Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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All of my friends have been just forgetting me lately like holy shit. I’m
A great friend and I don’t deserve to be treated like this.
You’re so selfish and don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself and your dumb stoner boyfriend. No one fucking cares about u two being together. And it’s so obnoxious to hear about it while I’m just trying to spend time with you. So I’m done. You’re a selfish bitch. Good luck.
The only reason I haven’t offed myself is because of my daughter! Without her, I would have left this pathetic world years ago! So over life! I used to be positive, silly, and happy regardless. Now, I’m filled with nothing but torment and misery! Life is a fucking brutal joke!
I hate myself for being ok to have the bare minimum in a relationship. Me and my girlfriend have been together for almost 7 years. In the past 3 years we havent had sex, telling me shes not into it. All we do is give each other pecks and say “i love you” Everytime I make advancement for sex she turns me down. I dont say or do anything about it. I hate myself for not standing up for myself and afraid to leave. I feel I rather have those little kisses from her than non at all. I’m such a pussy
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i’m honestly truly thinking about suicide. i cant go on anymore. everything is just so damn hard. and i hate living. i just.. i don’t know how to leave. i don’t know the best way to die. should i use a gun? or pills? i’ve tried over dosing on pills before. and it obviously didn’t work. in fact, it made me hate myself even more. i just feel like I’m pretty much done. so I’m sorry. to my friends, to my family. to my teachers, to my peers. to the people i love, to the people i hate. i’m sorry i’m
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There is a guy I’m involved with and everything was good until we had sex. He got distant and then was close and affectionate but then pretty much didn’t speak to me for 2 days. He admitted he wants to go my sister and that she’s sexy, talk about other chicks infront of me. Comments on hot girls. Calls me sexy when we are alone then tries it on me every night were together. Ignores me infront of other people, then will do the exact opposite and cuddle and kiss me in public. I feel like I’m just
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Today at work, it MOSTLY went well. Really I can’t complain a whole lot. I work in a cleaning company, so we are always on a time crunch trying to get out as soon as possible so that the clients don’t have to pay too much. I started this job a month or so ago and so I am just now getting use to it. I am also trying to get to where I do things as well as my 2 coworkers who have been there for a while and are quick and efficient. The reason being, is one coworker who I frequently work with is
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Don’t ask IT why something is still broken. If you refer to it as “broken,” you’re already reducing it to what your simple little mind can comprehend. Your smarthost provider was blacklisted, that does not mean that a prior fix did not work, it means things changed. Go be a glad-hands and push some pencils, bitch. We read your e-mail.
ummm warry…..smells harmless but wierd. ok so i laugh butttt i floored the room. appreciate not begining crowded. i enjoyed it from various angles till it got annoying. andddd art is in mechanics. what’s the point. really this makes me sick.
my world is a very odd place. full of majical things cause i am fucking crazy. i have a sanity test tomorrow and i would like to pass it. maybee. if i dew choke somebody …crazy might bee a good idea.
gives headaches then why call me out. i was just
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The prodigal son returns, he to show us why he is better then everyone else.
Should i give him the satisfaction of being there at recess or lunch?
I should swallow my pride and just go on my own for today, because i know that i want do anything stupid because we all know that he is special
I like this boy and we have been friends forever its nothing like the friend zone, trust me. He is willing to do anything with me and i am too, but its hard not knowing what people would say about me being so judgemental. Then again I don’t know if i’m looking for a boyfriend or friends with benefits, or a open relationship being able to see other people at the same time but those are fucking stupid. its just i don’t want to ruin this great friendship we have. He wants to hang out tomorrow at
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ive herd that twice this week from peeps who know me. certainly my first ever cybr stalk had a suprize ending. truely admire and respect but our views differ radically. really i think pedo’s should bee lined up along a log and have their ballz chopped off, then let them run till they bleed to death. shrug. jmo.
and truely never with a wimper but a bang. very disappointed by actions of others. :(.
support for what is and what will bee much apprecated and really i still think valuim is the
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So I used to like this one girl. We texted back and forth a while, and then I asked her out. she said yeah, but she didn’t realize I meant on a legit date. so she took it back. well I havent talked to her in forever. well this bitch fucking shows up to me claiming I told her sister she wanted me so bad and I kept rejecting her. okay, so thats the EXACT opposite of what I told her. “Go ahead and get mad. You talked shit on me and I found out about it. Just because I confront you about it doesn’t
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really hard to say what others see orrr if they see at all. easy to see very early why any sane person would want to talk about it. that funny and i am not sure why. and some stuff fits easily with known in reality. weirdo’s and freaks, minds twisted to snot…and not necessarily a bad thing. lmao.
and really just makes me feel old. fits like a glove a world of insanity. i am fragile and generally fucked up in my own special ways. i did smile like crazy tho. i am old not stupid. lmao.
least it was real stuff and stuff i believe in.
ummmmmmi do believe our faith in God keeps us safe from most. ummm sing a hymm anddd regular bad hits the road. i believe it the conviction in themselves. saddly we r all good and bad and the bad stuff needs to hit the road. i think the idea is to recognize the difference but out worl makes that pretty much impossible. sighhhhhh.
i think the issue arrives with sick and demented and evil. they have no shame compassion and nothing convicts them.
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So, whenever you have a problem you usually go to someone so they can give you advice or cheer you up right? Yeah, I do the same. I usually go to one of my friends. And I text them a whole entire fucking paragraph and tell them what’s going on and I tell them how I feel. And wanna know what their response is? “Awe.” Like are you fucking kidding me? You’re not going to like give me advice or cheer me up? Or even tell me its gonna be okay? Fuck you, too then. Next time you have a problem and you
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