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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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i’m a college student and my professor act like a little bitch. i’m done with him. he give me unnecessary work, but never give me an advice even once. seriously, i will give him my half-ass result, and i will never care about anytthing he’s gonna say.
fuck this shit, fuck him.

Feel crappy 1918

I just cannot make it through with positivity. I hate you pms


If we decided to put the dirty dish towels in the laundry for whoever washes their clothes next, don’t take them OUT of the washer when you go to do laundry! And don’t say “I didn’t want to get nasty dish ness on them” IT’S GOING TO GET CLEAN IN THE WASHER YOU PRISSY HIGH MAINTENANCE FUCK

Fucking fake ‘friends’ 2018

Don’t you just hate when you are always second best, when you are the second choice. I don’t have a best friend, or really any friends to say the least… I’m just that one that’s good to talk to when the above isn’t around and I will always be that person. It makes me sad because sometimes nobody will help me if I need them, but if THEY need help I have to listen or they just think i’m a horrible friend. I always have my phone, I am always logged into Skype, and various other things so if my …view more

My Boyfriend 2018

My boyfriend is going to drive me crazy. He wants to have sex all the time and when I ask him to do things with me, like go on a date, he always backs out of it. I asked him to have dinner with me and he agreed, but then he complained about how he was full from thanksgiving (2 days ago) and didn’t really want to. When I asked what he wanted to do he told me that he didn’t really want to do anything. So I told him that I was going to take myself out on a date and his reply was “alright if that’s …view more


She never showed up to my grandmother’s funeral OR wake.
Never sent condolences or anything.
She was on good terms with my grandmother so I don’t get this at all.

We try to contact her. Nothing.

And then a few days ago, she writes to me on facebook saying she has to unadd me because I don’t like Duck Dynasty.
Is this woman fucking retarded?

I should have unadded her because she …view more

Christian hatred of homosexuality 2018

No one has no fucking idea of how utterly PISSED I am right now. I will admit, I am not an avid Christian, but I do believe in the Lord and that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. One thing I absolutely detest about my religion is the fact that in the Bible it states that homosexuality is simply caused by lust, while heterosexuality can only be love. EXCUSE ME, but last time I checked I know friends of mine in COMMITTED HOMOSEXUAL relationships that LOVE each other’s minds over their bodies. And …view more

Fucking Idiot of A Friend 718

My friend is so stupid. Like I don’t even want to be her friend but I always get pulled back into the friendship. She likes this girl and she thinks she’s in love with her. SHES SO FUCKING STUPID! Mind you this bitch was so fucking rude to me one day over the stupid kids movie FROZEN like are you fucking serious? She is a bitch. I mean it. I hate her. My friend knows this. And she knows how angry she makes me. BUT SHE FEELS THE NEED TO CONSTANTLY BRING HER UP! IT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH! Plus …view more

tardy for the party 2018

co worker is always late to his shift and get upsets when I remind him about the schedule. just doing my job. you do yours!

Not sure how to feel about this girl… 718

Okay so here’s a bit of a long posting so please bare with me (And my spelling lol).

Back in the beginning of January of 2014, this girl who I’ve known for maybe a year or two after she breaks up with her boyfriend, tells me she has liked me for the longest time. I liked her too but never said anything because of her relationship with her boyfriend she was in.

So we are talking being flirty staying up late with each other for a few weeks here and there and then she tells me she likes another …view more


So I work in KFC. This guy asks for plain gravy instead of potato and gravy, and that’s cool, no problem, but then we ran out of gravy so I make him a fresh one. So when I hand it to him he opens it for inspection and then says i don’t want it. So I ask WHY. He says in a low tone “I just don’t want it. Get me a new one before I throw it in your face.” FUCK YOU DIPSHIT. So i go get another fucking gravy and he says he doesn’t want it. So to get rid of him i grab two potato gravy’s which he said …view more

Sweet like cinnamon 518

My boyfriends in jail for who knows how long for his undeniably idiotic 4th DUI. Now I must confess that I took part of this ever so vintage cops and robbers type of police chase. Successfully out running the fuzz we did… the war was won but the battle was lost, plates were ran. He was taken that night, put in the pokey for a week. Spent another nice month free until that probation meeting, he’s been in for a month now. Visiting your bad boy in jail isn’t quite like movies and tv make it seem. …view more

Worthless 1718

I have no self worth,and honestly no one’s really said anything that should give me cause to promote said thing my own father calls me worthless, my step mom calls me worthless and my brother calls me worthless, honestly I think the only reason I’m still alive is that I’m too scared to kill myself.

Overreacting?? 618

i’m head over heels for a girl i know, but because she’s just come out of a long term relationship thats messed her about a bit, im trying to take things slowly. her friends have told me she’s said she’s not ready for a relationship, and im willing to wait for her.
but this weekend while drunk she was snogging a guy that i think is a complete dick, and i know he likes her too.

am i being paranoid, or am i losing my chance with her??

the stupidest thing ive ever done 1018

I can’t believe I’m about to do this. A friends going out with me and my boyfriend for drinks tonight, then coming back to our place for a menagertrois. I love him so much and I don’t know how to tell him I don’t want to do this, he’s so excited. I’m about to start shooting tequila. Hopefully I’ll get so drunk tonight I won’t remember the scenes that are about to play out. Nothing will get those images out of my mind. And secretly, in the bsck if my mind, I’m wondering why he cant tell that I’m …view more

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