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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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WHY 713

Well he was the one that started to talk to me, and whenever someone talks to me I get excited. Then he was saying oh ?how are you? and stuff are like ?I missed you by the way?, and well that made me think about my past feelings for him. He then started hinting maybe he wanted to do stuff with me and so well I reacted…probably for the worst since he only just broke up with his girlfriend (like only a couple hours before hand).
And then on his msn he is acting sad and says he misses her and I?m …view more

Shrug 813

So I just graduated with my Bachelors in Fine Arts 3 months ago and have yet to find a job…I am relocating back home as we speak due to the fact I don’t have a stable job as of yet. I am torn about leaving my friends and such behind but I know this is the best thing for me. Lastly I said goodbye to my true love of 3yrs inwhich now I feel empty. Why is life so complicated for me lately. I have so much on my shoulders to balance and I’m just so overwhelmed. =/

Diddums 713

Why do I care so much?
About people that lie,cheat,steal,abuse and mock me and have more faces than big ben

im lonely are you? 813

im 18 soon
still single
still lonely
one gf in my whole life
childish it was
need someone so badly. :(
i have no one
‘best mate’ isnt here
game over for that, just need a ’someone’




Maybe things will go back to being just as epic a few months ago.

I need girl advice 813

No girls seemed to be interested in me. I tried with one girl and she said she wasn’t interested. I am so lonely.

My parents are getting a divorce. 1213

My parents are getting a divorce. I’m 17.


My application is due TOMORROW. And today, of all days, commonapp decides that it isn’t going to upload my essay. “Error uploading document. Please try again.” I have tried again. And again. And again. And again! And I know it’s not my computer because I had no problems uploading the Northwestern supplement essay. Just this Main Fucking essay! Fuck Fuck FUCK! I need this to go though!
Happy fucking new year my ass. Damn it! Thanks commonapp. You really got my new year off to a good fucking …view more

fuck it 913

Fuck new years,fuck all my backstabbing friends, screw my parents who supposedly care I think im just going to take some of my parents rum and drink myself into a coma

Walk away or Stay?? 513

I am in a predicament and at a hard time in my life. I am planning my future because I am about to graduate and pending an engagement. I do not know what to do if this engagement follows through and how to tell my family. I dated this boy before and yes he was a boy. Now he grew up to be a responsible man and now we realize more then ever we could possibly be meant to be. Do I follow my heart or do I listen to all my loved ones and walk away from the love of my life? sighs


I hate myself, i always have. 1013

I listen to everyones problems but people just cant seem to listen to mine.

Sometimes life is too hard for me but i have to keep my head high.
Im too young to take the easy way out - then again i dont think i could ever do that to myself, id feel too selfish. Id leave my family and friends and even though sometimes they cant help me with what im going through, they mean the world to me.

Ive got to stay positive, i know i do, my family and friends will help me in the end but until then ill …view more

Dads 1012

Why, is there a such a father who keeps on forgetting his promises and keeps on expecting more and more from his son even though he did really irresponsible things in his childhood and cant even fucnd his son’s favourtie sport team season membership but says his working money is all for his children

America is going to shit 612

This is a message out to everyone.My fellow democrats,and republicans,or anybody in between.Our countrys power is coming to an end.We will no longer be the country that once was the country of freedom.Our new president is taking away all rights of people.Women,should have a right to abortion,not a choice.Lgbtq should have the right to marry.Races other than whites should not be scared to live in this country .We were moving a long into a prosperous life,where racism was being ebolished,but once …view more

I never knew my heart could ache this badly 512

My daughter, you’ve been gone almost a week now. I know you’re 18. I know you want to explore. But you said we were best friends and you didn’t want to leave. That’s what you always said .. until you turned 18 and suddenly you said you’d been lying, that you’ve BEEN wanting to leave. How was I supposed to prepare myself? The house is so empty.
I don’t want you to know how much I’m crying. And I want you to be happy. I just didn’t want it at the expense of our relationship.
Now I look at all …view more

Go on. Please. Tell me about your sex life. I am dying to hear. Its not like your 16 or anything 212

So during science I was at a table with 2 boys and a girl. (Me being another girl). Z was like, “yeah I had sex” and D was all like, “Nuh uh.” Well to prove it Z talked about sex for 2 hours with the other 2 people at the table. And there I was- dead to the world because I honestly didn’t want to know about your sex life, and those topics give me head aches . . .

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