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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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GRRRR 1118

It’s Cinco de Mayo. I went with my friends to a Mexican restaurant within walking distance to campus. Used my friend’s 21 id…worked like a charm. Forgot my gdi cousin works there who informed the wait staff that I wasn’t actually 21. WHAT A BITCH.

more than friends? 1418

We have spent so much time together and talk about what we each want in the future but never in context of being with each other. As i have spent more time with you i have fallen more deeply in love. You hug and caress me and call me. Never more than a week passes when we dont talk. You have called me beautiful and gorgeous and say you love me, however never to my face.
Finally someone asked what relationship we have and you said I am your friend. Finally knowing what it is was such a relief …view more

Mums 1318

Ok as much as i love my mum she can be such a pain in the backside sometimes. i ask her a question and she gives me everything but the answer i want. its especially annoying when i need to know the answer fairly quickly. later on i say whats the answer and she says ‘what did you ask again?’ and thats when i snap and raise my voice a bit

I’m just so tired of this 1418

I just want to know why the hell I’m not allowed to make mistakes. Why do they expect perfection from me? Why do they make such a big deal out of me mistyping a word or doing something else wrong? Even when I’m not mistaken - they go to great lengths to try and prove otherwise and if I defend myself and eventually prove that in fact, I was right all along, the reaction I get is “well okay! Calm down! No need to fight about this!”. And frankly, I wouldn’t even fight. I’d just explain my point of …view more

life 818

whats the go ay im ova everythink in this world i hate the gov trying to controll everythink and if it cant it will lock u up…. im ova the worry about money no money no food no shelter…im ova ppl in them selfs thinking there beta then every1 else….i ova ppl steeling off me i mean im good enough to hange around when i have stuff but when im down and out where are all those ppl that i trusted and that i throught where my friends i mean whats the dealieo…. i think my life is about to end i mean …view more

sex 1118

i’m 17 , i really want to have sex, i hate school and the fact that im so good at it.

Men. 1218

Funny how you can never find a decent looking one who can have a deep convo and make you laugh.
All the good looking ones are thick egos.
all the funny ones keep on wanting something fresh and all the deep ones cant be deep without being mental. Funny.

You are such a fucking loser 1118

You disgust me. I can’t believe we WERE friends. Now I see you’re just a sloppy second whore who can’t find your own girlfriend, so you had to jump on my ex. Oh trust me, I am not jealous. I’m in love with who I’m with. I can’t say that for the ex. But you two? I give it less than a year. And I’m being generous too. I wonder what goes on in your head when you think of the fact that I used to be where you are now. I slept in that bed. I shit on that toilet.

More Sugar Please 1318

I think im addicte to sugar :S

I love you! 1118

I am head over heals in love with you and just saying those three words mean a lot of commitment. I’m so afraid and well those words have been tossed around so many times I want it to just be right….sighs

at work 1318

i really should be working but i am not. Instead, im stumbling in between facebook and Raging Bile Duct. Im so tired and i have been tired for a really long time….

Meanie Mean 1018

the same old cliche problem that girls have. i have this huge crush on a guy that i just met, i have no freakin idea why i fell for him. and because of this obsession i have towards him, i broke up with my 6 years boyfriend. the worse part that, the guy has a girlfriend and clearly he has no feelings towards me. i miss my boyfriend, but i don’t want to get back together. i want that guy but it will just be too complicated. plus, he will never go for me, and would never be as stupid as i am to …view more

cheating 2218

i love my boyfriend, but he’s so cold and distant. we’ve been together for years and i’ve been so patient, i really have. i try so hard to do all the right things by him, to be understanding of his needs, but he always pushes me away from him. he’s insensitive. when my father was dying in the hospital he didn’t even call me the day he went into surgery to see how i was doing. when i cry, he doesn’t hold me.recently i was with a friend. he’s always been kind, caring, and sweet. i don’t love him, …view more

waiters waitresses servers 618

maybe you dont get a tip or a cheap one because you suck at your job, i have been served by some of the worst out there and i make sure they know it, i expect a smile at least and a thank you, and stay the hell away until i’m done eating, i have had some great people serve me also and i tip very well, service is not what it used to be, anywhere

My Ex 1318

Should fucking wake up and bin that fucking arse.

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