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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I don’t want a roommate anymore 211

I make almost double money than my roommate who can barely afford to live paycheck to paycheck. We have been living together for two years now and things weren’t always this bad. She used to be able to pay her portion of the bills and put money towards food, but lately that’s a big negative. I buy all the groceries, food when we go out, and give her gas money from time to time. I can’t anymore! Where the hell is her money going? Her job hasn’t changed, in fact she got a raise. I am never going …view more

Ex stepsister 411

She was the one person I could go to when I need it. She made me laugh and I enjoyed life. We had lots of adventures, obstacles but we got through them. Then a man came into her life that I warned her about and he fucked her up. I mean got her into popping pills and drinking everyday then lied to her and told her I said a whole bunch of mean things about her when I never would dare.. she meant the world to me and I keep trying to get her to talk to me I’ve wrote letters I’ve called I’ve went to …view more

Stupid buck teeth bitch 711

I used to work with you and left because I could not stand your racist, bitchy and gossipy chat all day. I never told work you were the reason I left, I wish to god I had told them now. I have not contacted you once since I left but you have still screwed me over twice since then but know this one day you will get what’s coming to you your husband will find out you sat with your hands down a colleagues trousers at the Christmas party and had sex with him in the toilets. Your father in law hates …view more

Stuck up pretty bitch 211

The wife of my co worker tried to steal my job because she’s a stuck up pretty bitch. My boss would demote or fire me in a second if he could because he wants to do her. She has f’ed up teeth and is a royal bitch but just because she is pretty she gets whatever she wants. Her husband is completely blind because she sluts around behind his back. Some day she’ll get what she deserves.

my good friend 611

i thought i was getting good with a friend i have and we even said we are best friends but then i just messed up by saying something liking to what she hates. SHE IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO TALKS TO ME not even my girlfriend talks to me this much

The assault on Southern California continues! 1011

Today, being Saturday, March 19, 2016. Chemtrails continue to be sprayed into our atmosphere & continue to reign down upon all life below. Once again, our badly needed rainstorm has been radio waved to death, & we are left with skies of chemicals. The local forecasters are a joke! If I hear one more time that we are headed for another warm up & that San Diego weather is so perfect, I’m gonna go off. San Diego sucks, especially the weather!!!!! Thank you climate manipulators for turning …view more

Untitled 311

Being forgotten when you know someone else was remembered is one thing. Sitting in a crowd hearing about a person being remembered, thinking that person is you, and feeling a tiny respite from the pain you’re hiding in your soul only to learn later that what actually happened in that room was a public announcement that you were completely forgotten is another. Yet another thing is carrying around this knowledge feeling ashamed that what hurts more is not that you weren’t remembered, not that …view more

How not to 311

Okay so how do I vent without sounding like a total cliché? There was a girl, she broke my heart and tonight was the first time I’ve seen her since. She did break things off right after my dad died, but I was being an ass, I guess, but frankly I think she was just looking for an excuse. Worst of all is I technically shouldn’t even be angry, because she was clear she wanted to keep things casual from the start. But now apparently we should just pretend that the other doesn’t exist even if we are …view more

Dark Souls 1 211

Dark Souls 1 is the WORST game I’ve ever played. Never been stuck on so many invisible walls, or witnessed double shots (no reloading) on crossbows. Absolutely retarded. You can’t shoot a crossbow twice. I should not have died from shit like that. But no, that’s just how it is, right? I loves Demon Souls, and I’m going to try the others, but this one sucked ass. Don’t waste your time with it.

Sister 311

My sister is a fatass who eats everything and asks for a lot, whenever I make a mistake, that ANYONE INCLUDING HER could have made, she makes a big deal out of it, she always assumes things about me and she always twists my words and actions when telling my mistakes to others, making them sound even worse.


i just dont understand why the fuck my manager hates me so fucking much, other than the obvious fact that i’m white and he prefers African American people, considrering he is an african american himself. He doesn’t even try to hide his hatred for me, he blatantly does it in front of co-workers and i don’t get it, i try really fucking hard to do a good job so just for once he’ll stop riding my ass about the dumbest shit, that he lets other people get away with. literally he has made me cry at …view more

Broken Promises 311

I am sick of people breaking promises to me. “Oh I’ll come visit you! I promise.”
I always wonder why people break promises to me, lie to me, and leave me. I do my best to be a good friend, always ask how they are, always there to listen, always there to care about them.
But when I open my mouth to talk about me, my problems. Everyone always walks away. I never get to talk about myself. I don’t know how to vocalize my various problems.

Almost a year ago I told my mother about my sever …view more

Reality vs Fantasy 411

My friends think I’m strong, but in reality, I’m really not.

Fake friends 511

Hi old friends from cosmetic school!I have some words for you all.A post made me remember why I hate you all now!
Berushka:You are an over obsessed kpop freak.And I mean freak in a bad way.You are the definition of a sasang fan.You are overly annoying and you think all Korean men think you are cute.You got stood up in Dallas and you should take a hint that no one likes yoh.You are too tall and you look like a man,gtf over yourself.
Alana:the only problem I have with you is that you call me a …view more

To Uneducated Consumers 811

I do not mind people.I just mind when people come in to the salon and act like they know shit about doing cosmetology stuff.Like if you know how to do it then do it yourself.I won’t be the one to stand behind the chair and be lectured by someone who has not gone to school for this career.I know what I am doing ,let me do my shit please!

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