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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Seriously. 1319

Now don’t get me wrong I love my friends to death, but I can’t handle the whole my life is like a movie drama thing…always competing to see who has the worst problem, saying things like “my mom is the worst and should die and rot in hell!” And then the next “I love my mom, I would never say that!!!” And honestly… Please, please stop. Yes times must be hard, it is difficult, hell I don’t know what the fuck your going through but please don’t act like your some character from a drama. Another …view more

damn that is embarassing 1819

I’m having one of the days where there is too much gas build-up in my guts and the farts by far the worst foul smelling one can unleash. It has to be the dinner buffet i had in the hotel yesterday, i mixed pretty good cocktails of dishes. It was the silence ones but very deadly. I’m in the office doing my work and was cautious to fart when no one was close by. Was doing this eluding act very well until out of no where my boss rush to my desk to ask me something the second after i farted. I try …view more

I hate myself 1719

I hate everything about myself. I try to work on feeling better, but I don’t think therapy can make me feel better, it hasn’t so far. I’m worthless.

Love help 1319

Okay so me and this kid have been dating for almost 2 years on and off and would go back every now and then. We recently started talking this year and then stopped because my feelings changed for him so I stopped answering him and he would always text me and I just ignored him out of nowhere. I really like this kid again. But I feel like he’s gonna be really mad if I try to talk to him again because whenever we would talk I would just randomly stop talking to him out of nowhere for months and …view more

Tired 1919

I am tired. So tired of life. My destiny is not in my hands. I’m a disappointment. But I don’t care. How can someone go though life not caring? I wish I could care. I wish I wasn’t so numb. There are tears on my screen. Tears on my cheeks. I am so tired. I want to be done. I am so tired of life.

I’m poor. No, really. 2319

I just turned 18 and am in the process of leaving home. Home being a crackerbox of an apartment. I’ve been employed at he same place for nearly one and a half years and it isn’t until the end if this month that I’ll actually be getting the money they pay me. You see, due to no fault of my own my parents haven’t worked in years. Mom’s disabled. Dad’s just an asshole nobobdy likes so nobody hires. I’ve calculated that they’ve gotten $3-4k from my time working. Money used to put the internet cable …view more

Little Sister? 1819

So I’ve been in kind of a bad place lately - I’ve been depressed, moody, bipolar, anxious, etc. So I was hanging out one afternoon with some of my sorority sisters including my Little and was feeling kind of down. Well they noticed and asked me what was wrong, so I started to tell him and they just rolled their eyes and scorned me for telling them all these problems over and over again without them getting better. They just wanted to hang out with me when I was happy. Some sisters, right? …view more

Meh 1819

Anxiety sucks. I like people. But anxiety can make them seem like they suck. You know what I mean? I want to talk with people. But I’m worried that they’ll judge me. Worried that I’ll say or do something stupid.

texting while driving 1219

how fuckin dangerous is it? P platers are the worst. kill my family and i will come looking for revenge.

Mall Punk “emos” 619

I’m so sick of these little bastards. “Emos” used to act depressed, wear Green Day shirts, and talk about how everything sucks. South Park did a good job making fun of that. They typically kept to themselves, but oh how things have changed.

Current “emos” are loud, annoying, attention seeking, trashy, dumbasses that loiter all day at malls. They’ll stand outside of Hot Topic all day, or be in the food court taking up space. They walk around aimlessly, and never buy anything.

This wouldn’t be …view more

Family…. 619

I just don’t get why this family is so full of people who, at every turn, feel it their DUTY to issue orders to others, yet want to light up like touch paper if the merest request is made of them, and put on the martyr act as well, talking about being ‘given orders’. If being ‘given orders’ is so awful, why then give orders to others? Surely no one should be giving orders and everyone should just do as they please. Why complicate things unnecessarily?

You want someone called to the table for a …view more

I’m being unreasonable, yes, but I can’t help being annoyed at you, roomie 1919

So, for most of this year, my roommate never stayed at our room. Seriously, he slept here maybe twice a week, and even then, he’d come home when I was asleep at like 4 am, after having spent a total of maybe two waking hours in the room. Needless to say, I kinda don’t expect him to be home ever. I also just kinda started to feel like the room was mine alone, just with a bunch of things that a friend was storing their. This was terrible thinking on my part, and I’m suffering because of it.

It’s …view more

Tired 1519

It’s late. I’m tired. I’ve been to practice from 7 this evening to nearly half past 9. I had a long work day BEFORE practice. I skipped my after-work volunteering because I was so tired AND still couldn’t get a ride home after work until nearly an hour after I was supposed to leave the office. I get in, manage to put some laundry in the dryer, have something to drink and then get ready to go for when my ride shows up to take me to practice. I text you that I’m going, that I don’t expect to be …view more

Bravo sucks hind tit. 819

I am so fucking sick of Bravo and all the whiny, bitchy, poor-little-rich-girl whores that inhabit it. My wife sits and watches these cunts scream and rage at each other for hours on end. It makes me fucking want to puke, or maybe murder something small and furry. If I protest, she gets all hurt, but this shit has GOTTA FUCKING STOP.

bestfriend fight 819

ok so im new at this one school, i had a friend and me and her were soo close but she moved schools so i moved into a different group. it had 3 girls. im just gonna say they were named A,E and AR. and so we all got in a fight with E because she made a fake facebook account and blah blah blah. so it was just me and A, and AR. AR was like everyones therapist. everyone told them her secrets and she helped them out. including me and AR! and so me and A were closer then ever. and i started to fall …view more

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