Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I’m having pizza for dinner again.
Why does he have so many darn freckles?! Argghhh!
Dear Life.
Fuck you.
i liked my guy friend for past months and i dont know if i should tell him how i feel we are quite different like me being very quiet and him being so loud and he just makes me me smile and laugh whenever i am around him its nice to have but i am not sure when i like what we have and im afraid i will ruin it and then i wont smile and laugh as much he got me to be a little more open person and hes really special to me and i dont know what to do
I hate waiting in line at Walmart on ghetto baby mammas foodstamp card never works ghetto baby mamma been collecting welfare since the first ghetto bastard child drop out of school and I go to work I pay for her ghetto baby mamma to live and I have to wait in line for my little samwitch ghetto baby mamma in front of me got full shopping cart
Keep having kids
So I was “dating” this guy for pretty much 4 days, I was so happy when he asked me and I was really excited to out on a actual date. The only thing about him is that he is like the kid the KKK and Hitler would have. He is racist and homophobic and a ton of other things. The reason I said yes was because we share the same political views and we liked each other. After a few days I started to regret it, the other reason I broke it off was because he’s a HUGE stoner, he always comes to class high
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Why is it when I’m going through a hard time I suck it up and don’t show it. I know that if I do, people will just label me as “attention-seeking”. But this other girl who’s extremely mean to me acts like an angel to everyone else and she sends photos of herself crying to so many people and they all rush to comfort her. Why. Just…why. I tried taking to my bestfriend about how that girl is treating me in secret but she doesn’t believe me. They all think that girl is an angel.
Okay. I have a brother. And let me tell you, he is the most immature, disrespectful, rude, and awful person. To other people he seems funny and nice and normal. Not if you live with him. We’ve never gotten along. He was going through some things and he’s depressed and pretty sure he has more phychological issues. I was very argumentative and would fight with him all the time and now refuses to let that go. So thus he was a complete jerk to me. And he even started it! When I was ten he called me
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My younger brother is a horrible person. He is obviously treated like a king and my mother treats me like shit. I dont get any priviledges and have to even serve them by doing the house chores and enduring all the shitty quarrels. My brother has always been useless as a person, pointing the middle finger at me all the time. Outside, he acts like i am an embarrassment to him, he pretends but he bullies me at home. He deserves to die.
the freakin old nice teacher legit ask a student for their homework. AND ONLY BECAUSE OF THAT, THE FUCKIN PARENTS OF THE FUCKING STUDENT CAME TO SCHOOL AND BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF THE OLD NICE TEACHER. i dont undestand. the student doesnt even have a good moral or attitude or so. people became never respect the elder?! like the other day, one of my friend told my other friend to yell to the waittres (idk someone who sells) juices bcs she wants to order. its the elder people who sells the juice.
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Stop fucking with my life will ya? I dont have enough patience to deal with you. Maybe yes, life, you expected me to be spongebob squarepants but guess what derp, I am squiward tentacles. I hate everyone and I hate everything.
i hate people judging me from the looks
i hate people interfering my life
i hate people ordering me around.
i hate everything.
I used to be friends with a guy. We lasted for a year and a half until I confessed. He doesn’t feel the same way , like , I can’t really explain everything he said but i think.. he still loves his ex. But most importantly I miss us texting and talking :( I don’t have his number.. I don’t know if he has mine anymore.. He has blocked me on Insta and Facebook… fml.
The stanford rapist was giving a 6 months sentence in a county jail, it’s not a fare punishment for the extent of his crime.. But in saying that I’m reading post after post saying that single man deserves the death penalty for raping a girl who was unconscious. they’re not posting this on related articles or stories, but in random places. I can’t hold in the anger I feel when I read this, the frustration that because the media has kept their eye on this story people have got into their minds
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I want to say that you do not have to be always this judging of me. I know that I dont dress extremely well like any average female. But you constantly attacking me makes me feel like shit sometimes. Also is it so hard for you to reply to my fucking message? Am I not that important for you to reply to? Wanting for you to call me more often, come visit me after work, maybe I am asking for too much. But it is just a call or message out of the blue. It is just 3 months that we have been dating and
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Why am I alive? There is literally no reason as to why I exist outside of finding new reasons to move on. Why do I work? To attain money to live in a society and home that I despise? To attain items and then discard them when I grow weary? Work and life in modern society is designed to kill people and keep them alive to work. Don’t believe me? Kill yourself.
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