Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Ok, you haven’t talked to your sister in over 6 months and now you email her and say that she is ruining your parent’s retirement? Dude really!?! You just have one side of what is happening and now you want to say that she is the one doing everything wrong. Your other sister want’s to say that I don’t know the meaning of family because my parents are divorced, but you take the cake in being an engineer and not caring about the facts. If you were really a man you would have called to ask
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She lives so far away, but I can’t stop thinking about her. I’m not sure if she’s interested in that other guy or me. It makes me just want to pretend like I hate her just to make myself feel better.
I grew up in a family of mostly fake people, so naturally I have been one of them. Living for appearances, lying to everyone’s face, agreeing with bullshit ideas and thoughts, never ever being true to what I really feel. I hate being fake, I hate pretending like I’m okay when everything is a fucking nightmare. I have had so much pain and fear but never been able to utter a word of it. What the fuck is wrong with me?
I’m grounded for 3 weeks!!!! 3 weeks!!!! 3 whole weeks of nothing to do except studying :o Just because I didn’t get up in time to go to the library with my parents!!! I’m banned from social networking as well -_- At the moment my garbage bins go out more than me :0 And they’re out tonight at some social function/theatre thing while i’m at home pigging out on Ben & Jerry’s and mourning the loss of my non existant social life. I contemplated study and started to revise some terms for Chem
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I have a long day of interning as a school social worker where I get to hear all the heartache in those poor children’s lives. When I get home, I clean up the mess of clothes consuming our bedroom floor (most of which are yours). I carefully load them all up, take them downstairs where there is yet another mess covering the basement floor (this would be your snowmobile gear that has been lying down there for well over a month along with old cable cords that you said you were getting rid of
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Why do I feel like Im alone? I dont know what is wrong with me. The first and last things I think about every day is all the things I hate, which usually ends up being everyone and everything. I hate my job and I hate where I live. Its hard for me to be around people right now without wanting to stab them in their stupid faces. I guess things got worse for me after me and my last gf broke up. Everything was great at first I was so happy! Towards the end though it was hard for me to even care
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I know these types of messages might generate an eyeroll or two and I perfectly understand. You don’t have to agree with me at all and I certainly won’t pressure anyone.
Fact is, I live in a first-world country, not exactly poor in wealth and I am “healthy”. What’s there to complain about right? I get it.
Still, what the above doesn’t reveal is that I’ve fucked up my life, quite possibly permanently. I was a university student but I crashed and burned there, mostly due to depression and I
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Seriously, I really hate that fucking guy! He’s a fucking charmer, that one! I am the one who loves you, please give me a chance to show it. That guy didn’t even really loved you from the start. So fuck that guy!
I’m so sick of gossip at work. Keep my name out of your mouth! I’ve been accused of being in a clique with one person, while one half of my department is a clique. If anything, me and one other person are friends by default, since the real clique never invites us to do anything with them. We’re not the ones whispering together in our cubicles. And I don’t even care that we’re not part of the real clique - just don’t accuse me of one thing, while being guilty of it yourself!!! Just let me do my
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I can’t believe that I gave you your gift early, then told you I was planning a wonderful dinner, and you did NOTHING!!!!!!!!! I went all out, crab cakes, lobster tails, steaks, seared asparagus, spinach salad, and was prepared to make myself desert!!!!!!! And when you came walking through the door with nothing in hand, and an attitude it made my heart sink!!! I rushed to the store to get everything I needed to make you a wonderful dinner, and drove past the bar to see your truck parked there
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I am lost I am scared I am afraid I am afraid writing this just because my words are now in the world I am afraid they may appear on the page for you to see I am afraid of love I am afraid of happiness I am afraid of trust because it can be broken and it has been broken before and it will be broken again because we live in a world that applauds and excepts it we live in a world without identity without purpose with too many options and no one to point us in a direction with infinite
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life is great and people suck, did somone just say we should kill all catholics wtf kinda statement is that, im not religious but damn. You know im pissed man ever played and mmo yea im one of those guys, i play games inbetween psychology classes. ever had your account banned for no apparent reason with no responce after blowing countless dollars on a game for fun? dont look at me funny its a valid spending habit, you chose to go to the movies me and my girl chose to play games but wtf who
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I really don’t know what I’m doing any more, it’s like I’ve completely lost all control over my own life. I know I just need to get over you but I really just don’t know how to do that and as much as I want it at the time I know that the few sexual encounters just lead me to that slither of hope that doesn’t really exist. I know you don’t like guys but those times where it happened always make me think that it just might happen, you might realise that you really do feel the same way for me.
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I met this guy 5 months ago on a dating web site and we?ve been cool every since. About two months ago he told me he waned more than just fwb and so did I but at the same time I didn?t take him serious n I wanted to avoid getting hurt. With that being said I didn?t wanna fully open up so in my eyes we were still fwb. Not to mention he lives about hr away from me and a state away. Being friends on fb n seeing women throw themselves at him n him occasionally making comments that made me think
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You write about racial equality and gender issues, you consider yourself the ideal intelligent white man voyaging beyond reconciliation towards justice, but you are a fraud. I can’t believe how you are rising to recognition in your field for your work in progressive race theory while you take a black woman home and treat her like a $15 hooker, slapping her around, choking her and grabbing her by the hair, demanding she serve you and do demeaning and unhealthy things. After that you deny any
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