Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I think the wiring in my head is borked. For the past 7 years, the only men I’ve had crushes on (barring one) were gay. Its not something I’m actively trying for, so why? Its bad enough that when one of my gay male friends did a good impression of a straight man I jokingly asked them to stop. Only it wasn’t jokingly. He looked so good for just a moment, and I don’t need that memory haunting me at night.
Is it possible I’m bisexual?
so i want to do it with a boy who is just like my bestfriend, everytime he’s by me i just feel like doing him! but it’s hard because i don’t know if we crossed the line of friends, we fool around no doubt about that, but at the same time we act like we’re just friends. I felt it before, & it’s no dissapointment. it’s pretty big, & ever since i felt it, it’s pretty much all i thought about. i like him a lot & im afraid that when/if we do it we won’t be so close anymore, & i dn’t want to be just
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I think that they mentally retarded and not normal. I don’t know why guys marry them or why they would want to get involved with them in any way, shape, or form.
When it comes to grown Vietnamese women, they are the bossiest and most demanding of them all. I see married couples all over where the guy is actually the bitch..literally.
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I hate my boss so much I want to punch him in his smug, sneering face. He sneers and rolls his eyes any time you come to him with a new idea, takes credit for anything good and is quick to judge when you make a mistake. He is the last one to come in and the first to leave. He starts off sentences in the middle and then gets angry that I don’t know what the hell he is talking about because I am not a mind reader. I get through meetings with him by nodding and picturing all the ways I can make
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i’m 17 , i really want to have sex, i hate school and the fact that im so good at it.
I LOVED HIM, i really did.
But he is driving me to drink,im just out fuckin hospital, hes too suicidal and negative and everything, arghhh. He just.. he just doesnt get anything, talk about a fucking head fuck and a half :@
Just to see what it would taste like
Seriously whine whine whine is all you ever do, grow up damn u.
How does one cope with the anticipation if he will realize that you two are meant to be?!?
-over whelmed
I still love you, and I know you still care for me on some level.
Even if it only comes through when you are fucked on drink, speed, cocaine and need somewhere to sleep.
I just wish you would not let that cunt manipulate you, but fuck sitting around on my arse waiting for you.
i play wow to much, its eating my soul and i weigh 350 lbs
I really hate when someone who barely knows me thinks that can tell me what I should do in my life.
Tired of reading about you and your girl on Twitter or MySpace and pretending I’m happy for you. Its really getting old and wearing me down!
Why don’t people communicate? It’s not that hard grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Im pregnant and almost had a miscarriage the other day cuz of an accident but I still haven’t told my boyfriend that im carrying his baby…. and the other thing is he’s in Chicago and I’m here in Australia cuz of family stuff and I wont be back till April next year seriously in need of help!
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