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Latest Comments

I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Most Condemned Posts

Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Everything is too much 1013

I’m 16 and I’m supposed to be happy and excited that I’m on the brink of everything. I feel nothing right now. My obsession over schoolwork is gone. My obsession over weight is gone. I feel disconnected from everybody: my family, friends, boyfriend, everyone. I want to disappear. I want to float away. I think I’m running away. I think.

Durrrrrrrrrrrrr 913

So I got right pissed up and declined a ride home for some reason, told buddies I was going to crash in my car, and then drove right home, I’m a retard.

I hate this, yet I don’t do anything about it! 613

I am a disgusting person. I rarely shower. I constantly pick at myself (skin, dandruff from my head, pulling out my hair to see if I get a big root, pulling out my eyebrows when I’m stressed. Constantly picking at my… I can’t even type it. That’s how gross that is. My sheets have not been changed or washed in weeks even though there is a big period stain on my sheets from two periods ago. I just can’t seem to find the energy or effort to change it. My room is an absolute disaster, and I share …view more

My roommate 1013

She’s driving me crazy. We’re Orthodox Jews…at least I am. She decided at the beginning of this year that she’s too lazy to keep up with it. Now she’s got a boyfriend that she sleeps with and is constantly talking about. Right now I’m trying to study and she’s Skyping with him and humming and laughing and I just want to smack her. Instead I’m writing this. I know, I’m a frigid passive-agressive virgin. Sue me.

thanks for ruining me 913

You put me through a living hell at work. I would get anxiety attacks even before I would get to work because I was afraid of what you complain to the doctors avout this time. I would be afraid of the comments you made to patients about me and how that would portray me. I would come home and cry about the things that were said and done to me over the day because of your influence. You would call me names and belittle me and blame it on your horrible upbringing. You didnt have to throw it on me. …view more

family sucks at times 413

Sick and tired of the BS that i get all the fing time about the past ex’s and the baby momma drama, from the inlaws, get the heck over it already, divorce is the end of an old way of life, now move on and stop treating ppl like crap, the world owes you nothing and everyone is entitled too a life, just because everyone wont bow down and do as you please, doesnt mean they dont like you, it means they dont like wth you are offering, suck it up and be a role model, not a problem maker, life goes on …view more

ARGH! 1813

Just cuddle your daughter for no reason for goodness sake!! Think about more than yourself or one day you’ll realise she doesn’t know you or want to be with you.

i’m so pathetic. 1913

i hate how i completely put off my homework until the last minute just because i would rather use the computer.
i hate how i can’t stay focused on one simple thing for too long.
i hate how i feel useless and pathetic, like i’m barely accomplishing anything at all.
i wish that i could be talented at something…i’ve been playing violin & tennis for such a long time, yet i’m still not that great.
i want to know that i have some kind of purpose in this world.

Fuck you, you pretentious land lubbers. 513

I’m due for sex. I think the rest of you depressed smuts are too.

More power to you if you do! Nothing wrong with a little love in your spittoon!

im pregnant again 613

hi there im a little confused at the min? iv got three girls already, and im 9wks pregnant ive had a stillbirth in 2008 with my forth little girl. and i had my son who died in my arms 20mins of having him at 24wks. and i dnt know what to do as my man of 8 years wnts me to ave an abortion and i dnt no if i can do that please help.

Pissed off for upteenth time this month 713

I hate you. Plain and simple. You’re annoying, you cause physical pain to people around you. You bully people into telling you things that they don’t want to tell you. Look at what happened to our other friend! You wouldn’t let go of her fucking arm until she told you who she liked and you fucking threatened her to tell everyone in the entire school who she likes! Then you spazz out whenever nothing your way goes! When a friend of mine didn’t want to go out for lunch with you, you spazz out, …view more

fuckkkk 913

i feel im a let down…i hate my life, i hate my job, i hate nearly everything. the only good thing in my life is my boyfriend! wish i didnt live with my parents anymore, i feel like im letting them down all the time

Little spoilt brat. 913

You stupid little bitch. If hurting me like this makes you feel better, go on, but don’t make me feel like shit for how I am and how I feel. Just fuck off. I wish I’d never ever wasted any money, time or feelings on you. You spoilt brat. You selfish little bitch. Fuck off. I regret ever trusting you.

Stupid f*ckers, Why? 513

Why is life so utterly painful if you have the slightest intellect? Have you ever notice how stupid people are constantly going ‘Wow’ at everything? That’s because their tiny, emaciated brains are seeing everything like it’s the very first time. They actually ENJOY work, because they don’t even have to think at all for eight hours. They eat the same fucking meals on certain days of the week, and go to the same place on holiday every year where they do the same sodding thing - stare at the sea …view more

my secret 613

I call him my secret cause i don’t want no one to know i like him, he treats me like im something more than friend, like as if he likes me (sometimes) and other times he acts like he doesn’t know me. He calls me on the phone when he’s bored, & i always answer, i always want to talk to him. Maybe if i act like i don’t need him, then maybe i wouldn’t care so much about him. But it’s hard because we cruise everyday in school pretty much. Before he used to ask him to kiss me. He used to act like we …view more

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