Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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i posted a rant a few days ago and i didn’t think anyone would comment or care, but people agreed with me and told what happened to them thank you anonymous
SO I STOOD UP AND SAID THIS: (someone recorded it so thats how i know every word)
I was thinking of why the human brain acts out as it pleases in such ways, and as to why some people think the best thing to do and for others is to emotionally test them until they break,leaving pieces of them behind and studying every last jagged fragment, until they have assumed to figure them out, only to find that they were studying the wrong person, tested the wrong person, and broke the wrong person, and
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Aaarrrrgggggg!!!!!!! I’m just so sick and tired of my life. I’m sick of being alone, I’m sick of working all the hours I can and still being in debt up to my eyeballs!!! All my friends are settling down getting married having baby’s sorting their lives out.
I just can’t seam to do this, how do you grow up?? Is there a manual that no-one told me about??
I know this is pathetic people have far bigger problems but I just feel defective! I’m 26 and still a kid treading water it’s tragic
One of my friends asked me if I would say yes if this guy asked me to prom. I really liked him and so i told her that I would. After, my best friend came up to me and said that my friend was asking all the girls in my grade this. The guy later asked me to prom and I found out that the girl that asked me if I would say yes to the guy only asked me and my best friend, who I’ve known since I was 7 lied to me jghruidfhbj,gdzflhk,nsdflesdk
Okay so, I live in an all girls flat in University accommodation, you get lumped with whoever, trust me I wouldn’t be living with the ho if we got a choice in the matter. At the beginning of the year she started bringing men home with her from clubs every single time she went out, she’d just broken up with her boyfriend so I thought that’s okay I can deal with that, but then it never stopped. My door is next to hers and one night this random man comes wondering into my room and then runs out
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Friends are great. Wait, what? That’s right, they aren’t. It sucks when you know that your friends are beginning to not care about you. I hate the glazed look they get in their eyes when I talk to them, or the tone of their voices when I speak to them. I can hear their “I am greater then thou” complex dripping from their speech. I hate not being able to turn to them. I’ve had so much shit in my life lately; I don’t want to bother them, though. I want to desperately tell someone that I think my
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I go out and spend MY OWN MONEY on kitchen cabinets to replace the old ones in the home. And he flips his shit saying he needed to have a say in the decision. WTF. He has a shitty job and goes to school. All I did was ask for his help getting the fucking cabinets to the house. I DIDN’T ASK HIM TO BUY THEM, AND I DID NOT EVEN ASK HIM TO HELP ME INSTALL THEM. I BOUGHT THE HOUSE ON MY OWN. ITS IN MY FUCKING NAME. And what fucking guy cares if a girl buys cabinets! Like seriously now he is fucking
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May all rednecks and ghetto people burn.
I feel like hell, since yesterday when shit actually hit the fan. Why? Because a certain mentally five year old, twenty-something year old kid who gets away with anything because he’s mommy’s little boy ruined yesterday. If I ever see him again I’ll kick his face in until his nose is inside out.
I hate you with a burning passion, you put everyone through stress yesterday just because you wanted to. NO.OTHER.REASON.BUT.THAT.
It is truly fascinating that in this new age of social networking I’m willingly strapped to the hip with people I would have otherwise never associated myself with. The worst part is these people poured their hearts out to me in out smokers pit. Things they would not even tell their parents, things that bonded they to me, but not necessarily me to them. I just wanted to skeeze on guys, not fucking talk about emotions and shit. Never the less, i don’t have the heart to delete these people, so
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I cant stand annoying little freshman that think they’re cool and people that talk shit! I’m so opissed off I can barely think. Plus we just got all the yard work done and now that its 100 degrees out a storm came and took like 8 trees out and now WE HAVE TO FCKN DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN!!!
You know i really do like you, i?m trying to be the fcking best gf i can be. But you know it really hurts. You blow hot and then cold. you show me youre the best bf ever when youre with me but, when you?re away? i like never hear from you. When i do hear from you, you take fuckin 6 hours to msg back a freggin hai. It was different in the begginning of the relationship. You;re the fucking same like every other guy. I hatechu!! I?m tired of this. I know if i keep waiting, youll show that best bf
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my girlfriend is a so fucking unemotional i have to fucking fight with her just to get her to even come see me when she does come to see me its for like 2 mins then gets mad at me when she wants to go she wants to go across town to the library to do her homework when im 4 miles from her she pisses me off plus she gets me horny then just leaves who the fuck does that ive consitered cheating because she will do it so many times then not anwser her phone for like 4 hours shes unbelivable plus if i
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My boyfriend and I could potentially be pregnant. We aren’t married and have only been together for shortly over a year and a half. I’m not scared, worried, anxious or angry. I’m excited. I’m in college, only have a year and half left, I could finish easily. We are planning on getting married, settling down and having kids one day. That day just might be coming a little earlier than we anticipated. We have a very mature relationship compared to other people our age. We may be broke but we have
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Firstly, I could barely sleep the night before because of a terrible fit of insomnia. I have to wake up at 5 every morning to get to school on time. Then, I get to go through my 8 hour school day, then spend the rest of the evening in music rehearsals/working at my job until I finally get home at 10 pm.
So, two hours of sleep plus about 17 hours of active work.
I had agreed with two project partners that we would divide our project into thirds and I would be willing to put it on a poster. When
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