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Latest Comments

I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Ugliest Fatass Ever 910

Fuck, I am so fucking fat and ugly. I’m 5′6″ and 166 lbs- I have a fucking double chin and I can’t lose my fucking blubber- well I am sort of but it’s taking me forever. Everyone around me is beautiful, and I’m a big fat blob. I barely consider myself as a person, and I’m always surprised if anyone is polite or friendly to me.

When I’m alone at home, or even in a crowded gym, I can start to forget about my ugliness and feel ok about myself, but that’s always shattered when I see my skinny …view more

Goddamn Poker Nights 510

I hate playing poker, stop inviting me to your games at the weekend. I like spending time with you guys, but I don’t give it shit if I win anything in your low stakes games, it’s boring and I spend the whole time wishing I wasn’t there. Can we all please go out and do something more interesting.

I am human, and I am pissed. 810

I shit. I piss. I sleep. I eat. I fuck. I get angry. I get sad. I question my reality. I question what I have been told as a child. I question the motives of others. I question the motives of myself. I am a spectator. I am a partaker. I am a player. I am a bench warmer. I am a fighter. I am a winner. I am a loser. I am a gamer. I am a movie junkie. I question religion. I like animals. I believe in a supreme being. I believe in personal growth. I believe in both the power of emotions and …view more

i’m an equalist all the way…. but… 710

my job makes me racist. it’s horrible, i know. and i know i’m not really racist, but god damn. why do so many black people act so ignorant?? i know it’s not the race, it’s the individual, but when sooo many fit the stereotype of a nigger, it’s hard to not be racist.

Alone. 810

According to facebook I have 119 friends.
It feels like there’s not a single one.

Popular is a stupid word 810

So, I’m “popular” now? About a year ago, our little group drifted apart and we all moved on. I’m sorry I didn’t stick with you, but we were never really close. It sounds terrible, it does, but I just don’t enjoy speaking to you anymore. I have new friends now, but so do you. We have different interests now. Believe it or not, I feel better now. I’m not nearly as self-conscious, I’m more confident, I feel like I matter more now. I have something I’m passionate about, which is band and music. …view more

You’re a grown person get your priorities right! 1010

I hate that you care more about your dumb computer than your family. How old are you?! I understand thats your downtime but come on! You don’t do anything but play games on the stupid computer. You can’t even eat dinner with your family cause your so caught up in the game! WTF?! Your kid begs you to spend time together but all you can say is either no not now or give me a few…then hrs past by and the poor kid is still waiting to play with daddy! The dog gets more attention the we do! You say …view more

Sad 710

Just so confused. Don’t know if what I’m doing is worth it. Some days it’s good, some days I have moods like this. I know I don’t need anyone else to make me feel special, but I can’t help it.

i can’t handle this 610

my whole life is falling apart and i feel so helpless. i have no one. all these people can be here, but no one really cares about me. i have no love. no best friend. no one to share life with. and at times like these i just want someone to hold me and be there. but everyone has their own lives to live…

hate my stupid family..and everything else 410

why cant you just leave me in peace? i hate my stupid ass-hole father, who can’t even go a day without lecturing me. he should get a life and mind his own fucking business. thanks to you idiots, i barely have any life, im just stuck at home all day doing nothing. you never encourage me, and only find ways to criticize me or lower my self esteem. i CANNOT wait until i get to go to college and leave you dumb-ass morons behind. from then on, i will leave and never look back. you can forget about …view more

what am i doing??? 610

i don’t think i can go through with this life anymore. really.

stuuuupid life 610

god i am so fuckin fed up of feeeling this ETERNAL miserableness!!!! I cant find a decent guy out there! they alll seem to want to fuck me over!! cheat on me! use me! whatever.. but its like EVERY OTHER GOD DAMN PERSON CAN FIND SOMEONE NICE!!
I just want a nice cool guy. he doesnt have to be A MASSIVE HUNK! he doesnt have to be AMAZING!!!!! just FUCKIN GIVE ME THE TREATMENT I DESERVE!
dont string me along & make me breakfast & snugggle alll day everyday with me & then the next minute IGNORE …view more

roomate blues 610

he won’t pay the bills. he doesn’t buy shit. he barely ever cleans. we don’t talk like we use to either. i’m losing my mind and my best friend. the worst part? i think i’m in love with this womanizer who doesn’t care a bit about me. i think he may have at one point. but i’m not pretty enough. i almost think he thinks he can do what he wants with other girls now because i will always be there waiting for him. well, i won’t. fuck him. he’s the one missing out because i would be absolutely perfect …view more

tired of life 1210

hate my job. hate my living situation. i have no one to turn to. i’m alone and i don’t want to keep this up anymore. i feel so trapped.

i’m so sick of being lonely 910

there is something seriously wrong with a 24 year old who has still never found love. i am so lonely and i feel like i’m getting old. i have all these friends and more of them are guys than girls even. but no one wants me to be their number one. if i’m so great then why am i only good enough to be your friend? am i that ugly? that’s pretty bad… i’m seriously contemplating suicide. haven’t done that in a few years. i thought i was going to be ok, but i’m still not. the only affection i get is …view more

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