Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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If your odds of winning the lottery were as good as your odds of pissing me off because I have to wait behind you in line at the gas station, then you would be rich and I wouldn’t have to be annoyed by you off.
This bugs me more than anything!! Improve your life in other ways, quit wishing for a different one, and get the FUCK out of my way!
I’m still in love with my ex boyfriend, probably more now than when we dated, because even though we do not have the “titles”, we are closer than ever. He is my best friend, however I know he’s out looking for the next best thing. So I am confessing that I’m a dumb girl for not moving the @#% on. The end.
Yalls ever been in a class where you HAD to work in groups and HAD to do group assignments? This one girl in my group is the most annoying little prick booty bitch oh my goodness. She does nothing. NO. THING. but still gets the same good grade as the rest of us because someone is nice enough to put her name on our shits. She one came to me saying she had a flipping nail appointment so she couldn’t do her part. So me being the gracious person I am i started it AND outlined what she should do
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Dear Society,
I hate when you say, ‘God Bless You’ randomly. Like what the fuck. I dont care why are you saying this?
Why must you talk to me when I know my rudeness is very visible. Trust me when I tell you, it’s there for a reason; to stop people like you in their tracks from talking to me about irrelevant shit. Like for real, I do not want to speak to you nor listen to you talk about your life’s story when it has zero to do with work or me for that matter. To the person reading this, am I wrong for thinking like this???
I just let my best friend of 5 years go after she stabbed me in the back. It hurts knowing I never got to tell her my side. (She’s not dead) I’m moving to the other side of the world in 2 weeks and it hurts that I didn’t have her by my side, or anyone by my side for that matter. I though forgiving her would feel better, but instead I feel so much worse and I just want to die. I don’t know how she feels, but from what I’ve seen she’s moved on and happy. It just hurts so bad that she moved on so
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I tend to pressure myself to live up to peoples’ expectations. I may come as a person who doesn’t care about stuff but I do. And now, I applied to this medical school and it the result should come out any time now. I’ve been checking my email nonstop and I’m starting to think I didn’t get in. I did give an god-awful interview. I usually ace interviews, but that one, I fucked it up. So anyway, I just email-ed the university. Too scared for whatever the reply is. I already have a backup school
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My sister, who is 11 (as am I) ended up in the ER a few months ago and almost died because she tried to kill herself (This was not the first time, but it was the first time that she actually caused any damage to herself. She waked away but with liver damage.) She goes to therapy every Friday but still is very depressed. She has had the worst year or so, also being sexualy harrast by a fellow student. Our other sister, this one 21 years old, sadly lost her best friend to heart failure last year.
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Dear famous musician,
you are like royalty. Now think; Does a king need to brag that he can declare war or cancel Christmas? No, right?
He’s supposed to be kind and show concern for the common people.
I approached you after a concert with my date. I’ve went through a deep spritual experience listening to your music and I felt close to you.
You broke that intimacy quite fast: You and your band mates were trying very hard to belittle me and treat me like an idiot and humiliate me.
I wanted to
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Alright idc is I sound like a spoiled rotten brat in this story because I’m not and I’m not trying to be one.
Anyways, I’ve been working and focusing a lot in school so I can get an iPhone 6. I take great care of my electronics and everything else. I do chores and homework and pretty much anything else. I don’t do drugs or drink alcohol or anything. So my report came in and my parents saw it ( and I had a higher gpa then last years) I waited 1 week or so for this card to show them how much I’ve
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For the last time, IM GAY. I don’t want your dick picks. I’m NOT sending a picture of my girlfriend and I “doing it” to “prove it.” I am a LESBIAN and I am only looking for FRIENDSHIP. And then there’s gonna be that one fucking idiot “lol you’re a cunt’ Blah blah whatever you disgusting kindergarteners need to GROW. UP.
All my life, my parents have been demanding, rude, and nosy towards me. I don’t have many friends in my age group, and my best friend abandoned me for popularity. My other friend started ignoring me because of her boyfriend, and I had to quit private viola lessons because of outrageous costs. I’m fine in academics, but school is absolutely miserable.
Oh life! Why must you be in the forms of demonic cordons that haunt our every step? Why must you dangle us over the worst angles that lead to
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theres this song from top. a character named blurryface. said that it represents the singers insecurities. I Have blurryface inside me, and he cares what i think and makes me think more until im drowning to my own thoughts and cant contain my self. i ended up crying with no reason. i just became sad and conscious about the environment especially the people around me and who knows me. i am afraid of making dossapointments. i am afraid and curious about what epople think of me even though i force
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I can’t believe I trusted him with my life, I wish I never met him otherwise this wouldn’t of happened. He’s put my in pain that I cannot forget, talking to other girls, saying he loved someone else, I’m done with his pettyness, he’s never talking to me just talking to my friends (we have the same friend group) He says he loves me but my friend I’ve known for about 3 months has been there more than he has, I’m tired of this I just want to kill something, he’s broken my heart twice and I just
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And needs to be systematically removed from this world by any means possible…
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