Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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you know when you hear people talk about how it feels to be hooked on drugs? that’s how i feel about food. it’s a constant want. if i’m not eating i’m thinking about food. i over eat. sometimes i throw up. i’m never not hungry. it comforts me. it’s better than sex… i don’t know what to do.
I failed my entrance exam for the fourth time.
I’m a disappointment to myself and my family. I feel sick. I don’t think I have enough strength in me to live anymore. It’s not like anything bad will happen if I cease to exist; my family would be less embarrassed on my behalf if I died instead of kept failing.
It’s over. For what’s its worth - I tried. Oh God, I tried so hard.
The other day I was a little sad, in fact I think I was mourning the lost of your presence. That day I realized that these feeling are real and it hurts having to carrying them around with me. I’ve got to get this off my chest so, here it goes…For the past two years probably more than that I’ve been carrying this torch for you. As much as I try to get over it I can’t. For some reason I can’t give you up. This s&%$ isn’t going away. The thing is that I like you. I’ve always liked you, but I
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i dont know what to do or say… I’m so confused to wheather I should say something to him or not. My boyfriend has this girl that passed away as his number one on myspace. Yeah its just a myspace but he tells me I’m his everything and he’s never loved anyone like he’s loved me… it bugs me and eats at me. He’s never dated this girl they were just friends.. i dont know if i should say something or not… :(
how is that my heart has been broken so many times and i’ve never even had a real boyfriend? i’m 24…
According to facebook I have 119 friends.
It feels like there’s not a single one.
it just occurred to me that i am 24 years old. this is not where i pictured my life would be. it feels like people my age have passed me up. i’m not really doing anything i didn’t do when i was a teenager. no man, no kids, no degree… it’s just me. me and my job and my unsatisfying social life. i’m a loser. something needs to change. i need to change. where the fuck do i start?
once again, its her who is acting like the complete FUCKING IDIOT and i’m the one getting yelled at for my simple requests. can’t this freaking asshole get a damn life? always moping, complaining and crying…she’s fucking stupid and acts like a typical teenager, even though she isn’t. this bitch starts her damn fake tears, and look where that gets me. i could and SHOULD tell all the stupid things she does, but do i? NO. and she is a moron who can’t even comprehend basic rules. i WILL get back at
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You take my food, you take my friends’ food. You BARELY know them, and you beg them for their food. I know you well, I KNOW that you can prepare your own , but you’re just too god damn lazy. You bully others for their food, and when you actually bring some for once, you don’t share it. Why the fuck not? We give you a good half of our portions everyday, actually you just take them and then sometimes you criticize the way it tastes. You can’t spare one piece of gum to that kid you bullied last
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you will never be happy with her llike you coulda been with me. she’s dull and you know it!! she just happens to be obsessed with you and i guess that’s giving you a little ego boost or something. not to mention she’s a cute lil carbon copy of every other faceless beauty. i may not have that, but i have so much more and YOU FUCKING KNOW IT! you know i’m the real deal. you know no one knows you like i do and no one will ever have what we have. i just won’t look cute on your arm like her. and
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I looked at your texts when you left your phone here. You saved texts from her. Told her you have feelings for her. That co-worker you fucked a while ago. The annoying, fucktarded one who oozes giggly dipshittery 24/7? And is a god foresaken moron? Who looks like she’s 12? Who has a fucking boyfriend? Why you fucked her in the first place is a mystery - all I can come up with is convenience. And I know you don’t owe me anything - we are (were) just friends with benefits. But I wish you knew
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Biology sucks ass, accounting sucks ass, math sucks ass, and computer science sucks ass. Education is a brainwashing experiment by the government. Crazy bitches need to chill out.
My boyfriend and I decided that we were going to have a second baby a few days ago. Previously we decided we were going to start trying in May, but I lost my medical card to pay for my b/c shots, and we hadn’t had sex in like a week because I told him I didn’t want to accidentally get pregnant like the first time, I actually wanted to try this time. So anyway, a couple of nights ago he said he was just going to go ahead and get me pregnant now and we tried that night. Yesterday, out of the blue
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cutting & watching romantic comedies go together like peas and motherfucking carrots.
My fiance left me a while back. What we had was beautiful. We were deeply in love, or so I thought. I loved her deeply. It turns out that back in May she realized she was in love with an old friend of hers, and she “hid that away in her heart”. About a month later, I proposed to her and we were engaged.
A while ago she left me, and it turns out she’d been pursuing this other guy for a while. Now that she’s on her own, she’s consumed by her love for this guy, and his stalking him, etc. trying
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