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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Loser Father-in-Law 1718

Get the fuck out of my basement. You claim to be a master of everything you’ve ever touched but can’t seem to find even a part time job in a thriving location. Fucking loser.

My Political Complaint 2018

Republicans and Democrats. Conservatives and Liberals.

It’s no doubt political groups will believe and support what they want. I have no problem with what anyone supports. I can’t get over the hypocrisy of political groups though.

Republicans will say, “There’s no way we’d act like that!” whenever there’s a Democrat group complaining about Donald Trump, for instance. Yet, whenever something a Democratic leader does something that the Republicans hate, they completely contradict what they say …view more

i’m going crazy 2018

for some reason, i always think there are people taking videos of me; that i am famous without even knowing it. my life is a tv show and all my friends and family, even strangers are actors that play along. recently i have became a fan of a band, and the youngest member was born in 97′ and i claim that i am ‘in love’ with him. he’s so different, and shares so many things with me. this ties in with my tv show life craziness because i think that i have been set up to one day marry this celebrity. …view more

Dear A, 918

I’m your friend, but you don’t trust me and it pisses me off. I understand your situation and that you can’t always come to me. But when you blow me off without telling me, it makes me really angry. Not to mention the fact that you use excuses and lies to why you can’t hang out. Thanks. It makes me feel like a really good person when confronting a complete asshole about the relationship you want to keep so badly but are so easily able to let it slip out of your hands.

non smoking thieves 618

Now here this.I have had it with you stealing my smokes thinking it will make me quit.I have had it with you in all respects.You have no respect for anyone including yourself.The childish and outlandish tricks jokes and other sorted shit you do for attention is absolutely ridiculous.The other shit you perform [when you don’t get your way little miss prima donna]is a crime of Nuremburg level.I am not going to the doc/hospital so you can hide behind me.Torture all you want .You will face your …view more

I am SICK of it! 918


I am actually just sick of it. Everything. I just have so many things, secrets bottled up and I just need someone to read them. Anyone. You right now probably. So now, I will explain everything, and bless the person who made this website for people like me, emotionally corrupt teenage girls.

No. 1) School:
The place of hell. The place where you’re under pressure. The place where people judge you. Sometimes, I just love school, but …view more

mess 418

i hate periods. but this is the last reason why im mad. first i HATE WAITING AND THIS GUY IS TAKING YEARS TO ANSWER A FUCKING QUESTION ITS NOT EVEN HARD JUST DONT TAKE YOUR TIME AND PUT YOURSELF IN SOMEONE ELSES SHOES YOU FUCKING. also i always crush on the wrong ppl :’) rn there are no right ones i love life

Society 918

Dear Friends and Fam,

“Oh Sweety, we want you to date someone who is childish, accepts you, cute, non - druggie, makes you smile, funny and you like being around.”


She doesn’t believe that I care 2018

I have a friend, best friend actually, that has recently come out and told me that she’s been feeling depressed a lot. At first I thought that our feelings would be the same, but hers are a bit more worse. Today she said that she was feeling really nervous about kids at school and how she thought that they didn’t like her. I proceeded to tell her about how a lot of people love her, including me, so she doesn’t have to worry that much. She only repsonded with okay. I told her that I loved her …view more

Attacked by special needs 718

If you are the caretaker to a special needs person, don’t let them attack people. It’s scary as shit. It still hurts. I can’t fight back because they are “special needs”. F that.

Indians Faking H1b Visa Copies, Passports, Resumes to get a Software Job in U.S.A 818

Just Graduated student creating a Fake h1B Visa, Putting 3-8 years of Software Developer Experience..

I fucking hate people 918

My girlfriend thinks she’s worthless because I don’t know how to use fucking words. I can’t tell anyone how I feel. I can’t do anything right without messing it up. I hate my girlfriend. Not really, but right now, yeah. She won’t fucking listen to a word I say. I probably sound insane but I just want to stop talking to anyone and be on my own. I’d hate to leave her, but often I feel like it’d be better to just fucking leave her alone

Can we still be friends? 2018

I cannot remember how many times I spent nights crying over this…. It’s worthless but still…
Alright, I apologize if this is the millionth rant about girl drama you have read so far, but I can’t help myself. This issue is something I really need to get off my chest. It’s a hideous burden.

In elementary school, I had a good friend who I used to carpool with. I could be myself around him, even if he was somewhat popular and we blabbed all the time.

Then, when I hit middle and high school …view more

Wonderful ex 1718

I met this girl through Facebook and over 8 months managed to take advantage of me without me even realizing.She caged me in with sympathy saying that she’d been dumped on valentines day and been cheated on numerous times. She wouldn’t let me have any space and was SO STUPIDLY FUCKING EMOTIONAL ITS RIDICULOUS. Such as when she cried for 30 minutes straight when i wouldn’t play guitar for her.

We argued so much in the end, and i found out she lied to me numerous times.Like when she said she …view more

how about no 618

Of fucking cause your seeing someone at the moment, take out for drinks and fuck up my hair all while leading my on, u sounded pretty fucking keen before hand but i guess i rubbed you off the wrong way? fuck off

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