recall over years thinking wtf is going on now i think…. i dont have a fucking clue what’s going on but i hope it all works out well.
anddd i’m going to bed. feel old and tired and defeeted. tomorrows another
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biological effects of insanity, other people me thinks.
ummmmm the association with intensity and direction and infection, freaks me out. ummmm my purception is phycosamatic but it makes zero difference in the reality of the issues.even freakier infection has always been an issue for me. really creepy. the mass on my right neck is ummm seriously …..wierd and ummmm from my purception those who feel the need to chew on my neck idk. i get the purception but personally got better fish to fry.
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Damn you annette why cant you just leave him. I left my wife for you. I know i said it was for me, but we both know otherwise. I am so much better for you than he could ever be. He treats you like crap and says things to hurt you. Now you’re saying dont text you unless you text me first… im a freeking side guy here and i am hateing it. I feel so much for you . You say you do as well but im not beleiving you.
“Do this. Do that.” I drop everything at the drop of a hat to make you happy. Now, you want me to be something I’m not. I can’t do it. I won’t do it. You want to talk to me when you want to, or when you’re drunk and around guys that you used to fuck. Go fuck yourself you piece of shit! I’m so tired of your petty games. Our anniversary is in 9 days. If you can’t accept the fact that I’m not going to change, or the fact that you’re acting that a total bitch, I don’t think we’re going to make it
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things i dew not enjoy, having the top of my head blown off comes to mind. electric that cracks so loud u can hear it and a finger tip that is numb for an hour. gezzzzzzzz
the world is very confusing to me so i just dont spend alot of time on it. drawingmy lines and moving forward. certainly i love and adore those round me but sometime ya just have to have bounderies. mine lay somewhere between easest and NO OTHER OPTIONS.
visuals. ya know we all sing media and input is effecting the
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This chick has alopecia. shes like 20. her mom makes her turn it into some huge issue when any opportunity presents itself. For those of you who dont know, alopecia means you dont grow hair. It isnt life threatening or harmful in any way, yet her mom nags everyone for spots, causes, fundraisers, speaking at events….. of course all on the platform of anti-bullying… anyways, she tries to get vicarious fame through her daughter and its just a sad pathetic cause.
Sometimes I just need to get this built up frustration off my chest… Talking to people around me never seems to work because either they don’t care about what I’m saying, or they argue with my feelings. I’m glad for a website like this! Two thumbs up!
not melting. really as a hairy person who has shaved her legs pretty much every secong day for 50 years i dont exfloiate them. gezzzzz i am growing skin like a fruit cake. maybee slaughing off the thick skin ive grown. good thing hearts dont shed. it’s a rule.
it occurred to me past spelling mistake back to haunt me anddddd oh my fucking ohmy. gezzzzzz.
telus really one is an issue two is an issue EVERYTHING HAS ISSUES really doesnt matter which one u pick. it all has issues. meaning of
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not even sure why.
certainly has been an amazing day. tinest bit of support and i fly. well least enough to get to bearable. really it aint up to me to make everybodys life just ducky. peeps gotta dew what they gotta dew and SO DEW I. and i can. just dont want to. really cruahing people aint my style. extremes to me serve no proper purpose andddd could get me killed for instance. jk jk sorta kinda. truely some stuff aint worth the hassle andddd really whatever. i am going to go about beein
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