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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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MOO! 514

cow tipping is the best way to tenderize your steak!

hate 1414

i hate that im feeling lonely

i hate how much i miss someone i cant have

i hate that no music suits my current mood

i hate it so much

Welp 713

Idek wtf this is but, my aunt ended her life and i’m tryna talk to my friend about it but she doesn’t want me to bring her up because SHE GETS UNCOMFORTABLE. Well thank you ‘friend’.

Ugh 1013


Rants not to post

My relationship with my parents has become strained since I’ve been put onto two club teams for lacrosse. I know this sounds crazy, but it really but the cherry on top of this sundae. ive always tried to do good at lacrosse, especially since it’s my only sport and sports are important at my school, and I tried to make varsity freshman year but didn’t. Sophomore year I’m trying again, and my parents have sacrificed a lot to provide for me–I appreciate it, but the …view more

Fuck Society 613

Dear Society,
Why the bloody hell are people always sticking their noses into other people’s shit?? I’ve been unemployed for a while and guess what happens? My parents have forced me to go to 4 fucking weddings (of their acquaintances if I might add) this month where every dumb fucking person has to fucking know what I’m planning to do! Let it be known that I just turned 22 and everyone wants to know when the hell I’m getting married. And worst of all, I hate crowds (because they give me …view more

Am I Not Hot Enough for You?? CUZ YOUD BE THE ONLY ONE. 413

Motherfuckin spineless ass… Idk which is worse. The fact that he’ll look at me naked and go into the bathroom to watch porn and jack off or the fact that he’ll leave the volume up by mistake, turn it down After I’ve already heard something, then Fuckin LIE til he’s blue in the face about it. Like, which is worse? Someone who makes you feel unattractive or someone who Wont tell the truth?

My friend has become a stuck up bitch. 1013

I like to think I’m a good person. However I’m fat from too much fast food and years of a sedentary lifestyle. I partied hard in college and definitely put on the freshman (50). Things got worse when I left school and moved to the middle of nowhere for a crappy marketing job. My job and the place I like mostly are boring except sometimes I get to travel. I stayed with my former roommate and BFF in NYC. She works in finance. She goes to either power yoga or “tone house” every day. She is one of …view more

I was the one 513

Who sent a letter bitching about a couple who were getting married and asked for everyone to bring a dish….I feel bad, but cannot admit it.

Your voice is soooo annoying! 313

I just want to let you know that your voice is the most annoying thing I hear all day. Your constant talking about how great you are and could develop our product so much better than our developers, but yet, you’re a fucking support rep who has pissed so many people off that you’re on your way out the door. Plus your laugh is worse than a hyena. Just shut up already and do your job!!

i like him but he’ll never leave her 713

I hate right now. So in the beginning of the year i liked this guy and like threw a tantrum when he got together w my friend so i went to my other friend’s house w her her boyfriend and my other friend. So i started crying (I’m a piece of shit i apologize). Anyways, I’m sobbing and my friend’s bf says come here. And at first I’m like uh but I really needed a hug so i laid on his chest and he had his arm around me and he was like stroking my arm. And it hits me. I like my friend’s bf. Fuck. …view more

Mom is tiring me out 813

I am so sick of my mom right now. I mean I still love her and she has her good moments, but she can be such a fucking bitch sometimes. I’m a quiet and shy girl, so my mom is trying to get me to braver and take a little more risks, but her way of encouraging me is by insulting me! And it’s not just on the topic of my shyness, it’s also on my weight, my grades, my social skills, and literally anything she get her hands on.

She insults me whenever I get her angry, which is almost always because …view more

No 313

I will not beg for something I have not even remotely earned. I will not fucking keep working at it, just fucking let me be. I will not fucking do it, go, and, fuck, yourself! I’m done, let me fucking sit in the mess I made, god fucking damn it. I should have stayed in rehab longer. God fucking damn it. Someone fucking take me out.


Oh my god why do 12 year olds look 20? Everyone wears makeup, everyone looks perfect, everyone is cringy and annoying. God.

Broke and homeless 1113

I have 2 crappy jobs that is not enough to get my own apartment. I lived with my dad until he kicked me out because he wanted to rent my room and bring his whore of his gf to live with him. I currently live with my bf and his family but I just feel like I don’t belong here ugh. I really want to move out with him but I feel like he doesn’t take this seriously. I guess I’m going to have to get a 3rd job but it’s hard when you live in the middle of nowhere. I feel so alone and so depressed.

School Sucks 513

im in love with my best friend. but she is in love with someone else. and it sucks. having to watch them flirt constantly. and slowly falling in love. i really want to kill myself. I should be happy for her. but im not. im a jealous bitch. fyi im a lesbian, so not a guy. but anyways, this really sucks. on top of that, i have so much homework and assignments already. i have 4 A’s, and 6 F’s. im already failing. And this drama with my best friend, isnt helping. also, my parents are yelling at me …view more

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