Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I need advice.Sorry for the long post, I would really appreciate it if you read it.I don’t know how to get out of this situation?I’m writing this post because basically I’m lost.I don’t know what to do?I invited my boss’s sister to join my all female group with a specific focus.My boss is always complaining that her sister is socially awkward and lost in life so i decided to invite her to join my group.I work there for the past two years but my boss doesn’t like me.She seems very uninterested
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I worked my ass off in the cold while my mom was inside on Facebook then after doing yard work for 2 hours and not getting paid at all I come inside and she yells at me for being useless, I hate my mom so much and after all this she wants to know what’s going on in my private life!?
I’m sorry, HELL NO.
She never apologizes and is a greedy snob.
What do you do, when you all of a sudden realize, that although living a happy family life, you feel the need to get out, drink, smoke, be unhappy and write mediocre poetry, just like way back in your twenties. You stare at your work and cannot concentrate… and… and… At the same I am not stupid enough to burn everything and walk away from the life that I built and from a family that I love. I know all this saved my life, litterally. But still! What do you do??? How do you make it go away, how
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I’ve literally worked every day for the past 3 months. my feet hurt so bad right now, and I just want to go have a beer and go to sleep as I have to work in the morning at my other job…. goddammitsomuch!!!!
I’m so tired of boring, same conversation, ranting gatherings with my closed-minded, small-town only, hate everything family. Every time I attend, I end up thinking “I am better than this” and am correct. The only thing that gets me there is my hot older sister, since we’ve been sexually messing around for years. In fact, whenever I tell her I want to bail on going to something, she uses sex to get me there. Even yesterday, I wanted to not go, but, hot older sister kept offering to wear what I
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Dear Best Friend,
I am envying you everyday. You are hella pretty and make up is dead on and you have people (boys) chasing after you. After every break up you have like 9 people msg you about how they will treat you better. I know they are all fuck boys but I mean, I still envy you. I want people to have crushes on me - I’m way smarter and like prettier.
So for the second time in my life I let someone in. Never been so at peace or so content in all my life. Then in last couple of weeks he started “going on the rip” which essentially means staying up for days on end taking drugs and drinking with his so called friends. During this time they came first and he came first. I’ve been invited along when I have free time but my gut was just telling me there was something wrong. From the outset he made a promise and it was the only one I wanted….he
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Well too fucking bad for you and your fucking Suburu, you goddamned European piece of trash.
I just lost the dude that im completley in love with. We were dating for 10 months and he broke up with m cause he wanted to be close with his mom again. He was my bestfriend and now he wont even talk to me. He left all of the group chats he was in with me and all of our friends. And he knew that I have sever depression and promised he would never intentionally hurt me. He fucking lied right to me. He was a fuck boi before me. In those 10 months we didnt have sex and he still “loved” me. He
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i know this aint raging or rant idk. i just watch suicide squad. and i literally became in love with joker’s expression. the way he hate someone disrespect harley. or the jealousy his face hold. i am so in love with the idea of expressing or loving the way joker does. i really love it. i hope dc will make the harley and joker’s love story or idk the movie about them two.
Fucking projects i swear to god, takes so much of my fucking time.
Jesus fucking christ.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
So this girl posted a pic and a long ass paragraph.I said it was cringey and she said something about I how spent money on games when she spent about 500 dollars on markers.Then the white knight comes in and said how I don’t wear “real clothes” which is pretty retarded since I wear normal clothes.Then he went on to say how I got burned and some other retarded shit.
Anytime I watch mainstream television most of the women comedians come off like they are bitches. Complaining about how pathetic it is to be a male, like some broken record feminazi bs it seems. When they aren’t doing that they only talk about sex, which make them come off like sluts in the most cringiest of fashions. Not even funny stories or deliveries simply “I hate when a man does this, I like this type of dick etc.”. So I guess the only way to get a t.v. show is to talk about skanky stuff,
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So there’s this girl at school and I really like her. I try to be all macho but this other guy who is ‘her best friend’ keeps one upping me. I try to say that I could beat him in a fight (bc I could) and she makes these air quotes with her hands. what the heck? so I really wanna punch this kid in the face. but now I feel like she hates me and I don’t even know why.
Confessions to 4 face buddha:
Kim Min Hyuk wants and will like and love other girls but not like and love me in real life 1 day.
Kim Min Hyuk wants and will have good/very good relationship with other girls but not with me in real life 1 day.
Kim Min Hyuk doesnt want and wont take the initiative to look for me & contact me, love me, accept me as his girlfriend, become & be my boyfriend, have good relationship with me in real life 1 day.
Kim Min Hyuk wants & will accept other girls to become &
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