Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I’m just so done with not being seen as attractive, I’ve tried gymming I’ve tried the caking on makeup yet I’m still ugly asf, like I don’t constantly want people going on about how attractive someone is, it’s so not fair that some of us get dumped with shit looks and have to deal with bullying of all sorts, it’s not my fault I have big lips that doesn’t give any body the right to call be blow job lips, why is black considered unattractive??? I’m sick shit of guys just dismissing me so fucking
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Ok I respect your choice to reject modern society. I respect your choice to try to live without money.i respect your belief in God! You had a good run working for the right to pitch your caravan on private land. You ate well from supermarket waste! But now because you don’t have access to the land or the waste your fucked! The 2 old people you have imposed yourself on are too nice to tell you the strain you are causing. But now my life is being affected by you, I’m not going to say nothing! In
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I love you so much. You are the other half of me I’ve been looking for all my life. Baby, you are the only one. So unique, so clever, so witty, so intelligent, so charming, so capable of making me laugh. You really are a gift. Volim te, Srdjane.
I hate my brother. He is inconsiderate, selfish, and an asshole. He never apologizes even when he’s clearly in the wrong, and he’s fake as fuck. He pretends he doesn’t care when someone says something to him but then he goes and complains to the first person he pretends to listen. He is 18 and still doesn’t have a job, has a car that HE doesn’t pay for, and still has the audacity to ask our parents for money when he knows that they can’t afford it. He almost got my mom FIRED today by making her
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WTF why is my family full of ungrateful pricks.
My mother and I have been talking about getting the living room tidy and clean so we could put up the Christmas tree, but she’s been so tired lately I kept saying ‘let me do it’, I didn’t want her wearing herself out in the run up to the holidays. So last night after she went to bed I thought I’d suprise her, I tidied everything, swept up the dust and moved the furniture around in the way we’d been discussing. I’m quite small and the furniture is
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I’ve ranted several times this past week, and nothing. Not one of them showed up. All they are is about the sucky life I’m having. Dang, you know your life sucks when even what you have to say about your life sucking doesn’t qualify for an anonymous rant board!
Students at my school are so shallow minded. They automatically assume that when somebody doesn’t talk often, they have speech issues. If a person is reading, he/she gets labeled as a nerd. When a person is alone, they are considered retards. I know I’m being hypocritical, but it’s just so infuriating to have to listen to these immature kids make such narrow-minded assumptions such as these!
Lately i’ve been really confused with emotions. I swear to god if one more god damn person says it’s horomones im gonna punch a hole in my wall.. bottom line is, i’m not happy but i dont know why. It’s almost like i WANT to be sad. Dont get me wrong this isnt in anyway for attention but i just never want to talk to people, not only about how im feeling byt just in general. People dont understand how fucking annoying it is to believe that youre depressed but you dont know the cause. now im
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Freaking stupid boy keeps messing with my head. Gets on my nerves. Tells me I can tell him anything and that I can trust him yet he always keeps secrets from me. He follows the pretty girls that I hate on Instagram but not me. He says we have a special connection. When it’s only us, I’m the most important girl. When stupid freaking BRIANNA COMES he pays more attention to her. Stupid freaking boy.
there’s this guy i think i have feelings for. he’s a junior, and i’m a freshman, so i haven’t told many of my friends because most of them wouldn’t even think of dating with a two year difference- not to mention that none of them see him the way i do. excluding any romantic feelings i have for him, he’s the best person ever and i feel like i can tell him anything. i want something more with him, more than anything. he likes this other girl tho- and she’s super pretty and talented and honestly i
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Why in the hell can you accuse me of just about everything under the sun but you can own up to the shit you do OR flush the godamn toilet. WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK! I don’t want to walk into to the bathroom and see your piss and shit in the toilet and if I drip blood unknowingly and obviously unintentionally you make a big deal of it. Seriously though I don’t want to see you puss or shut
I feel like my friends don’t listen to me.
I feel like, they like me when I’m not talking about the things I like or sending then links or videos of said things.
Really, they also don’t seem to take me seriously when I’m upset or seem even borderline angry, just telling me “lol” with whatever comment they have to say back.
It’s so frustrating not having most of the same interests as them. It makes me feel ignored, brushed off, and completely avoided. Whenever someone else in our group chat
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I effing hate when doctor’s offices ask you to show up 15 minutes before your appointment then don’t even call you back until 30 minutes after your appointment was supposed to start. Then you get to wait an extra 20 minutes for the doctor to actually show up and talk to you for 5 minutes. Your time is not more important then my time.
I just want to disappear from the face of the earth. Not like anyone would even notice. Everything is so pointless. Honestly wish I wouldn’t wake up in the morning. Or when I’m walking in the street, I always secretly wish for a car to come veering out of nowhere and that it hits me and I die. Or if I’m watching the news and see x number of ppl died because of y incident, I always find myself timing if only I could switch places with them.
I love this guy so so soooo fucking much, he is really sweet, handsome, respectful and amazing. But hes about 5 years older than me. And i get so much crap for it. Why is it such a big deal, youve never met the guy so why so quick to judge?? My parents say thst if i brought a girl home theyd be fine but a guy?? Appartently im in trouble. No, its not ok to bag on someone because they are loving one another. That’s not fair. Mind your own business and ill mind mone, thank you very much
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