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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Most Condemned Posts

Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Changes 510

I hate change. I wish I were more adventurous, but I just want to hold on tight to everything I have. I guess it makes things too boring for you.

Told you never to cross me. 610

So you decided to cheat on me after 4 years of me putting everything into our relationship. You cheat on me with someone who is almost identical in looks to the very brother you live with. I’ve always thought that there was something weird about your relationship with your brother and now it’s clear that you fancy him.

What did I tell you not long into the relationship when a so-called friend crossed me? What did I do to him? That’s right I said no-one crosses me and gets away with it and I …view more

Torn… 610

So, I keep thinking that I need to meet up with the ex, purely for closure reasons (+ the added bonus of seeing him for the first time since the breakup on MY TERMS), the more I think about it, meeting up, telling him that I forgive him, his wallowing and guilt are self indulgent, I am not angry any more - the more I think it’s a good idea, but also, the angrier I become again. It has been two years, he was my first love, and I’m fed up of being scared of going into town in case I see him. He …view more

I Know This Is Nothing New… 610

I thought I was fine. I’ve had men lie to me before. But every time, I knew it.

It only hurts when you thought you were stronger then the situation. It won’t hit you until weeks, or months later. And that, sometimes can be the worst part.

You live your life, telling yourself you are just fine. You create scenarios in your head that make you feel strong. You yell in the mirror as if you are really telling someone off. It makes you feel that you have won. But at the end of the day, it is just …view more

Door mat 410

Tired of being taken for a dick head constantly just because I have no intention to get into a fight with someone when I’m pissed off.
Fucking hate being the easy target.

My best friend 510

I hate it when my friend always to tell me to buy something at full price or something that’s not worth it’s price because and it’s on sale, it’ll be gone or something. And then we she wants something and it looks nice on her, she thinks it’s too overpriced or waits until it’s on sale. Is seems like she wants to waste my money!

My Bitchy Sister 810

My sister is a fucking bitch. She?s always causing the family shit by getting pissed off whenever someone says something she doesn?t agree with. She?ll scream and cry, then say she?s not upset at ALL. Then later, while she?s pouting, she?ll flip her hair and give you a glare. When I ask her to stop looking at me like that, she acts all innocent and goes,?What look? I wasn?t giving you any look!? It?s never her own fault. My family?s already screwed up enough as it is, we don?t need her adding …view more

do i want to be married to you? 410

I have no fucking idea if I still want to be married to you. I love our kids, I love you, but you don”t treat me like you love me even though you say you do. You fucked me over, left me, cheated on me,and lied to me. So why am I still here? I want to lve with my kids.

Can I just go through the motions? Can I somehow stop loving you and just act as if? That would be easier for sure. What I really want is for you to love me the way that I love you, but that ain’t happening.

The Big Kid 510

A few years back, I went through a traumatizing time with an addicted parent, and lost out on some years of youth I wish I’d experienced. As a result, I’m a bit emotionally sensitive, though no one around me can seem to understand that. I try my best, but I often get overwhelmed and feel alone, as well as depressed. I can’t understand romantic love anymore, which only adds to the lonely feeling.

So because I’m not a stud.. You’d rather be alone? 910

Ok I’ve been wanting to post to a site like this for a while. I’m a guy and I jus turned 18 last month. I’m kinda nerdy and have no sex life apart from my hand and my imagination. I don’t look bad, I’m actually fairly handsome, not the best but definitely not ugly. And I’m a nice person I try not to be mean and I’m fairly good at flirting/dating. My problem though is after those first few months of dating. That awkward time where you or your partner want to go farther but are not sure how to …view more

Selfish Ann 510

Can’t believe I fell for it again! You tell me the stuff I want to hear and get me to trust you again, then you do your usual selfish thing and kick me in the teeth!
I will not fall for it anymore and the sooner you are out my life the better!

love stinks… 310

my boyfriend an i got together when we were 17. i am now 20 and have been living with him and his family for 2 years. i babysit his nephews and do all the household chores (i am the only unemployed one) im starting to feel pulled thin. im 20 and i live the life of a housewife, no parties, no social events, hell i dont even have friends… because me and my boyfriend are so comfined our relationship is strained and he has a nasty habbit of joking while hitting below the belt… i do it all for him …view more


Okay, so our class daydreamer has officially LOST IT! FREAKING SERIOUSLY! She’s only being manipulated and used by her crush, and HOW THE HECK CAN SHE NOT SEE IT?! The dick literally DEMANDS she bring him the things he wants and for NOTHING in return! Out of her generosity she began doing this, and that bastardized baboon comes along and takes complete advantage!! Now the little bimbo is going around bragging “they’re in love” and that “they’ll get married”! OMFG!!! She’s going to be shattered …view more


Ok guys i need some major help and advice please? Maybe from some guys who had to overcome the “friend” zone or females who are out of the closet and need to find out if my bestfriend is into me. I’m a female who has never been with another female or even desired to be until me and my other half met. We’ve never done anything together sexually, but deep down I know there’s somethin there. Maybe she’s scared but the way she looks at me isn’t a lie. The chemistry can get heavy and strong but …view more

GRRR 1010

Me and my now ex went out for 13 months. Our bestfriends nicolle and Andrew went out for 6. They broke up 8 months ago and nicolle still hasn’t moved on. Kevin and I broke up a month ago and were pretty good on moving on. Nicolle and I were talking and she said I can’t do anything with Andrew. But now she’s talking about doing stuff with Kevin. Really bitch, we broke up a month ago and you can do whyever the damn well you please but I can’t even give Andrew a kiss good night, really? And kevin …view more

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