Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Yesterday evening my teenage daughter who is being bullied in school had an emotional breakdown followed by a severe panic attack leading to her shaking uncontrollably and biting her own tongue. While this was happening a facilitator at our community centre texted to say she couldn’t come in the morning due to a bereavement. I missed the text with all that was going on. This morning a woman arrived and when the facilitator wasn’t in the room when she arrived, proceeded to abuse me in front of
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I knew it was coming. I knew when we first started dating she would cheat on me. She openly told me that she cheated on her last 2 boyfriends and yet I still stayed with her. I guess I hoped she wouldn’t do it to me, that she cared about me more than them. I was wrong. Am I crazy or stupid that I still love her? Is it wrong that I still want to be with her? Ive never really been the jealous type anyway so I know that I will get over this but am I wrong for that? Also doing this onObie is awful
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I’m the type of person who like to respect others, even if I mad. but im getting sick of going with the flow or being told what to do. I want to speak up for myself but I cant seem to speak my mind. Im getting sick not be able to express myself, I want to have a long conversation, but I can only say a sentence or two. The only time I can be myself completely is when I hand out at my school anime club. Some days I feel like I am free, other days I fell as if I’m chained down, Then my friend keep
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I constantly wonder what I am doing wrong. Now, and even back when I was younger. Why wasn’t I given a chance to be a camp supervisor when I was twelve? I felt like I blossomed while camping and thought I could do as well as anyone else helping others. Apparently not. Why was I cut off from a chance to sing in plays? It was always one popular girl who got the popular roles. When I asked to audition, I was not taken seriously and was told to sing with another girl, creating a terrible duo that
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I hadn’t talk to an old “best” friend in a while. I decided to text him a month ago. He read the message. Never responded… I messaged him again today. He read it. NEVER RESPONDED!!! I’ve been on the verge of tears because it breaks my heart that he called himself my “almost boyfriend”.
I wish I could talk with my wife. She condemns all the things that have grounded me, inspired me, and truly loved in my life. People don’t say things like that to the ones they truly love. I hope she doesn’t do this to our son.
It’s almost 90 degrees in here, and humid. It will be almost six more hours before I have a chance to leave this room, or even get a drink of water. The air conditioning is shut off, and there is nothing I can do about it. I already feel nauseated and dizzy and I know that once again I’m going to end up really sick. The ice pack I smuggled in under my shirt melted hours ago. The boss went to a meeting over three hours ago and never came back, so I can’t even complain. I’m tempted to just call a
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Basically I don’t have many friends and the ones I do have we have no idea what we wanna do when we hang out. I don’t wanna look back on my last teenage years and think about how sad I was and how even in public I feel alone. I cry most times from being lonely even when I’m not alone. I feel I don’t have a lot to do in life because I have no one to do it with. I’ve been depressed for a year and I’m scared I won’t get better, not even if I make more friends.
My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a year.We cuddle and kiss all the time. I think that all that is great but I want to do a little more. And he is constantly trying to make out with me, or touch me. I want the same. But I am to shy and scared that it’ll be bad or I’ll do somethingembarrassing. How do I get over this? How do I tell him I want to but, I’m shy? My concern is if he’ll dump me or look some where else because he thinks I don’t want the same or just won’t.. Help! Advice!!
I hate it when girls (typically teenagers on Tumblr) think they’re all special and unique because they’re “different” and “not like other girls”. They usually say stuff like “All the girls at my school are sluts! I’m the only one who likes anime and classic literature and CoD and hoodies and Green Day and blah blah blah…” Basically these “unique” girls look down on anyone who wears pink or makeup or likes pop music. It’s ridiculous. They think they’re being all rebellious by “defying society”
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One thing I hate: being told I’m copying others. Okay, first things first, MY LIFE ISN’T MODELED AROUND YOURS, OKAY?! It’s my best friend who accused me of copying everything she did. Yes, we may have the same names, but really? I want to grow my hair long because I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SINCE I WAS LITTLE BUT MY MOM MADE ME CUT IT. I want to grow tall BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT MY DAD PRESSURES ME TO. I self-harm BECAUSE EVERYONE CONSTANTLY TELLS ME IT’S MY FAULT.
So please, never tell me or accuse me
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I’m going to marry this man someday :)
OkAY. It is 2 in the morning right now and I have so much fucking pent up anger in me it’s unreal. I needed a place to just let what’s been bothering me for the last few months out.
I started working at this job 8 months ago.
It’s great.
It’s awesome.
I like my coworkers. Sure.
There’s one that I’ve grown particularly close to. In fact, we’ve actually recently become roommates and I’ve shared with him intimate secrets that I haven’t even told my friends of 5 years who I see multiple
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Fuking cut me off blak cunt?
Fuk u savage. Go bak to the cotton
The only reason I haven’t offed myself is because of my daughter! Without her, I would have left this pathetic world years ago! So over life! I used to be positive, silly, and happy regardless. Now, I’m filled with nothing but torment and misery! Life is a fucking brutal joke!
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