Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I wish I could talk with my wife. She condemns all the things that have grounded me, inspired me, and truly loved in my life. People don’t say things like that to the ones they truly love. I hope she doesn’t do this to our son.
Lately, I have been an emotional mess. I would be happy one day but become the opposite the following day. I can’t focus on assignments anymore, procrastinating until I decide to get some sleep. My optimism reaches its highest levels on a good day, then pessimism takes over on a bad one. It’s never stable and I hate myself for it. My relationship with my dear mother is currently on the rocks and I’ve lost a close friend due to my moodiness. Can’t blame them, though. Plus, I’m worried that it
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Where to even start.. I have PTSD from living in a neighborhood where gunshots are frequent, my neighbors and friends have died in front of me. My father was an drug addict with a heart of gold who died from cancer when I was 15, but I hardly knew him. My mother… my mother has so many mental and physical issues it is unreal. Throughout the years she has called the cops on me 27 times, starting when I was the age of 12. They have stopped coming after the last court date which she finally
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So, I just stayed up all night because my “friends” said they were coming over. “Be there in a hour” “sorry 30 more minutes” then finally when they don’t show passed midnight “sorry its late and we are going home so we can get drunk” they literally bullshitted me all fucking night knowing I have to be up super early for work tomorrow (or should I say todau because it is now the am hours) some fucking friends I have. Fuck this, time to get new friends! Note to self: don’t trust people. Guess
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Why is it that im so fucking stupid that everytime i get my life together i have to do something to fuck it up?! For 3 years ive been clean from smoking drugs and alcohol. I found a great guy who accepts my flaws and we have a beautiful son together. Its fucking boring!! I want to go out and not be tethered down. Im still young but i feel like im 60 years old. I miss the vicodin more than anything. I was a better person when i was on them. I could feel things.. Now im just this shell.. Im angry
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I hate it when girls (typically teenagers on Tumblr) think they’re all special and unique because they’re “different” and “not like other girls”. They usually say stuff like “All the girls at my school are sluts! I’m the only one who likes anime and classic literature and CoD and hoodies and Green Day and blah blah blah…” Basically these “unique” girls look down on anyone who wears pink or makeup or likes pop music. It’s ridiculous. They think they’re being all rebellious by “defying society”
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So ive been friends with this girl named Meghan for at least 8 years now. ( Im 13) Shes always been a total jerk to me for as long as I can remember, but still I continue to run back to her. I have no idea why. A few weeks ago we got into a fight because she whipped a baseball at me and hit me. She then called me a baby when I wasn’t running my fastest. later when I threw the ball to her and she caught it barehanded, she started crying. She is such a hypocrite. She then hit me and made fun of
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so fucking annoying when people open your letters and packages for you like ITS PERSONAL god damn
Stop being late!!! Because of you I missed out on being on time for work you cunts.
I’m going to marry this man someday :)
OkAY. It is 2 in the morning right now and I have so much fucking pent up anger in me it’s unreal. I needed a place to just let what’s been bothering me for the last few months out.
I started working at this job 8 months ago.
It’s great.
It’s awesome.
I like my coworkers. Sure.
There’s one that I’ve grown particularly close to. In fact, we’ve actually recently become roommates and I’ve shared with him intimate secrets that I haven’t even told my friends of 5 years who I see multiple
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Fuking cut me off blak cunt?
Fuk u savage. Go bak to the cotton
It was then, at the freaking age of 18–you heard me people, 18!!–that I FINALLY realized the damn truth! That all my life, this balding son of a bitch was playing with my mother’s life and directing mine down the path to hell. I’ve been stuck in a dysfunctional situation with a narcissistic, emotionally abusive idiot who sought to control the lives of those around him. A little more on this bastard: He has the mental and emotional capacity of a two year old. He gets angry very easily, and often
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It was around this time that stepdad showed his true face to us. He made us feel as though our current situation was me and my sister’s fault. We did not have to do any chores before, which I agree was probably us being spoiled, but he made it a very big point to force us to do all that he used to do which was the laundry, cleaning of the house, and etc (this was because my mom was too lazy to do it herself and made him do it). If we didn’t do it right, if we left so much as a speck behind, we
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I don’t know im just so stressed out for high school. My mom is making me go to a private all girls school but there is only one the entire city. If I don’t make it I have to move 15 states away. I’m so stressed. I’m not the best student either. I don’t understand why I can’t just go to a co-ed school. They’re perfectly fine. I have actual pains in my stomach every time I think about it and sometimes I even pass out from the stress and pain. I don’t want to loose what I have. I have amazing
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