Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I’ve been hiding a diet from my parents for about 5 months now. It’s really hard and I haven’t told a single soul about it, I’ve just made bullshit excuses like ” I ate a big lunch at school,” or, “I’m just getting used to diet drinks.” The truth is, it’s driving me insane. I haven’t had a soda in about 3 months, and I’ve recently started sneaking the green tea from a school party we had in 4th grade, and I don’t even like green tea. I’m trying so hard and certainly making progress but it’s
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I feel like shit, I am a shit, I always have been and always will be a shit, and nothing I ever try to do or think about doing will change the fact that I am a worthless piece of human excrement.
There are certain things that I will never say to you. I know that you are depressed and even though I can’t understand it, I will never say or do anything that might jeopardize your mental health. I will never tell you how much you hurt me. And maybe you don’t even remember, but after that fight I sent you a message saying that I wouldn’t see you again until you stopped drinking. And I didn’t see you for four years. I was thirteen years old, and you chose the bottle over me, for four years.
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I love the man, but not his cat. Ever since it peed on my first complete manga series and chewed on my pokemon cards, I hated it. Did I mention that I am also allergic? I have my own room where I store most my stuff. I feel like I’m shut off to the rest of the apartment. My only belongings are shelvings for my aquarium, bamboo, and nice dishes. Today, it knocked over my aquarium and ate my bamboo (hope it get constipated). My fiance gets mad because I always complain about the “same stuff”.
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softly and gently. the truth resounds against all that is wrong with this world.
no doubt i got a cold anylitical part. wasnt my idea but it is necessary to get by in this world. and fabricated and learned and trained and shrug. in reality i am a lamb. and will return there someday. proabably something closer to catitonic but really ya work with whatcha got…
and really it’s snow. Gods little ice bag. lolol helpin little with the issues buttt meh tired of the pain.
That is what you are-I have never known such a mean awful rude sniveling horrendous mean bitchy truly evil person. You do whatever you can to put other people down. I am shocked you have any friends-everybody knows what a rude sarcastic uptight cunt you truly are. I hate you, I want you to die-if I never see you again it will be too soon. I am glad you are losing everything. I hope you fall into a deep dark hole and die a really slow painful death. I do not understand where all your
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In laws, creating gaping homes in relationships that will never be mended, one birthday, holiday, graduation, insert other big event here at a time. Seriously my family is far from perfect, but dammit they sure do try to make even the newest of the new family members to feel welcome. All I can do is pray for these uneducated rude ass people. The same ones who bad mouth a 3 year old for acting like a 3 year old. Unbelievable.
Okay, so I just have to get all of this out because I absolutely despise my teacher! Math is difficult for me and he makes it so I’m going to fail big time. Basically, I walk into my trig class and I found out that my original teacher left because he found another job. My new teacher is a PHYSICS GRAD STUDENT. He comes in and says he doesn’t care about his own classes, and also complains about how long our class is. I’m thinking, why the hell are you here if you don’t even care about your own
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I have been moving every year for the past three years since I left school for college and university. First year I lived in a shared house with 3-4 strangers at any given time, it was messy, noisy, and gave me no freedom to invite my friends as I want. Second year I moved out and shared a place with a best friend of 9 years, but ended up living separately because she didn’t like that my partner(lover) was around a lot, and I was disrespected many times by her friends. Third year, I moved in
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You know, I’ve been kind to you all weekend because you weren’t feeling well. And when I thought I might cuddle up to you and comfort you because you still aren’t feeling well, you bitched at me about disrupting your sleep — and then tried turning it right around and sweet-talking me so I wouldn’t be angry at your behavior.
Know what? Fuck you. You don’t get my permission to feel good about hurting me.
Stupid questions that people already know the answer…..dick
Customers who are dicks
People who try to worm there way into your life through family members like a stalker
Fuck you
People who don’t understand mental illness and think we are a) making it up or b) expect us to s all out of it…… Fuck off
I can’t stand people who get pissed if you happen to touch their car. You expose this thing to the wind and the rain, the risk of rocks and dirt from the road dirtying and/or scratching the hell out of it, bugs splattering on it, and birds crapping on it, and yet me absently placing my hand on the hood while we’re chatting is what’s going to ruin your paint job? Get a fucking life.
blekkkkkk. lmao. reforming and solidifin and moving the fuck forward. amazing. overwelming and amazing.
i want to celbrate and dance like no one is watchin :D.blast off…maybee i’ll get my house clean baaahhhhaaaaa
ummm yup little happy…excited and idk the future holds much and we shall see what’s to come. it’s a journey and one takes what happiness there is :D. attacked from all sides nerve racking gut renching, without support physically damaging. i believe that’s the moral of my story
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Can all children everywhwre just calm your fucking tits?! Fuck you for being loud, fuck you for being needy, fuck you all. Children are animals, and that’s how we should treat them.
Dear Mr ‘Right’,
Suck it. I’m not looking for you. If you’re lost, I’m not rescuing you. Find a map, find your way, and get here already.
The way I see it, with almost every other species on the planet, the male of the species is the one that does the seeking and chasing. It works for peacocks and for other birds, dogs, rabbits, bulls, deer and countless others. The ones that don’t seek and don’t chase, don’t pass on their genes. Simple, and effective.
So this is what’s going to happen. I’m
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