Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I come onto this ranting site, wanting to rant out all my trouble and confessions. but with each paragraph I write, i end up deleting. I wanna say everything that is in my mind. things that hurts me and pisses me off. but its just too much to write. the words sound so much better in my head compared to when i write it down. i wish there was a way to transfer my thoughts onto the screen right here. lets just say, i feel betrayed, hurt, sad, disgusted, pissed off, annoyed and irritated of my life
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years of internalized stress abuse and uncaring bubble out. saddly i have no one to really share with. telling people usually frees u from what haunts u. buttt really most of this shit is old news and everybody knows. :(. just part of process of moving on i gues. hope it’s over soon.
You meet someone. You befriend them. You may not talk to them much at first, but out of nowhere, it’s like they’re your best friend. You and this person are closer than ever. Then, BAM two weeks later, it’s like you never existed to them. This happens to me on an almost monthly basis. There’s a reason why I don’t have many friends and a reason why I choose not to make many friends and this is why. They see that all I want is someone to talk to, they take advantage for a few weeks to empty out
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I work for a small, privately owned ambulance company. I’m a nationally registered EMT. We transport a lot of patients by ambulance to and from doctor appointments, dialysis, etc. The thing is, Medicare and Medicaid will not pay for those transports if the patient does not meet stretcher requirements, meaning they are not bed confined and could otherwise be transported by wheelchair. We went to transport one patient one day and once I got on scene I evaluated the patient. History of CVA
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You are not Mexican. You are not Cajun. You are definitely not Indian. You are not anything but FAT. Being fat does not make you a part of any interesting ethnic group. If you think Cinco de Mayo is called Sincko del Myo or that Dia de Los Muertos is called Dias de la Muertes, you do not get to call yourself Mexican. As a Mexican, I’m appealed that you’d consider yourself one of us.
This is just a rant on my school. I swear the kids these days are just getting so judfkjgjkg. Some underclassmen of mine though it would be funny to make fun of the kid with the speech problem, the kid happens to be a friend of mine and when I bitched at them they laughed and began saying things about me, which I then told him his mom should have gotten an abortion, maybe that way she would be alive(that is low I know but I was mad so….meh I don’t even like this douche so I’m not sorry) he then
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there is a gay guy in my theater group who loves to spead lies about everyone. He is universally HATED by everyone but they are so afraid of him zeroing his venom on them that they kiss his ugly ass. He thinks he is mr. Fashionista too and has a ego too. fact is, he is a dumnass who will never amount to anything and his theater degree is bwcause he is too stupid to do anything else. He will get his when he is unemployed and those he tried to screw over pass him by. He is justva big dick.
You are a complete idiot! You are nothing but trash! You have gotten about $1800.00 from him in the last 4-5 months! I work my ASS off 12 or more hours a day, and he doesn’t pay anything to live here! Me and my mom pay all the bills, but you think your dad should just keep shelling out money to you! Unbelievable that every other day you have no food, or your going to get kicked out, or this and that! Everyone know you are spending it on pot and God knows what else! He could be helping me to buy
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I wish I could say everything that I am getting ready to say to your ugly face! You have got some real nerve motherfucker! I hope you know that I only let you get by with this shit because I don’t want you to EVER have a chance at visitation with MY son! How dare you claim me and MY son on your taxes when you abandoned me and your 3 children 8 fucking years ago! You have not paid a DIME to me in all those 8 years, and you think you deserve something? I hope you enjoy that $3000.00 you got back
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I would like to start this rant with a few clarifications.
1) Not all exes are bad.
2) Abuse and rape can happen in any relationship at anytime and is NEVER ok.
3) Marriage isn’t always defined by an official ceremony and a band on your finger.
4) I am still a proud member of the LGBTQIA community despite this experience.
5) I am not trying to create, promote, or support any stereotypes with this post.
Now with all of that out of the way, here goes my rant about the woman who claimed
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In the last couple of months all of my friends start bitching about stuff mainly themselves, how they are not good enough and stuff like that (btw my friends are not stupid if they do stupid stuff they know). some of them are more sensitive than others so i can’t just say “fuck off ! i don’t give a shit about your petty problems go fuck yourself” and now as I’m writing this they are still talking to me. I want to be a good person and help them but I can’t help them if they don’t want to help
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Parents please go fuck each other and then maybe try to love your kids
Friends I have so many now that it just doesn’t seem real
Everyone I’m so depressed and just don’t seem to even notice really is it that hard to see I think not just get your head out of your ass please
went and passed out in my room. In my bed. Disgusting. I’d rather gnaw off my own hand than sleep in his filthy shit; maybe that’s why he helped himself to mine, because his is so nauseating. he’ll apologize in the morning, and maybe even cry, and then nothing will change. He won’t even change his sheets. He’s proud of his drunkenness and strives to be more so every day. He saves all his cardboard cases in the kitchen in a big pile that I have to shove out of the way to go out and do laundry.
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I’m tired of being jealous.
I try really hard not to let it affect me or this relationship we are in.
…but she’s your ex…and our friend. It’s great that we all get along so well and have so many mutual interests, but truthfully, I’m sick of seeing her almost as often as I see you. We see her every weekend during Group and the two of you work together. We get one day, just one, that is totally ours, and lately she’s been tagging along, I mean I know we invite her (more you than me) and I
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and that your morbidly obese boyfriend was the one who got you started on it.
I also hope they know that he hit you in the face when he caught you cheating and they know about your past problems with severe domestic abuse that put you in the hospital.
This is about a gay guy former friend of mine that got mad at me and stopped talking to me when I started to get worried about his meth use. I was fucking devastated to lose the friend and I miss his dog more than him.
You deserve every bad
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