Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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One thing I hate: being told I’m copying others. Okay, first things first, MY LIFE ISN’T MODELED AROUND YOURS, OKAY?! It’s my best friend who accused me of copying everything she did. Yes, we may have the same names, but really? I want to grow my hair long because I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SINCE I WAS LITTLE BUT MY MOM MADE ME CUT IT. I want to grow tall BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT MY DAD PRESSURES ME TO. I self-harm BECAUSE EVERYONE CONSTANTLY TELLS ME IT’S MY FAULT.
So please, never tell me or accuse me
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Obama is the worst president there is, and ever was. He fucking gives the enemies everything they want and screws us over, the people. The only reason he is still in office and has not been impeached is because he is black, and because the government is being able to fuck us all. It is time for the people to realize that we are being taken advantage of. It is time for us to stick up to our government and say fuck you. Time for us to get Obama out of office and bring back the America we know and
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I finally had enough courage to ask for help. When I got to school, I went straight to my teachers’ office. She said she was busy and just passed me along to the school counsellor, who was also (surprise surprise), too busy. I made an appointment with her in two weeks. In two weeks I won’t be brave enough and will probably just tell her everything is fine now.
I’m 15, just finished my freshman year of high school, thank God that shit’s over. I go to an all boys school, and there’s way ,way, way too many homework leeching motherfuckers in my class. I can’t stand that shit. These motherfuckers spend all night posting “tbhs” and “diss or fuck” bullshit on Instagram then setup camp at my fucking desk every class trying to get my work. Then they fail the class and blame the teacher. SMFH.
The only thing worse than the homework vultures swarming around
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I have had it today with small children in public spaces! Everywhere I have gone today there have been annoying children. First stop just pushing my cart into the store a small child darts out. If I had not reacted he would have been smacked in the head with my cart. Instead of redirecting the child, the mother and father then allowed the younger sister to dart over to the child and both blocked my way from entering the store. The younger sister was barely of walking age. I stood there waiting
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pain the musical.
seriously i have an extremely high thresh hold for pain. i have babies in 11 min while telling bad jokes. this makes it look like a picnic.
i’ld go to the hospital but it’s sat night and ours is inhabited by by the sat night fight club with 8 hr waiting time. argggg
and crap poor body. feelin
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My cock is small. I shouldnt even call it cock cause its that small. I think if I had a normal or larger package I’ll be more successful in life. I’ll have more confidence and I’ll carry myself better. I hate taking a piss cause I hate seeing little package. Non of my girlfriends would have cheated on me if my package is bigger. I hate my life because of my short comings. i wish it can grow just a few more inches to help with myself esteem. did i say I hate myself and my life. Because I cant
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I know that not all women are horrible but it seems the majority of the females in my life take great delight in making me feel like shit. I’m ugly, old and have nothing good in my life, and totally alone, with no hope of every finding joy ever. My entire life has been like this.
My entire body is a mass of scars. I haven’t done that for a long time, but every day these days is a struggle.
I could rant and rave about so much shit but I dont know where the hell to start.
Get your head out your ass, you think you’re so high and mighty. If you’re going to deal shit be ready for me to deal it right back. Don’t be a fucking pussy and get your feelings hurt when a girl can immediately come back at you and your pretentious comments. I don’t save comments for you, I just can’t stop myself from shooting down dumbass comments from egomaniacs who have no reason to have such an inflated ego. You are nearly 30, have yet to have a professional career, just finished a
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I can’t believe I cheated on him with you. You knew that I liked you for a long time and you took advantage of it. I thought maybe something would happen and that this was a sign. If you regretted what happen, then you should have stopped it before it went too far or should have at least been a man and talked about it afterward. I would have understand rejection and yes, it would have sucked, but this hurts so much worse — we have to see each other pretty much everyday and our companies have to
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blahhhh. was sewww hopin for a nice day, a walk in the valley and some sanity. gezzzzzzzzz. i get snow and stupid people who want to shoot them selves in the foot just to make my life miserable. nice. meh this too shall pass and i get to get on with my life. whatever that may bee. gotta love that.
anddd off and running. snowshoing gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Fine. Yeah, I skipped school today. I told myself that I was going to do work though - god knows I have tons of shit to catch up with. College is killing me and I don’t know why I’m letting it get the best of me. Look, by being alive and living with a roof over my head, I already have it better than the majority of the people in the world, so how about we get our shit together and get some work done, okay? Yeah. . . okay. I know what I got myself into by skipping school. . . First, it started
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My bestfriend and me have been having a lot of problems :/ we are not in the same class anymore and we don’t even have the same friends anymore. We know we are not gonna end up friends anymore. And she said that why not just get it over with and not be friends but she said she won’t. I don’t feel like her bestfrienda anymore. We only have 1 common friend and once we hang out with her I feel like a 3rd wheel. I can’t take it anymore. So I think it’s good idea just to get it over with rather than
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