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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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mothers. 1017

i’m sure EVERYONE had times when their moms pissed them off. But jeebus christ its like they just WANT to piss you off. Like gawd just shut the hell up. If i needed help MAYBE ill go and ask myself. Sometimes i just want some big-ass dog to bite my mom in the ass and tell her “that same pain in the ass is what i get from you.”

No money, huh? 2317

If you say you don’t have money, are stretched thin, or only $4 in the bank, don’t fucking whine about it when you go out and buy an iPhone a week later. Those of us who have more monetary commitments aren’t going to share in your lamentations or your joy. WTFever. I wish I could afford an iPhone, but I make due with my pay-as-I-go phone.

Hey, Fatass 2717

Look, you’re the one living in Arizona with me. I don’t fucking like you. I have nothing to do with you. Now get the hell away from me. You called me dumb, be grateful I didn’t called you a fatass, fucking fatass. Burn in hell and let Satan torture you.

I never wanted to fall into this hopeless, dark, pile of Sh#t (aka love) 917

We hung out for about a month and 1/2. He confessed his feelings for me, every friggin drunken night we spent together. And when sober he would text me nonstop. Always caring, finding a way under my defenses. Slowly, but surely…all the words started to sink in to my jaded little head.
Now he is ignoring me…stating it’s because I’m leaving town to go back home. But unfortunately I’ve faceplanted. I’m actually starting to care about him. Hardcore. I’m becoming one of those neurotic girls who …view more

Never felt anything like it. 517

Why does this hurt so much? I never thought it would feel as bad as this. I trusted him, he said he would never hurt me and he has, in the worst possible way. I know i have to let him go but i can’t, it’s too damn hard. I don’t believe his reasons either, they don’t make sense. If he doesn’t want to be with me then why was he crying after he left? Why was he wiping tears away when he thought i couldn’t see? I guess i’ll never truly know why and that’s the worst part!

God i hate my siblings 1217

They purposely try to piss me off all the time and I actually end up hurting them about half the time (my bro got his nose broke last time) and they still wont lay off me im afraid somebody is really going to get hurt next time

my girl 2017

wish I could find the right girl to just to be my best friend

What are sisters for really? 1916

First off, when I am talking about sisters, I do not mean the biological ones. I mean the ones that you make a lifelong commitment to, who are supposed to be there for you no matter what, and are supposed to know you so well. The sisters I am referring to are sorority sister. Now, don’t get me wrong, they have their moments, but lately, it seems like I am all by myself with no one to turn to an no one to talk to.
My big decided to leave the sorority, and it tore me apart. I lost my best …view more

Stocking caps 1116

If you constantly wear a stocking cap in the middle of the summer. Fuck you! I hate looking at you.

Danang international airport fucking sucks 816

The employees here are slotthlike troglodites. The prices for everything are ridiculous. Even the exchange to local currency is not favorable, cheaper to spend us dollars. Tap water isn’t drinkable, forcing people to purchase small bottles at stupid prices. Immigration also terrible as they could not open the desk on time.

I thought I could move on 616

I’ve been saying him for nearly three weeks now. I wanted the relationship, pursued him, make the plans…

But I can’t get Justin out of my mind. When I think of laughter, it’s J’s. When I close my eyes to kiss, it’s J I’m kissing.

The problem? Justin died a year and a halfago. We were going to get married and nite I’m realizing I can’t be over him this quickly. I maynever get over him. Nite I’m realizing how big a piece of shit I am fit trying to stay a new relationship and running new guys …view more

Boring and soring so much in the 616

I swear I am going to be homisidal if this continues, the fucking sore muscles with no shitty benefits: do too fucking much and just once you crumple like all your shitty hard work amounts to nothing. Even the fucking weight loss reverse itself like your conviction amounts to nothing. And legs fucking hurt. It is not just just the legs or arms but the fucking loneliness and the perceived abundance of it. How much you cant trust yourself just cuz someone says you havent worked hard enough and …view more

Lesbian Porn. 1316

Its really hot. But don’t tell anyone I said that. Mainly because I am a girl,who is trying super hard to prove shes not lesbian.

Expectations 816

We as people are shown fairytales. Like things in movies. The good girl, the bad boy. No one can change him but somehow she does. That led us people mostly girls to have high expectations. I think its stupid, us girls now expect to be swept off our feet. A guy who was once heartless and cold turns to only care for her. But deep down inside we all know that wont happen. We are once again let down. Or how in most movies we watch there is a happy ending. Well most lives don’t end with a happy …view more

I hate Twenty One Pilots 616

They’re so overrated and their music is just autotuned garbage

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