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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Curse my Ex 610

My fiance left me a while back. What we had was beautiful. We were deeply in love, or so I thought. I loved her deeply. It turns out that back in May she realized she was in love with an old friend of hers, and she “hid that away in her heart”. About a month later, I proposed to her and we were engaged.

A while ago she left me, and it turns out she’d been pursuing this other guy for a while. Now that she’s on her own, she’s consumed by her love for this guy, and his stalking him, etc. trying …view more


There is this thing called fun and games that often involves little jokes and pretend-insults, referencing a touch of reality but not necessarily representing reality. This is also called ‘humor’. When I say, “He is upstairs anti-socializing”, I don’t mean, “That weirdo is so god-damn anti-social and that ain’t right, and SHIT sister your boyfriend is a fucking loser”. I mean, “He is upstairs. He’s not downstairs. No one else is upstairs. And we’re all downstairs. Therefore, as we all know, …view more

people asking for attendees to bring food to their reception 69

upset when people who can def afford putting on a wedding reception….outdoors, nothing fancy but asks for attendees to bring a dish…..really? Both can afford it….a letter was sent to them telling them so, and it was blamed on people who didn’t do it, though they talked about not taking food…..but now they are blamed for it…..I know, I was one who talked about it, but didn’t send the letter, but got blamed for it…..just sucks!

Bitches 79

A bitch in my work decided to tell me I was shit at my job despite just being promoted. She talks behind my back and behind everyone’s in the place about stupid things. For example, today as I was in charge I was blamed for all the other people not doing their job correctly. I am also being reported by her for not sending one of the workers home because she was hungover, despite there being no one to cover her shift which is a necessity as there is a certain number of people must be in at a …view more

I think my boyfriend is cheating 79

So I’ve been dating this guy for almost 3 years, I love him with all of my heart, he’s never hurt me or anything, he’s just perfect. But like he has this one friend that’s more close with him than he is with me now and I’m starting to get really jealous. like I cry sometimes cause I feel like he’s cheating on me, Idk guys I just love him and I don’t want to lose him over some stupid bitch that will break his heart. FML

Dear X-Boyfriend. 59

I’m sorry, I ever dated you. I wasn’t ready nor was I even attracted to you. At the time, I wanted a friend who listened, but who I could also have fun with and you fit the bill. You blame yourself, and for awhile I blamed you too. You were clingy. You were a druggie. You would tell me things you shouldn’t do. You asked me out again. But I see now, I was at fault too. You wanted a year long relationship, I wanted a 3 month or less relationship. You wanted sex. I wanted you to not even touch me. …view more

She cause mine to break, and she gets a NEW, BETTER one!!!!!!!!!!!! 49

She managed to CRACK my Otterbox. Then she cracked the protective, glass screen. Then, while I’m trying to help my disabled husband to the car, I dropped my S5 phone. CRACKED. After all that time, finally eligible for a trade-in, but freaking NOPE! What was I thinking?! I can’t get something else nice! SHE gets all the favors!!!
So, today she texts, all excited Her boyfriend is buying her a freaking S7 phone. (After all, she doesn’t even have to work!) Was so excited she didn’t know what to …view more

Weakest bitch in the liter 59

You sit around trying to be perfect but your a fake bitch. You took him back after 3 times cheating and cumming inside you even after you said no. You break up with him, but you allow him to take you to dinner and give you rides to work. Then you find another guy and say your not really feeling him, but now after I convinced you he was good for you bitch you wanna come at me foul. Fuck you bitch, thats why the condom broke your ass with the new dude too. You like to talk down to people like …view more

Okay, I don’t need to rant… 49

Having read the shit on here, i reckon the world is full of fucked up people, and I am pleased to announce I no longer feel like one. Thank you for making me realise there are some right loonies out there, and I don’t even remotely resemble you…..enjoy your web page, if you haven’t topped yourself already.

Self Hate 49

I really hate myself right now. I have lost ten pounds in the past two weeks and everyone is going to be so kissed at me. I know I should eat more but I hate myself and I can’t. I’m such a goodie two shoed and I know my boyfriend wants someone who will do fun things with him and that isn’t me and he hates me and I hate myself and my parents are going to be so mad and I hate myself and I want to die I want to kill myself I want this to BE OVER

Sigh… 59

So this affects literally no one but me, but it feels good to vent. I seriously doubt that anyone else cares, but I am sick and fucking tired of my job. I’ve been with this company since before it opened up for business. I volunteered my time to complete the construction of the very building itself. I’ve been available last minute for covering shifts, I’ve contributed training programs that have earned money for the business, and I have sacrificed time with my family to help this business grow. …view more

be ypurself.. 59

love life. forgive but never fucking forget. if you are sad, say something and dont wait for a response. do whatever the hell you want, people have nothing on you. be fucking free.

Me 59

I don’t know why, but I only use some of my intelligence, on the inside I’m really smart, I know more than the students in my class, but I don’t really talk much. NOBODY knows my true potential, if I make a mistake I can say “oh well”, I don’t really care unless it’s extreme, injury, important lost item, etc. But the people around me, my family, and friends have no CHILL, if you accidentally stabbed me, I would forgive you easily, but alot of people would probably hate you.

Mother in law from hell 69

Fuck you for making fun of me. You don’t have to deal with a colic baby all night every night so don’t publicly shame me for trying to stop eating things to make him feel better. “She just goes on the Internet and find these crazy things to try cause you know how everything on the Internet is true…hahahah” fuck you cunt I can’t believe your making fun of me for trying to help YOUR grandson. And fuck you hubby for laughing with her. You pass the baby to me when he starts crying nobody deals with …view more

College 79

Fucking accounting is literally the worst thing to ever happen to me. I’m taking this stupid ass class with a teacher who is a horrible teacher. She is so fucking ditzy that nothing ever gets done in class. Like what the fuck. I have not been taught anything this entire semester. I am literally wasting my tuition on this fucking dumb teacher who isn’t aware of how to teach me anything. I know accounting isn’t a reason to be ranting but I’ve been trying to do this fucking homework for hours now …view more

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