Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Why do doctors agree to accept either Medicare or Medicaid and then complain about it to the patient? You’re not forced to accept it so if you don’t like how little they pay, don’t accept it.
I once went to a chiropractor for bad neck pains from a whiplash. This is someone a relative knew and the doctor said she accepted Medicare. I get to the appointment and she then says to me “I don’t know why I even bother to accept it because they don’t pay me enough”. I never went back to the
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You are a pathetic liar. I hope you are miserable forever
in your fakeass life. There’s a reason why nobody cares about you. You are a selfish, pathetic, miserable bastard. I cared for you and you pushed… Too hard this time.
You lose.
I FUCKING HATE MY FUCKING FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good for nothing piece of shits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They disrespect me, they don’t listen to me, they are useless, lazy, cunts!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For example today!
My mom is acting all stress out about her home business. I always help my mom with everything including her home business. I help her clean the house, do chores, run her stupid home business. I even sacrifice keeping a full time job because she needed help. For what? a
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Of all the people to start laying down advice like she was so well rounded and worldly. She works a fucking minimum wage job, lives with her rich aunt, and has no real endeavors other than fucking, drinking, and chatting her ass off on facebook. brings to mind why the fuck i’m friends with these people in the first place.
i’m so fucking sick and tired of you and your bullshit. i cannot wait for the day when i finally get to get out of this stupid house and go to college. i hope you enjoy your hypocrisy and stupid daughter. how do you think i feel when you criticize me and threaten me when this little bitch gets off scot-free with all the shit she does? i’m done with this double standard. i don’t want to be somewhere where i’m emotionally abused and unappreciated.
God damn every damn piece of shit!!! I hate every human being on earth and wish they would all exploed into nothing pieces of shit!!!! I hate this existence a perpetual race of rats and money. MONEY IS FUCKING USELESS!!! ALL WE CARE ABOUT IS MONEY!!!! I HATE OUR SOCIETY LET”S END THIS MOTHER FUCKER!!!!
Is it REALLY too much to ask that you ask a question if you want to have something? Really? Until tonight, I thought we were all adults in this place; obviously I’m dead wrong.
To the crappy child-masquerading-as-adult who decided to snarf some of the cupcakes for THE CHURCH FUNDRAISER THAT I TOLD EVERYONE ABOUT, thanks. Thanks a bunch. It is late. I am tired, especially after being kept up last night with toothache after my dental filling yesterday. We didn’t get in until nearly seven. I
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My favourite part of the day is when my Mum turns from a normal person into a psychotic maniac that can turn even the most easy going, happy and innocent conversation into someone giving her “attitude”. Which than means we are evil and ungrateful bitches that should be kicked out of “her house” right than in there. But oh no, she’s too “kind” to do that so we’re “lucky” she doesn’t. Dear Mom, go get yourself some help. You are completely losing it, when someone offers to do the laundry you
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I was a pussy no doubt about. If I had balls I would figure out where the prick doctor lived and would rip his face off!!! I would reach in his mouth an pull to the sides and watch his whole mouth burst then I would rip his skin up over his head!! HE HURT MY WIFE!!! HE DELIVERED MY BABY WITH SUCH INHUMANITY!!! HE WAS SUCH AN ASSHOLE! !!! I WISH HE WAS DEAD! I WILL STOMP ON HIS HEAD UNTIL HIS BRAINS POP OUT OF HIS EYES!!! I WILL KILL HIM OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!! HE IS EVERYTHING I HATE AND I HOPE
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You fucking piece of shit woman beater. I knew you couldn’t help yourself because you are piece of shit and would put your hands on me again because it’s the only way you can handle any kind of emotion or god forbid any confrontation about your shitty behavior. I tell you a joke and you take it the wrong way which turns you into pushing me like a fucking 5 years old bully would push around another child! Then you jump on top of me like you’re in fucking wrestling match, you little fucking
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She so damn fake. Fake hair, fake lashes, fake everything…. I haven’t talk to you in over 9 months and you still feel the need to keep me in your conversations. WTF!!! Let Go chick… We aren’t friends and I really do not desire to be your friend. Get a grip. I never met anybody that was so desperate to drive 5 hrs away to have sex with a guy that gave you an STD just years before and then gave you another serious STD recently… So fucking stupid…. And she really have the nerves to talk about my
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She lives so far away, but I can’t stop thinking about her. I’m not sure if she’s interested in that other guy or me. It makes me just want to pretend like I hate her just to make myself feel better.
i’m so sick of this stupid bitch and her holier-than-thou attitude. like what the fuck kind of person screams at someone over not buying them stuff from WALMART? i don’t give two shits about your what YOU need. i’m not here to take care of your business. get off your fucking ass and buy your own shit.
Being near him and feeling his heart beat makes me smile and when he holds me I feel like I could melt in his arms, but then he pushes me away and gets mad at me I just want him to be happy and try to make him see that I love him with everything I have and that nothing he does will ever make me stop loving him. when he kisses me I get butterflies, but also the most time it seems he wants to be around me or ‘loves me’ is when we have some sort of sexual contact. and i’m afraid of being used! but
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