Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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it drives me up the all when I get dirt stuck between my toes >:c
Okay, I just want to start off with the fact that I feel horrible about what happened,but I cant stand the Facebook “pray for the kids that died” suddenly something happens in america and for one day we care until something new comes along,like the next holiday christmas party? I wonder who’s making a status saying send a prayer for all the kids that die in Africa? in Pakistan?in Iraq? in every part of the world? or worse children who are suffering and dying slowly from disease or starvation?
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Oh lord on a gravy boat, I absolutely cannot stand my flatmate’s girlfriend. Is it that she’s 12 years younger than me and acts even younger than that? Is it that she’s so self-centered she has difficulty seeing past the lint in her own bellybutton? Or is it just that I cannot stand it when girls behave as though they are dumber than they actually are? I’ve never seen someone so selfish. The first three times she was even at our flat she blanked me when I said hello because apparently she’s
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You are a cunt, I hate you and, I hope you have a shit life, I really do, you ass hair. Furthermore I look like a fucking gypsy in your bridesmaid dress, an extra fuck you for that one.
all those rant categories apply to my life right now. I’m so fucking pissed. I don’t really know where to begin. I guess maybe at the thing bothering me the most. I have no idea what to do. my mom decides to go to a concert and acts like a teenage girl in front of my fiancé. then she offers him to drink. we’re underage not to mention he comes from an alcoholic background, his family are all alcoholics, and so was he. he’s recovered. but tonight he took two shots, because the person at the venue
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I’m sick of uptight women who thinks every guy wants to get in their pants. Well guess what??? I DON’T!!! FUCK YOU!!! Just because i like to be near pretty people doesn’t make me a fucking horny goat motherfucker!!!! FUCK YOU MEN AND WOMEN!!!
idk what I am.. it’s like I have this huge crush on my best friend (a girl) but at the same time ive had a boyfriend for two years. I love him but I’m just not attracted to him at all. I’m so turned on when me and my friend are changing after swimming and I see her naked or when her hand touches my thigh accidentally but I also just love being around her. it’s like she understands me so well and our senses of humor and everything are just perfect for each other. I know if I tried to explain
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First of all….
“Fuck it all, fuck this world, fuck everything that you stand for, Don’t belong, don’t exist, Don’t give a shit, don’t ever judge me.” -Slipknot
I am so fucking tired of trusting people and giving them my heart and key to my emotions . After my time in the middle east that is hard for me to do and everytime i do it someone pulls some fucked up bullshit and shatters me emotionally. YOU ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE FUCK YOU!
I am an RN. My job has become impossible. I work for “the best place to work in the universe” (ha ha - not !) where incompetent ass kissing management with zero qualifications, experience and/or education got their jobs through friends. The CEO is a fucking accountant. The management terrorizes staff. Basic safety is out the window to please a pathetic survey. There is no management, just a bunch of idiots getting paid to brown nose their unqualified jack-ass administrators who are greedy
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I hate it when people get angry at me over fucking nothing!!! Almsot everyone I have ever been close with just goes off about fucking shit that does not even matter!!! I want to punch them in the face until their eyes pop out!! And then afterwards they say how sorry they are!! Well fuck you idiots!!! I have always been the nice guy just taking fucking shit all day long!!! Not anymore!!! Today some idiot drove by and said something mean and i flipped him the bird!!! Finally!!! Fucking hell!!! I
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I am so sick of people putting me down for not accepting gay marriage. I have tried to state my case civilly too, and I get trashed as a bigot, liar, a fake, a piece of shit, lesser than them. Do you think for once how this makes me feel? What is a debate without the opposite opinion? This is no debate, you are the ones spewing the hate and intolerance. I have been crying all day and as I write this from the comments I received, and the humiliation, I have a dying mother in the hospital, am
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I can’t fucking handle myself let alone take care of my adorable daughter! She wants my undivided attention, sorry little fuck, but I need my own attention. I am a fucking has been and I hope when I am better I can play with you. But right now, my absence has been the best thing for both of us. I only want the good to rub off on you, even though you’ll get both.
I like to have sex everyday, my wife used to but is now a cold fish! I’m going to the strip club to fuck strippers. Her fault.
You didn’t get what you wanted. So you call everyone on facebook “lame” and they all “suck” because NO ONE wanted to go snowboarding with you. Boo freaking hoo. Well guess what, I had a BLAST today WITHOUT YOUR WHINY ASS.
You need to grow up. You do this constantly. If you don’t get what you want then you put everyone down. It’s ridiculous. Just. Grow. Up.
I’m drowning in love with you so much and I’ve told you a thousand and you times you say you like me too but you always find and excuse to not he with me I do so much for you and you lead me on still if you do t like me then tell me so I can try and get over you and if you do love me as much as I love you then tell me please I’m so love sick I think it’s killing me you are just so beautiful and high spirited and kind hearted and everything I have ever wanted In a girl buy still you play these
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