Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Yea the photos my mum paid for.. That’s she’s not even allowed to have
Saying that you would choke my brothers even if it’s meant sarcastically, what a thing to say..
It’s bad enough you didn’t let my mum see the boys on Mother’s Day.. Or talk to them on the phone once a week… She’s never reduced phone calls..
No wonder why the barristers and solicitors gave up on you.. You’re a complete fuck wit. You do not deserve my brothers, they deserve a life without your bullshit or your families
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I know a person who loveees attention. Okay, everyone loves attention and everyone needs it but this particular girl needs it like it’s her oxygen. She over exaggerates her problems and people sympathize with her even though I know the truth. She goes on about how she hates the way she looks yet taking selfies is literally her passtime. She gets showered with compliments every day and she takes my problems as if its her own. How could you do that??? She fakes mental illnesses and it’s really
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I didn’t realize how terrible you all are until I start applying for some programs that require multiple recommendations. I have been working my ass off for all of you for 3 f*cking undergraduate years, and suddenly it becomes a lot to ask to recommend me to other programs that would have me leaving your lab?
I didn’t realize how selfish and manipulative all of you are until very recently. Seriously, so many profs were willing to recommend me out of goodwill. I can’t even think of how I may
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ok so my friend complains that her crush or what ever doesn’t realize she really likes him, now I’m the type of friend who cares about others feelings so I took it to explain to him you don”t toy with a girls emotions and I said to him ” if you hurt her you’ll regret it”. She is mad at me and it gets me so mad because I was just trying to help like its not fair. Okay I apologized but she’s giving me the 3rd degree, Oh and basically the guy liked her before but its like you say hate me for doing
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Just deserts.
Boyfriend made me sleep in are son room due to three things.;
1. On his laptop
2. Looking at a hentia manga
3. Staying up a bit late 12.
Now he was late to work, still one day of late to work doesn’t equal to 5years in Hell, and him hating my family.
Wth do job recruiters suck your ass when they have a position you’d be “perfect” for, but when youre trying to get in touch with them for any other reason they’re harder to reach than Oprah. They’re like 14 year old boys trying to get laid, but totally unavailable in other capacity. If I didn’t need a job kind of badly right now I would tell this bitch the hell off for making me call her three time, leave two voicemails and an email to get her attention.
Ir will be 4 years in september and stilll no ‘first date’. Know you’ve had some challenges but WHEN will I be a prioirity with you? You were the one who uttered the ‘M’ word, not me. So give me some time or I’m out!
I have a crush on my best friend? I am a girl, and I think I may love my best friend who is a girl. I don’t know if it is love, never truly been IN love with someone. I wanted to confess but I was scared so I went to one of my friends who was bisexual and told her. She knew I was in denial, so she didn’t push me to come out of the closet. Well I had reasons to believe she was lesbian I still do have reasons, she always hugged me and even when I told everyone not to she did. Another is she would
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I fucking hate you i am constantly irritated by everyone at school im nice snd youre a ghetto ass bitch yet they always like you and you take everything i say and say what the fuck after it like im a goddamn freak i hate you i wish youd become hated and seen for what u really fuckn are, and im nice to your fatass everyday yet that doesnt matter and if you insult me again “unintentinally” i will do some shit youll hate ur life after im done with you muhahaha fuck you
Im locked up in my room every day searching Craigslist, filling out job applications, answering phone calls and trying to get college shit worked out and my mom has the audacity to tell me I’m wasting my life away when SHE is the neighborhood drug dealer. What the fuck is wrong with her. I can’t wait until I get my life together. I can’t wait until I never have to see her and her ignorance again. Shes racist, sexist, homophobic, and she is doing nothing but bringing my life down. She expects me
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Motherfucking opinions.
Everyone is entitled to ab opinion. The very ability to think gives you the right to string together loosely related knowledge you have on a subject in order to create your own truth on it. This is your opinion. Opinions, as we know, vary from person to person. Son match, others don’t. And when they don’t match, you get conflict. The two people with these opinions either duke it out or pretend the other person doesn’t exist, or on rare occasions they tolerate
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you dont have to read or reply but yeah.
I fucking hate society. I remember when I moved, I was in love with the city, the schools, and the people. I take people back now. Near the end of 5th grade(when I arrived), everyone already had friends and I was this lonely pile of human sitting in the corner. Then I made a friend named Audrey. She knew everyone and everyone liked her and her best friend Lauren. Finally we graduated, and during the summer my brother (who I hate because he steals from
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I don’t want to have an intellectualized relationship with art. Art is one of the last magical things in adulthood, existing unfettered by context. Context: defining the meaning of a thing by its relationship to other things. I want to look at a painting, or even read a book (and music is almost ruined unless it is totally new, experimental or whatever, because it is commodified by culture, like fashion, it’s like a costume or a posture, more an identity than an entity) and enjoy (or not!) the
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21 years ago my dad decided he wanted a kid, so my mom went along with it, and about a year later, I was born. Since day one, the only one who seems to have actually wanted me was my dad. My mom seems to wish she had aborted me so she could live her life with only my older sister, then would’ve been done with kids. She finds faults in me that I can’t seem to change. I have a job, go to school, I have never been in trouble with the law, I pay my rent, and I’m generally pretty quiet. I try to
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