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Latest Comments

I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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this site 312

nobody here makes real comfessions.. i mean its fucking anonymus and still everybody tries to make themselves look nice.. why cant people just surrender their ego and admitt that they do have a really ugly and nasty side just like every human being does!
i think of ways to murder my bestest friend when the boy i like looks at her or speaks to her! i hate her for being so beautiful!

be satisfied, yeah? 512

I’m tired of my sister and mother always nagging at me and criticizing the way I look. I’ll never be a stick figure like my sister, but that doesn’t stop them from having me try.
Yesterday I stopped eating. I’ve been drinking water, but I don’t eat. I won’t eat, even if I starve. I don’t want them criticizing me anymore, and I’m tired of crying because of them. I used to eat one meal a day (veggie soup usually) but I hardly lost any weight. So stopping it is, then.

Personally I don’t want to …view more

you need help 1212

I thought you were a pretty cool person at first but now you’ve shown your true colors. You need help. You are obsessed with a band. Call their fans soldiers. You cry over them, get stomach aches over them, have personal pictures of them. You’re going to risk your own life for a band that doesn’t even know who the hell you are. You need help. Not only that but you try to become friends with one of the guys’ best friends so you can get close to the band member? That is ridiculous and not cool. …view more

Parents haveing sex! 1912

I am so fucking sick of hearing my parents having sex! I want to bleach my fucking brain, they arn’t as quiet as they think and they should have enough commen sense to close their fucking door!

I need to get drunk

A Pet is a Pet 512

Not a kid. GRRR! It makes me insane to hear people talk about their “furry children”. They’re not your kids! I have a kid AND a pet! There’s a difference! The best your pet will ever give you is letting you pet it and NOT POOPING ON THE FLOOR! So don’t look at me with my kid and say that you have the same thing with your dog! IT’S NOT THE SAME! ARGH!

Why? 512

I am so glad you can just give up on our friendship so easily. It makes me sick and upset that you are so “happy” with your baby and boyfriend. I needed you and you weren’t there. I have ALWAYS been there for you no matter what. The part that hurts the most is the fact that you don’t care how much this has hurt me. I literally suffer because of this. I try to say I am done and be strong but the truth is, I still miss you Danielle.

Christmas Fail 912

If your going to invite people to your christmas gift exchange, it would probably be a good idea for you to have a present for them. I’m not saying that I’m mad that people didnt buy me something, but it would have been nice to be considered “one of the guys” and have been included in the group present. Hell. A card would have been nice considering all the time I baled your asses out, let you sleep in my room, let you borrow my kitchen supplies and bought you food, but I guess that doesnt make …view more

hi all alway been my dream to have a been 912

hi iam 36 what to have a baby it s alway been my dream my boyfriend doesnt because hes be there it s making me down really and up set what should i do

stuped fucking husband 412

iv dealt with this ass cheating on me his drug use and him saying he does all this becouse of me . iv always been there the one with a clear head . i stopped drugs after im found my self yelling at then my one and a half old son so i stopped . have not done any sence .. my family is my life . he cheated year’s ago . then over the past years he got hep c from one girl / . iv never cheated iv had chances to but id stop the other in mid sentance by saying im sorry but i cant.. my husben and i had …view more

Ecstacy 912

I loveee it!!!
I love dropping an E whilst raving. Most amazing feeling ever!

I shag men 412

i shag men and i most liekly shagged your dad

work 412

So annoying, the manager in work is such a bitch! I phoned up asking could i start early tomorrow so i could finish early as I’m going out and she said no because she isn’t happy about it…like wot the hell, shes allowed me several times before while saying it wasn’t a problem!!! Just rude . .. theres one rule for one person in the place and another for everyone else!!!

the BEST TIME?!? 612

I need advice guys and girls when it is the best time to tell your man you love him. Please and thank you.

Scientology 1212

Maybe it’s just me, but advertisements for Scientology make me want to bludgeon somebody with a mailbox. What do you guys think?

why 1112

why cant i find the right girl?
i know im not gay, but i just cant find the right one

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