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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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I fucking hate my so called ‘best friend’ 1920

I am so fucking pissed with you C. You need to stop acting like a fucking cliquey bitch and get over yourself. You need to stop embarrassing me and sometimes I wish we weren’t friends. I want to fucking punch you in your ugly excuse of a face because you always fail to see past your own stupid little bubble with M. I do a lot for you but all you do is give me shit for it. You and M always laugh at how weird I am but you know fucking what? I am not your fucking entertainment. The one thing I am …view more

F you, boyfriend 1920

I made the idiot promise to cut down on drinking months ago. He did cut down, but tonight’s the first time he went out with his friends in a while, so I said “okay just don’t drink too much” and he says okay. Next I hear from his fuckin friends that he’s drunk, and I asked him if he indeed was drunk. And he fuckin lies and says no. Now I asked him again, and he says no. Then I ask how much he drank, he says he lost count. So I said no, you’re fuckin drunk then. Don’t lie to me. So he finally …view more

My Living Situation 2120

So I’m 16 and I moved out of my mom’s house a year ago because she couldn’t support us and she moved us into her boyfriend’s mom’s house, which was barely livable. I moved in with my sister and slept on the couch and lived with her for about 6 months, but I had to move out. Her husband is bipolar and is a huge asshole and I don’t even know why she is with him. I moved out because they fight all the time and I couldn’t handle it anymore. I moved into my best friends house (she still lives at …view more

Snicker now, I’ll laugh when you cry. 2220

I went in to Christal’s (an adult toy store) to buy a fleshlight and this chick was in there with her friends. While I’m surveying the merchandise this chick kept snickering with her friends being totally obvious while pretending to be all quiet and shit. If I weren’t at least a tad bit classier than this bitch I’d have turned to her and said “So suppose for a moment you’re my girlfriend, don’t worry you’d never meet the qualifications, but suppose for the moment you are. You’re going out of …view more

Don’t know what to do with life … 1820

Yes, so I am lazy .. I didn’t get a job … yes, i am lousy …
Yes, every fear I’ve are excuses, since you think they are …

anyway its just like that.

I Wish The Sun would explode. 1120

It all started this morning with some random Brit said I couldn’t live in the US because the time I gave him is wrong. BUT THE THING IS THE US HAS MORE THEN ONE DAMN TIME ZONE! I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE CAN’T GOOGLE THESE DAMN THINGS.

So yes, the day got off to a bad start at the tender hour of 12am. And it gets better!

I’ve been trying to go see the movie Labor day, but.. with work and the massive two inches of snow the South can’t seem to handle I have not been able to. Then, there was …view more

I am so fucking done 1520

wow ok
like wtf
so i’m in class
and I’m taking notes
and then I take a drink of water
I open my bottle
I guess I wasn’t writing noticeably enough or something…
but I was still listening to the the teacher wtf…
but she fucking comes over to my desk
and says “you need to …view more

Control your kid in public or I will 1220

I was waiting for a table at a restaurant and some woman with a toddler was waiting too. The little brat walks up to me, fucking spits at my feet, and then looks at me DARING me to do anything about it. The mother takes his arm and just whispers “don’t spit” which I don’t know what the fuck she thought she was doing, but that’s not gonna get a toddler to behave. So I told her either control your dog or don’t bring it in the restaurant. She said this is my son he’s not a dog and I said I’ll call …view more

idk anymore 1020

I have a boyfriend… I don’t feel wanted by him tho… I suck at everything.. I can’t do anything right.. I feel like I’m not good enough anymore.. I never hear that I’m beautiful or pretty or sexy.. never actually get compliments anymore.. I don’t have any friends to talk to. So I’m just kinda stuck writing this

large and in charge 2120

im 30 weeks pregnant and becoming uncomfortable in my body as i’ve gained 46 pounds and still have ten weeks left to go.. my pre pregnancy weight was 105 and im only 5ft. i read these blog websites about other women hoping to make myself feel better, and these bitches are saying “ive gained 25lbs and i’m only 33 weeks pregnant, what can i do?” bitch quit feeling sorry for yourself, people have bigger issues and gain way more weight then 25lbs at almost full term. get the fuck real. other then …view more

I feel guilty every second. 2220

I fell asleep last night in the arms of a man who could potentially be really good for me, and I dreamed about my ex. I woke up crying, and f*cked a guy who is falling for me just to get him out of my head. I thought I was ready to move on, but I’m not. I’m using somebody who looks at me the way that my ex used to, because it hurts too much to be alone anymore, and I feel guilty every single second. He wants to be with me, and I’ve told him I’m not ready because I got hurt so badly before - …view more

Fucking IDIOT!! 820


Birtle, MB 1020

This is what it’s like living in Birtle, MB.

I should have known after I’d just moved there, when it was said to my face, “You may have bought your family’s house, but YOUR NOT FROM HERE! Half the people are nice and the other half are assholes, dumb fucks and golf snobs. After I’d just moved there, my family was all, “You should go to the arena and see a hockey game!” So, I walked into the arena and everybody looked at my like I’m a child molester. I never went back. I now refuse to …view more

Bullshit. Just talk to me. 2420

We’ve been best friends since eighth grade. Talked every single night on the weekend that we could manage. She’s my sister. And now her and her pal at her school (sadly, we go to different schools) just got in a fight and I’ve been ignored since before Christmas Vacation. Its been almost 4 damn weeks. I don’t know what the hell I did. I’ve asked her “What did I do to upset you?” and her reply was “Sorry I’ve been busy” Bullshit. Grow a pair and tell me what your freaking problem is. I’m sick of …view more

A forbidden fruit….my best friends girl. 3320

It hurts so much. I’m such an idiot. Should have said something sooner. I see how you both look at each other. So jealous of the way you caress his face. Even at work i cant get away. I wish we were strangers instead of best friends. I confessed my feelings to you. Told me if i would have asked you out sooner things would have been different. We talk and text things we would never dare tell anyone else. I even told you about me leaving this town and going back to Atlanta. There is nothing for …view more

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