Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I already feel like everything I touch breaks, like I am incapable of maintaning anything without it falling to pieces. But on this one thing I have been doing fairly well. I know I won’t really get the credit, and I have had to do everything myself, but at least it is done well. It made me feel useful and good. Do you really need to destroy that. I don’t know if I can take that.
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! I just read sme shit blog by sme retarded fucking dick ass girl who thinks every singl boy is an asshole and should jump off a bridge. Well guess what?Fuck you attention slut. Nt all boys are assholes. If you thnk like that you should go jump off a fricken bridge sexist dik face. If i find you im gonna fucking get a baseball bat and wack you until it breaks into little pieces!!!!!And your complaining because yu got rejcted to go to a prom. Fuck you ass hole. There are
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After so many years…. The answer was still no. Am I really bound to be foreveralone?
If you are able to afford an internet/3G/4G network, you must be blessed enough to be given a proper education. However, the majority of Internet users feel the need to, oh I don?t know, give off the idea that they?re illiterate?
1. Your vs You?re:
Seriously? You shouldn?t be making this mistake. ?Your? is used as a POSSESSIVE PRONOUN. I especially DESPISE this grammatical error; it?s been committed (and corrected by Grammar Nazis such as I) too many times that it?s not even amusing. It never
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I guess that since I didn’t spring from the genitals of one of the many people who work here, I don’t matter like some of your family members do. If I was working at a small business, I wouldn’t really complain. After all, you know what you’re getting into with that crap. But no. This is a major multi-million dollar hospital and guess what? You and your family are actually breaking hospital rules by hiring everyone that shares your genetic material. You’re not the only one who does this- I’ve
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I mean seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people? I can understand not clicking with somebody and just wanting to get the fuck on, trust me I get that! But who the fuck raised you? I mean honestly! Fucking meth-head redneck motherfuckers I’d wager! Isn’t there any little nugget inside you that says “Hey, maybe I shouldn’t be taking out any anger on people who haven’t earned it”? What excatly is that shit about? How can you sleep at night? How can you look at yourself in the mirror in
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I want my emotions and energy back. I have tried fucking everything to fix my life and get it back on track, but I just can’t seem to do that. I have tried eating healthy, going outside more, watching different movies, listening to different music, playing different games, getting hobbies, volunteering, changing jobs, getting a makeover, EVERYTHING, yet NOTHING seems to work! Life is just so depressing and dark. It sucks. When I was younger, right until the time of 2-3 years ago, I was always
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I?m not happy. I know I?m probably going to put myself in a bad situation. But the thing is, I always end up there anyway. Always. I can?t kick this pervasive feeling of depression. Maybe it?s just a mood. Maybe it?s the change in season, or the scenery. Maybe it?s the douchebag who neglected to mention he still had a girlfriend? I?m sure she?s sweet and all, but didn?t appreciate her getting in my fucking face about it. I?M SORRY YOUR BOYFRIEND TOLD ME YOU BROKE UP BITCH. Also, I fucking saved
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A few week ago I got horribly drunk and ended up making out with a friend of my boyfriend. I know that I shouldn’t have, but the whole reason I went out and got drunk is bc my boyfriend never wants to kiss or do anything together anymore. His friend said that I shouldn’t feel bad since my bf was sleepign around.
My boyfriend has never been big on physical intimacy but he really loves me, or so I thought. I couldn’t help but think that he might be cheating on me since we dont have sex anymore
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All my friend cares about is herself. I don’t know if she realizes it or not, but it’s really starting to bother me. I am too nice to say anything to her about it but I don’t know if I can stand it anymore. I try as hard as I can to be a good friend who always listens and lets them do what they want regardless of how I feel. But she ALWAYS talks about herself, ALWAYS draws attention to herself, fishes for compliments, inserts herself into anything and leaves me out of everything! It made me cry
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bring you ass to work and stop texting me when we’re off we arent friends you arent my supervisor im not your child and ATLAS is cheating on you. grow up you bottleglass wearing heifer.
If you want decent customer service in any retail establishment, pick the ones that are located near blue collar neighborhoods. The reason for this is that they are drawing their clerk employment pool from those neighborhoods, and blue collar kids learn what service means - and its importance to job security - from a much earlier age than suburban kids.
If you go to any retail establishment deep in the heart of suburbia, you are in a bad customer service zone. These kids view the workplace as
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i’m going to kill myself if i make it to 30 and am still single and alone..
So I live with a freeloading jerk. Word to the wise: once you’ve invited someone into your home, it can be very difficult to get them to move back out, from a legal standpoint. Kind of like vampires, it’s really hard to rescind the invitation. So keep that in mind when your devil-may-care relative asks if it’s alright to crash in your guest room.
And it’s not enough this jackass lives here and uses up all the hot water and eats up all my food and makes a lot of noise and leaves some very
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I hate hanging out with friends when all they fucking do is play video games! At least ask me to join or find something for us ALL to do dammit!
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