Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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My ex is still a goddam lying piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it just seems as though you don’t make any effort with us anymore, and it upsets me, it really does. i arrange things time and time again, and you are still the only one that doesn’t turn up for like, the tenth time in a row. i know you like hanging out with your family .. don’t you think we do too? yeah, of course we do. but we can make an equal balance of family time and friend time. i ALWAYS make fucking sure i have time for my friends. if someone needed to call me or text me at 4 in the
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i dont know what to do with my self i feel lost alone even when a friend is near
i think about her every day and it dosint matter how many girls i meet i cant feel enything for them cuz i still love her its bin a year and im so fuckin lonley its makeing me crazy i just want to move on but im stuck in the past
funny how we all ways whont what we cant have
im wondering how much more i can take
before this thing finely kills me
stop putting me down every single day. how do you think that makes me feel about myself? if i get sad when something goes wrong, that doesn’t mean you have to explode at me about it. sure, i can get mad and cranky, but that happens to you all the time too. do you enjoy seeing me in tears? do you feel accomplished calling me a piece of crap? this is why i don’t love you, and i don’t see how anyone could. you humiliate me, yell at me, and out me down every fucking day of my life. i can’t find
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i hate you. i don’t even like to look at you. it’s not even your fault either and i know that. you are very stupid, but that’s no reason to feel this way toward you. it’s a little bit of jealousy, i know that. i’m waiting for you to wise up, but i know that isn’t going to happen. he will be unhappy with you. if you do stay together he will eventually cheat on you again. you will sat it’s ok… stupid. in a way, i’m glad you have him because i really don’t need him like that. but i do miss my best
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i’m going through the motions right now to get this surgery. i really want it. i’ve tried to lose weight on my own and i gained a lot of it back. i lost a little over 100 lbs and gained more than half back. it’s hard. i’ve been fat my whole life. this isn’t just a lazy person talking. this is a real problem. here’s the thing, i’m ashamed to get the surgery. i won’t tell anyone i’m trying to get it done. 3 people know. my roommate doesn’t even know. i kind of feel like a failure. weighing the
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Every fucking time it seems like things are going to get better, just a tiny bit better, something ALWAYS goes wrong. Not just little things but huge stuff! Actually find a job after SIX months, work a few decent days and they decide they really don’t need much help in the end. Get enough money to go on vacation in a month aaaand I get some surprise bills and find out my main source of income is now going to be stopped. For a reason that I never even knew about!
I wish my life were *steady*,
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it was a one night stand a little over a year ago. when i found out i was pregnant i wanted to tell him. i was just about to too, but then i froze. he introduced me to his girlfriend… my stomach turned. i didn’t tell him. i never told him. we have a daughter now. well, i do…
My name is “Lilly” and I have been an exhibitionist since I started growing hair and boobs. I’m almost 30 now and occasionally date but I enjoy just going out on the town and flashing. Oh, I’m very discrete and I act like its just an error. I make it look completely innocent or coincidental. Usually the guys are embarrassed that they accidently saw something…a pussy slip or a nip slip…LOL
I know your first thought is, “is she ugly or something?” Actually I was a cheerleader in high school and
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it just occurred to me that i am 24 years old. this is not where i pictured my life would be. it feels like people my age have passed me up. i’m not really doing anything i didn’t do when i was a teenager. no man, no kids, no degree… it’s just me. me and my job and my unsatisfying social life. i’m a loser. something needs to change. i need to change. where the fuck do i start?
Right so theres this guy. I met him online, and we plan to meet in April. And well he told me he didnt have a girlfriend and turns out he did. Before I found out he had a girlfriend we were texting and tha, not sort of stuff you text someone if they have other halves. The day I found out he had a girlfriend I thought hmm shit, maybe i should back off now. I didnt, he kept telling me he was going to leave her for me. And stupid me believed him. Anyway, we carried on texting and tha, and still do
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I dont get it, my boyfriend makes no sense to me. I mean we’ve only been together for 2 months now, and he’s a little confused on him and his ex and him and me. He was going to marry his ex, and then broke up with her and then he met me and after awhile we hit it off and started dating. But he keeps saying he didn’t want a relationship but he did, but he doesn’t wanna hurt me if he gets back with his ex. I keep telling him, if you wanted to be with her you wouldn’t be here with me and you’d be
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I looked at your texts when you left your phone here. You saved texts from her. Told her you have feelings for her. That co-worker you fucked a while ago. The annoying, fucktarded one who oozes giggly dipshittery 24/7? And is a god foresaken moron? Who looks like she’s 12? Who has a fucking boyfriend? Why you fucked her in the first place is a mystery - all I can come up with is convenience. And I know you don’t owe me anything - we are (were) just friends with benefits. But I wish you knew
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i really, really wish i could tell my boyfriend my deepest, darkest secrets. infact, i just wish i could scream it out at the top of my lungs sometimes. i can’t tell anybody though, it’s serious, and far too personal. how would i even bring that conversation up? ‘hi, this happened to me a few years ago. it has fucked me up a little’. it’s not like anybody would believe me anyway. well, my mum knows. i had to tell her. only when she questioned me about it though, and that was years after it had
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a trip to amsterdam? AWESOME. let’s go!
so i book it. has she booked it yet? no. how long has she got left? 3 days. will she book it? probably not! ’sorry…work wouldn’t let me have the time off..’
i know this doesn’t seem a lot, but for fucks sake. you know how excited this trip has got me. you had over three fuckin’ weeks to call up work, and you leave it til now. WHATEVER. i’ll go by myself and have the best damn time of my life.
another friend; ‘oh, no, it’s not my thing. and my
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