Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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You hate me because I intimidate you even though you hold the power. Or is it that you recognize something in me that reminds you of something you hate about yourself? I know your goal is to surround yourself only with those that bow to you. Be careful, there is a new sheriff in town and you may just bully yourself right out the door. Your management style screams “personal issues” and everyone talks about it. I hope you get a grip on it someday before you destroy anyone else.
You know what Mr. M i have the right to go wherever i want its a fucking free country and your bald head ass doesnt have any power in it at all. Also do you expect me to go anywhere wothout knowledge that any room is open when all the rooms are occupied. Like seriously you are the shittiest teacher i have ever come across and the meanest idiot there ever fucking was. Unfornatuely ur wife has to deal with your sprry ass . Hood luck in hell motherfucking jackass. Prepare to be fired u lonely,
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My boyfriend left half his lunch at my house because i forgot my money and he was already passing or apartment. He was on the phone with me and i clearly heard him say to her put it in the fridge for me and when i came back 20 mins later it was gone and her two boy toys bring her food and when i asked for some she wouldn’t give me any. Shes just so frustrating
I am happily married to the most amazing, considerate, sweethearted ass hole in existence and it is wonderful. My life has nothing to complain about in it except for what is in my own head. He is always going out of his way to make me happy but my depression comes out of nowhere and I just feel sad all the time. I know it upsets him and it it hurting our marriage. I truly believe he is the only man who would stand by me through anything and everything. I don’t want to hurt him anymore.
My life seems so bad right now,i dont know for sure but im pretty sure im medically depressed(is that how you say it, i dont even know) i feel like crying every moment of the day,24/7, and cant do anything becouse of hiw do n i am. Im so.stressed that i shake and cant do anything but hide away and cry. Im becoming really lonley, my freinds are becomig closer to each other leaving me behind,and i think im trying to hard for the guy m. I cant even tell my mom im a vegetarian because im scared and
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You bit#/ & butthead. It is not your dog it is his. Stop posting stuff like you are the owner. And for him never an I’m sorry or thank you or polite consideration for the hours of driving & effort I put in. I may not have been “the girl” but I’m a nice person & I derserved all honesty.
Not wanting anything serious was fluff & the younging, how can you have a conversation with. Good use of the Hawaii book so much for falling for brown eyes, easy young blue & red hair.
I am seriously hurt that
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Yesterday evening my teenage daughter who is being bullied in school had an emotional breakdown followed by a severe panic attack leading to her shaking uncontrollably and biting her own tongue. While this was happening a facilitator at our community centre texted to say she couldn’t come in the morning due to a bereavement. I missed the text with all that was going on. This morning a woman arrived and when the facilitator wasn’t in the room when she arrived, proceeded to abuse me in front of
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Honestly, I LOVE Facebook. I’m a roleplayer, so it’s convenient for me.
I make fake threats, that everyone knows I’m kidding about, a LOT.
So, I did it in a group chat, and now I don’t have a fucking Facebook account.
So, I said “Can I stab her with a rusty screwdriver?”
Then this one girl who KNOWS what I do gets pissed and says she’s going to report me to the police if I didn’t apologize. I didn’t have enough time to do that before my cousin picked me up.
My friend Michael said
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I knew it was coming. I knew when we first started dating she would cheat on me. She openly told me that she cheated on her last 2 boyfriends and yet I still stayed with her. I guess I hoped she wouldn’t do it to me, that she cared about me more than them. I was wrong. Am I crazy or stupid that I still love her? Is it wrong that I still want to be with her? Ive never really been the jealous type anyway so I know that I will get over this but am I wrong for that? Also doing this onObie is awful
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I’m the type of person who like to respect others, even if I mad. but im getting sick of going with the flow or being told what to do. I want to speak up for myself but I cant seem to speak my mind. Im getting sick not be able to express myself, I want to have a long conversation, but I can only say a sentence or two. The only time I can be myself completely is when I hand out at my school anime club. Some days I feel like I am free, other days I fell as if I’m chained down, Then my friend keep
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yesterday i dressed up and i looked really cute and my mom and i were laughing about how i was really cute. then she stopped laughing and said “so why is there a hot topic bag in your closet?” in the bag was my brand new Tokyo Ghoul shirt that i bought which i was super happy to wear to school. i immediately got scared and said “I bought a shirt there…with nicky and sam” and let me tell you this my mom compares nicky to me all the time about her not watching anime and everything which isn’t
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My dad died five months ago and since then I have changed a lot. I have never had a ton of friends to begin with, but I had a decent amount. I feel like now, I have become more mature and responsible and all my friends are reckless and stupid. They go to parties and get wasted and I just don’t see the fun in getting hungover from cheap beer. Like tonight for example, my friends are all going to a party and I don’t want to go but they all see the appeal that I don’t see and I have no one in my
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I can’t Fucking believe I was just fired because I told a parent their child had a bad day. She was fussy because her teeth were coming in and she didn’t nap. Then they proceeded to tell me I was also fired because I asked a co-worker of she was divorced, and because I told my boss my concerns about how the Fucking teachers won’t get off their Fucking cell phones. I was called a tattle tale and I was told that I can’t tell parents that their child has a bad day. So basically, shut up and don’t
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I constantly wonder what I am doing wrong. Now, and even back when I was younger. Why wasn’t I given a chance to be a camp supervisor when I was twelve? I felt like I blossomed while camping and thought I could do as well as anyone else helping others. Apparently not. Why was I cut off from a chance to sing in plays? It was always one popular girl who got the popular roles. When I asked to audition, I was not taken seriously and was told to sing with another girl, creating a terrible duo that
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I hadn’t talk to an old “best” friend in a while. I decided to text him a month ago. He read the message. Never responded… I messaged him again today. He read it. NEVER RESPONDED!!! I’ve been on the verge of tears because it breaks my heart that he called himself my “almost boyfriend”.
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