Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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UGH i am just so sick of everything wrong in my life. i just came back from freaking college orientation at a college 7 hours away from my house. i went with my older sister and her boyfriend omfg she is so freaking mean wtf. okay. whats wrong with paying for me? mahybe i am freaking spoiled but fuck hyou have like freaking bipolar problems. i am so scared of you damn. okay whats wrong with spending a few more bucks on me. what is your problem? youre the one who wants to order two dishes and
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So here I go, again. Starting a business with a friend, which I have done 100 million times, I’ve never ever been successful, not a once. And now I feel so scared to fail again. I guess it doesn’t matter though. Either things will work out or they won’t. Either I will win and my friend and I will get a great thing going or we won’t. We will either make it big an win forever or i’ll just move home with my parents. I would rather just win this time, for once. I feel that all my life i’ve been
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I hate when I fucking think that other people need to be saved. It contributes to my own weakness thoughts, thinking that I can’t solve my own problems or provide for myself and it fucking sucks!!! HOW RETARDED AM I?!!!?!?!?!? WHY THE HELL DO I THINK I AM ANY LESS THEN ANY FUCKING PERSON ON EARTH!!!! IF THEY CAN HAVE A LIFE SO CAN I!!! GOD DAMMMIT MOTHER FUCKING BITCHES!!! I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF AND SO CAN YOU BITCH!!! FUCK
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I FUCKING HATE GIRLS!!!! All I want is to have girl friends and they always reject me, no i don’t want to sleep with them, I WANT TO BE THERE FRIENDS!!! BUT THEY WON’T BECAUSE I AM DAMN GUY!!! AND NO I’M NOT GAY!!! BUT I FEEL LIKE I HAVE TO BE JUST TO BE FRIENDS WITH GIRLS!!! FUCKING RETARDED!!! ALL GIRLS CAN GO TO HELL!!
I try and do the right thing and be everybody’s “superman” but fuck it I try and I try and keep myself from hurting you and go and flirt with my coworker the second we split. Im definitely glad I ended it now that I see what a fucking child you are. Fuck you too slut
Putting 2 bolt sized holes in somebodies bumper raised my insurance rate 55 dollars extra per month. This means I will now be working 7 days a week instead of 6. Of course it would be illegal for me to drive without car insurance and I would never amount to anything in this society if I don’t have a car so instead I get to work more hours on top of my already taxing amount of school, work and extra activities that have been eating away at my psyche and physical wellness. My resting heart rate
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Can’t people do anything without adding some kind of public eating event to it? I’m left outside everything because of it. I just can’t do it. Just thinking about having to eat with people looking makes me feel sick. Sometimes I can force myself to go sit in the table but I can’t actually eat anything. I’ll sit there yelling inside my head “JUST EAT SOMETHING! IT’S NOT A BIG DEAL!” But I can’t. It’s just not happening. Then my friends start to feel awkward with me just sitting there not eating
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I have a child and have wanted to join the military for a long time. I have my reasons for not doing so in the past, but my life seems to be changing drastically now. My husband is talking about divorce (though he hasn’t started anything, so I’m not sure he really wants it…that’s a different matter though) and I know the military doesn’t allow single parents to join…
So I keep thinking- If I join now, while still married, I’m not a single parent and then he’d divorce me after I’m in… I want to
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why are all the hot ones mental?
Windows suck!!! I’ve been using this OS since I got my first computer and it never fails to fuck me royally!! Why can’t they make all programs adapt to their piece of shit program??? Why do I have to go and re-download upgrade for every fucking program I have?? I hate this shit and I’m ready to go Apple full-time!!
Damn, you used to be a great worker, got things accomplished, helped out, but lately, you are slipping!
When there’s problems with a customers order, you are supposed to call them. Not just have them show up and have me explain and apologize for your mistakes. You realize we are out in the middle of the fucking nowhere and have tons of people that drive from all over the fucking hillbilly hell we work in? People that drive 30 miles just to find out that their order is not going to be ready and
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Ok, so I self harm, and every time I cut, I have to tell my mom. (Doctor’s orders) However, every time I tell my mom, she throws a pen or a plate on the floor and start saying that I am a selfish and ungrateful daughter and I should die. My cuts are getting deeper and deeper, and I feel like I can only talk to a teacher at school and anonymous websites.
When I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, I was really scared and lost about what to do. I went to my mom for her support, but she laughed and
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I would just like to say that our four year relationship was a colossal waste of my fucking time. I dated down in the first place thinking that maybe a homely looking guy would make up for his looks with some common fucking sense. Wrong. You successfully hid a pill problem, you keep your place in shambles & our sex life sucked. You told me I was weird for wanting to new things in bed & then you are fucking some 19 year old skeezer behind my back? I should have taken one of the million offers
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Thanks for being there, raging bile duct. I?m gonna vent when I have a real problem. You reminded me I don?t have it so bad.
Sigh, I think I’ve fallen for you. I really really really like you. Yes, it’s weird that our conversation always land on the topic of love. It’s because I want you to someday… tell me that you like me back. It’s true, I really like you. I can’t admit it now, sorry.. It will be weird. I regret telling you.. I shouldn’t have right? I think you know already.. Even though I want to tell you I do sooo much.. I can’t. It’s not the right timing. I will tell you at our last dance during winter formal.
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