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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Turning in my bull dyke neighbor 310

The Lesbian next door is a convicted felon. She has drugs in her home and grows pot too. She also has non registered handguns. I am going to turn her into to the sheriffs department. She’s a disgusting and dangerous fall down drunk who also threatened me. I want her put in jail and far away from my daughter.

Life in a nutshell. 410

So, i’ve come to live back with my mother, stepfather and grandfather (at 23 this took some doing), but given that my father took well over 2 grand from me, which would’ve kept me in school long enough to graduate, its all I could do. Now, at first I was (and still am to the minimum degree) thankful for the cheap lodging (half what my rent was in college, allowing me to pay back my student loan a little easier…being on my area’s equivalent of welfare), but thats turned mostly to heavy …view more

What did I get myself into?? 310

my one friend and I used to talk and were going to date. We started messing around and I told him I wanted to date. He told me he wasn’t ready for that but he didn’t want to lose me, so we continued being friends. after a while the heat between us became hard to control so we started doing stuff again. this was two years ago and it is still going one, we havn’t had sex because I’m a virgin and I don’t want to just give that up for a fwb. Although we have only messed around and I’ve lost all my …view more

eating disorders.. no shit 410

really the eating is part of big picture in ways but all it takes is a couple of crackers and some cheese or peanutbutter not 2 bags of popcorn and a vat of pepsi. sighhhh and we eat for different reasons. i eat for all of them. lolol. and it ahhh i suppose i should consider myself lucki as i eat attrociously and like a horse. really at some point the only friend ya have left is food. sighhhhhh. i deeply get it but how the heck do people get ummm to super size. baffles me. i dont work on it in …view more

I give up. 110

I’m done. Do whatever the fuck you want. Take whatever the fuck you want without asking; I don’t give a shit anymore.

Maybe I’m the crazy one. Maybe, the idea in my tiny brain that if you want something that isn’t yours you should FUCKING OPEN YOUR FUCKING MOUTH AND FUCKING ASK A FUCKING QUESTION is dead wrong. Maybe you feel you’re entitled to do what you like seeing as I stay in the house. My grocery bills have quadrupled, and I’m feeding mouths I didn’t bring into the world. I suppose that …view more

This Bitch! 410

So the other day some of my friends and I were like ‘oh hey we haven’t had a girls night out like with literally no boys we should do it!’ So our friends birthday was coming around and we were like perfect opportunity we were going to have a sleepover and go out and about but our friends mother said we couldn’t invite boys (she was supervising us because we’re still young)

So one of our friends who has a boyfriend was like well if he cant come there’s no point in me going. We didn’t think she …view more

i want to get out of here 410

i’m tired of being the person that is always forgotten, always left behind, always cast off to the side. it honestly feels like i barely even have friends anymore. i’m sick of this high school shit. i just want to move on to college and start things fresh.

saddest horny hot chick 010

What the fuck?! I am a very hot girl in an awesome city. And just because I have a house full of judgmental roommates, I haven’t gotten laid in like a year. They make things so awkwards, I’m dying here!!!!!! I just want to go down the street to my local bar and bring the really hot bartender home to suck on my tits and fuck me, hard. Dammit!!!!!!!

Just wow. 710

Seriously? You made him send me a text detailing how much he hates me? You think I don’t know when he sounds out of character? Bitch, please. I’m not stupid, and I know him better than you ever will even if by some horrendous curse you were with him for ten years. You’re digging your own grave, and I can’t wait for you to bury yourself completely so I can laugh and spit on it.

I will not be sleeping tonight. 310

I fucking hate my life.
I suffered from depression for years, and only in the last year or so have I actually felt happy at all. My Dad thinks it is impossible for me to be depressed. I have aspergers, and I cant get counselling because my dad thinks it is a waste of money. I spend all of my time writing because I want to be an author, and I love literature. Neither of my parents seem to believe in me at all, not only writing wise-bur everything in life.
I am in an amazing online relationship …view more

I know I’m plainjane but that hurt :( 610

Sooooo my school was having picture day and we’re a private catholic school so we’re not usually allowed to where make-up. Only seniors(Im a senior whoop!) are allowed to wear light makeup. So I wore some mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss, and the guy I like told me i looked beautiful. So after pictures i wiped the stuff off and he walked past me and said now you’re ugly again. I laughed and all but it really hurt :’(.
I know it’s senseless teenage drama but thanks for listening.

Yep!!! 110

You bit he’s are just ficking mad because I’m better then all you bit he’s in that group .this fag wants to talk shit about me because I’m nice and ignoring him.bitch it’s not my fault .its because your a gay ass bitch ,mommified conceited,arrogent who can’t do shit!! Bitch when I see you tonight he about to get that ass beat !!!! Calling me a bitch YOU HAVNT SEEN BITCH YET !!!!!!!!

I feel lost. 410

A few months ago you would have caught me saying “I’m not ready to graduate. I’m having too much fun to want to leave.” But it’s a different story now.

As of late I haven’t been feeling quite like myself. I’m not motivated to do my work. The drive to keep up my 4.0GPA isn’t there anymore. I’m sleepy. In fact all I want is sleep. I don’t want to watch TV (like I even had time to in the first place, ha). I haven’t been playing much guitar (but when I do I get sort of frustrated that I can’t …view more

xD 310

At the moment I feel so fucking confused and frustrated about certain aspects of my life. I may be acting selfish and ungrateful but one should be entitled to a random rant once in a while!
Well first off, I want to do what I want to do. Which means dropping out of uni for the rest of the year and either work fulltime, or just have some down-time. I mean for fucks sake, I’m 17!! I’m so sick of going to uni all week and then working all Saturday and Sunday. I want to live for a bit, not just …view more

I’m friends with an idiot 210

No, that’s NOT an ‘adult’ answer. That’s an entitled 15-year-old answer which is funny since you’re almost 40. Quit living in your bubble and realize that not everyone is living off their parents’ good nature. People have grown up and had lives and kids and everything. Insist on Grinching up every holiday if you must, but eventually someone’s going to come out and tell you that your shitty attitude and entitlement wannabe-princess attitude is why you’re divorced, not dating and unpleasant to be …view more

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