Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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The stanford rapist was giving a 6 months sentence in a county jail, it’s not a fare punishment for the extent of his crime.. But in saying that I’m reading post after post saying that single man deserves the death penalty for raping a girl who was unconscious. they’re not posting this on related articles or stories, but in random places. I can’t hold in the anger I feel when I read this, the frustration that because the media has kept their eye on this story people have got into their minds
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I want to say that you do not have to be always this judging of me. I know that I dont dress extremely well like any average female. But you constantly attacking me makes me feel like shit sometimes. Also is it so hard for you to reply to my fucking message? Am I not that important for you to reply to? Wanting for you to call me more often, come visit me after work, maybe I am asking for too much. But it is just a call or message out of the blue. It is just 3 months that we have been dating and
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Why am I alive? There is literally no reason as to why I exist outside of finding new reasons to move on. Why do I work? To attain money to live in a society and home that I despise? To attain items and then discard them when I grow weary? Work and life in modern society is designed to kill people and keep them alive to work. Don’t believe me? Kill yourself.
Everyday I want to cosplay and yet my parents won’t allow it…it’s so stupid! I finally had the courage to ask to cosplay miku (I was 13 ) and they said it was slutty. Then I asked if I could cosplay as a boy if that would make them comfortable but they said that was weird and I’m a girl. I can never win
I’m so sick of all this back to the future bullshit
give it a rest now
Only thought I’m having at the moment:
That’s about it.
I was so stupid! I couldn’t see the emotional damage that I was enduring…and now…well, you’re out of my life finally! I am so glad that’s over, but you keep popping back into my head. All the shit you said to me, the dumb things I did over and over again…the feeling of worthlessness.
And now it’s affecting me.
Now, I can see all the things that I shy away from, the conversations I flinch from…I want to be me again!! I want to speak my mind and hear another opinion without worrying about how
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Pets cost money. No veterinary care is for free. Why do people expect a licensed veterinarian (who paid for schooling for 8 yrs) to treat their animals for free? How are they going to support their families? Animals are a luxury. If you can’t afford treatment, maybe you shouldn’t get a pet. And the excuses… I’m on disability, this is my service dog, my brother’s sister’s wife’s son’s cousin died, we just moved into town, I get paid next month, can I make payments? You can’t make payments
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You are a pretensions piece of shit! I’m real. You got ahead because of your family money! I had to work for it!
My dad is so fucking annoying and he gets mad at the littlest things! Like this morning by brother had gotten the last water bottle and he flipped his shit! Then he gets mad that there are dishes in the sink which by the way WHERE HIS AND MY MOTHERS FUCKING DISHES! He just so god damn annoying by now I’m just hoping my mom divorces his ass and takes me and my sister with her. She could leave my older brother and little sister, who is a whiny ass brat, so I won’t have to deal with their shit
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Asshole owner doesn’t know how good he has it. Stupid old ass POS let me do my fucking job and things would actually get done. If you wouldn’t waste my time with useless tasks maybe I’d be able to get things done.
I am totally overwhelmed. I keep it together simply because if I don’t everything around me will fall a part.
I love him and I can’t win this game. So… I’ll just quit playing. His past transgressions make me fear infidelity. There is no half way point. He doesn’t hear me… he just doesn’t want to be blamed.
better than my stomach. andddd the peeps that play that game r masikists. they like that sorta thing.
i aint a fortune teller, it’s more of a been there done that . blahhhhhhhh
I’m fucking tired of busting my ass doing the exact job (and running circles around them) that ppl with a four year degree have, not getting paid a quarter of their salary, AND getting stuck with the bullshit work that the managers don’t want to do because “we know you’ll do it correctly and efficiently”. How must that feel to know that I don’t have a degree of any kind and I’m doing the same job you’ve had for 20, 30 yrs and BETTER? Oh and don’t forget getting screamed at for saying that I
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Ok so I live in a triple with two other girls, lack of privacy and space, yes I know. However with my one roommate who I’ve been good friends with since the beginning of freshman year, I can count on my hand how many times I’ve gotten annoyed with her, as for my other roommate The Russian (I’m trying to not use names, she’s a citizen as of a few weeks ago and has been here since she was 8 but was born there) she is super anal neurotic clean freak, competitive, annoying, and is so stubborn
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