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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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elation at survival 29

only works it u dont shoot them first. for sure it’s enjoable watching her fight for life. dont know that i am doing her any favors but she feels better with me there. that’s enough for me. :).

ummm personally i drink pepsi buttt i am pretty sure the legals choice is coke. answers some questions that were obvious at times.

i want to say chopping down trees has some merit buttt then we would have no woods left. really i dig and rake and really it’s something to do. i HATE the mess this place …view more

really i’m 58 and 09

lived every day of it. certainly it is the young that will face the crazy our world has become. really we r old and tired andddddd it wasnt our idea.

ummm seriously visitors pass for bro’sLMAO… i’m a girl and it’s a day pass from the asylum.

ahhh really u can spit scratch pick your nose till it bleeds caugh till your lungs give a hoot andddd meh. make me laugh u got my attention. i just dont think to much is funny any more orrrr the stuff that is is true a tad warped. shrug.

been a good …view more

Thanks for turning into a raging bitch 149

I’m so done with you right now mom. I thought it would be nice for us to watch The Big Lebowski together. Movies never were a problem before, but the you decide to go all psycho-bitch on me about me wanting to do my nails. I triple checked that it was okay to use the last of the shellac-cleanser stuff and you definitely said it was fine, but then ask why I didn’t buy any more! We freaking agreed that I would pay you back for the next set of stuff if you bought it because I only go to that store …view more

it’s like he wants to hurt me 29

I just feel like crying. I had a good afternoon with my fiancé (partner of 8 years) yesterday and made a small comment which he didn’t like and it just erupted into a massive argument.
He brought up all this stuff that he’s never mentioned before, and just got himself so angry. He wouldn’t stop, he just kept going and bringing everything and slinging it at me like he wants to hurt me. He’s just so suddenly full of anger and it’s not been like this for years. I don’t know where it all came …view more

Abandoned 59

My dad left me and my mother when I was five, well more like me and my mom left him, for his brother. AKA my uncle on my dads side. My mom and my uncle had a child who is my brother/ cousin right? Just to clarify this was my dads brother. NOT MY MOMS BROTHER! But anyways, my brother is a brat who gets whatever he wants, and he live with both of his parents, and I live with one(my mom) she gave him the perfect life ( protects him from everything she didn’t even bother to hide from me, she even …view more

what a day 29

cats teach us love and indepence and dogs teach us loyalty and ambition. my cat teaches me shut up and the limits of my pateience. really i know a vet. annoying fuck.

it is difficult for me to enjoy myself when closests r suffering. one really has to hang on to. the world aint ending just takin another turn. endings and new beginings and really i dew believe in everything for a reason. sometimes when the pieces fit it’s majic. sometimes the reason is somebody eleses and we never know why. just …view more

I hate white knights and feminists who try to spread their bullshit in gaming 29

Gaming is meant to be pure entertainment. It is not meant to be politically correct. That has no place in gaming whatsoever so take that BS elsewhere please and go back to tumblr. I’m a woman so its not like I hate feminism in general or anything but really…it has no place in gaming. There is no room for it there and it needs to stay the fuck out. It’s not fun. It isn’t gonna make gaming more fun. Not for me at least. I like my female characters like I like my beach attire. As little clothing …view more

fml 49

I have retrograde amnesia post a horrible car accident where I broke my neck. I have poor short term memory and most of what I do know I have learned about my life second hand from friends. I have been with my current bf for 2 years. He consistently brings up my past relationships and throws them in my face with things I said during them and things I did. He found out all of this stuff by going through my social networking private conversations and my old computer files, all without my …view more

ho hummmm 29

seriously i miss beeing a girl. never got much of a chance to start with buttt really the last few years sucked in way i never imagined. sighhhhhh. butttt i try. lmao. certinly i dont dew porn and seriously i am dewing u a favor. LMAO. battered bruised and bleeding bever doesnt dew much for the ambience. sheeesh. how does one get bruises down there. itchy and scrattchy r soon to follow and seriously some stuff just argggggggggggg.

least the nails r gone, they r cute but hard to work with. …view more

abuse of our healthcare system 29

SHORTLY I AM GOING TO HAVE TO HAVE MEDICAL ADDRESS THE PAIN. abuse of a system that works. possible jealousy.

truely sick o this shit. and seriously the cat aint helping.


FUCKING OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 49

why is it a suprize that when u abuse people to a state of NOT giving a flying fuck, u get a world of people who dont give a flying fuck. seems a little short sited. why beside screaming fear would anybody who crossed the finish line want anything to do with peeps whose motto is- if she lives, she lives.

death of unions. i think that’s a lye. that’s about hormoans and biology and people huddling together out of fear. dont see my path as typical and at the end of the day i have a great many …view more

the voices in our heads 29

ummm hard to draw a line as to what is a mental illness and what is the effects of modern technology and really my cat dances at the oddest times. shrug. what do i know…maybee the line is about LISTENING to the voices. really i talked to myself all my life assume everybody does. very confusing for me. anddd shrug. thinkthings that ARE effect those with REAL illnesses very badly in some cases. strangely it feels like most feel right at home. wierd fucking world. going to shop yic.

and dont …view more

no doubt purception of uppity cat being left out is 59

not logical therfore it is art or creative way to address what isnt. ummm seriously shot by techno an experience andd feels like all blood running cold anddd body fluids feel the need to bee elsewhere andd brain tumbles. for those with motionsickness a nightmare. the cold is overwhelming. predictable and umm to some exent controlable. leave is an option. send it away, turn it off and meh. wierd fucking world we live in. fleeting and ummm that is random. the mode of transport. really the fox has …view more

ya know i was nervous 29

i have learned to bee warry of all things electric just on general principal butttt oh my. ho is my friend. doctor ho :D. truely i have had it with the pain anddd appearently technology when used properly, with knowledge and proper application. yeahhhhh wonderful tool. most certainly better than relentless pain. i think it might actually giggle but then that would bee nutz.

ummm peeps if u r following the road where u lock yourself in a closest and wait to bee resuced ummm i hate to break it …view more

Succubus 89

We have been together for 25 years!! Of that 25 years he has worked for someone other than me for 6 years. Worked for me for 10. That leaves 9 years that he has sucked off of me. I have even gone to college and gotten a degree so I may increase my wage earning potential and he thinks that is just great. Last year he blew the engine in my car. So now I have to drive his to get to work. I can’t afford to buy a new car used or otherwise because I have to support the succubus. We have been divorced …view more

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